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Everything posted by z80

  1. z80


    Better watch out.. There's an urban legend about Zombie Liberace appearing at midnight on the thirteenth day after you buy one of these to rape you!!!
  2. I ordered a UPO from Paul and had it in a week. Did you use Wo-Mart or his new site pam111.com? I think wo-mart is defunct now.
  3. I would not buy one at that price I would not if it were twice as nice I would not wear it 'round the house I would not give one to my future spouse I will not put it on my wrist A few more lines and you'll get my jist Keep your HBB, Sam I Am I think I'll buy a green Sub and Pam
  4. "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak" - Jayne Cobb
  5. I tried on a Monaco at the AD on Saturday.. I'm sorry, but it was hideous. Not just ugly, but it felt cheap. On the other hand, the Link Chrono and Carrera Chrono were superb. I'm getting the blue Link from a member here and I hope to get the Racing Carrera, then the Aquaracer Chrono. Nice thing about the Tags is they are actually attainable with my lifestyle.. I just want 3 different ones vs one.
  6. z80

    daytona 6263

    The biggest thing that can't be corrected is the pusher spacing. On the gen the pushers are not spaced evenly. Only the DW case mimics this.
  7. I consider 1:1 to be parts interchangeable, not counting for quality of steel or fit and finish. Like the Chinese dirt bikes and 1:1 reps of Hondas, the parts are interchangeable, but the quality is not exactly Honda.
  8. Truth or Bullsh? Anyone pre-order one or have real details on this? He's hella expensive, but if he can deliver a 1:1 Sub, I may just play along..
  9. Most newbies come in looking for a Submariner. That's fair, it's a very nice, very popular watch. One thing you need to be aware of is there is NO PERFECT modern Submariner. The movement that R*lex uses is thinner than the ones the reps use so the case in the rep will always be altered to accomodate this. The most common method is to use a thinner "rehaut".. this is the metal wall between the watch dial and crystal, in a genuine it's very deep, in some better reps it deep, but the whole case is thicker.. on some reps the rehaut is angled to give the illusion of depth, but you can tell its conical. If you want a near perfect Submariner, and you don't mind a rep of an older model, look for the MBW/MBK/WM 1680.. Not any 1680 is a good one, just the ones based on the MBW design. They can take genuine parts and with some work, you CAN make a "Perfect Sub". Unfortunately, a TT model is not in the cards for a 1680.. they did make a solid gold one, but no TT. Any TT Sub will have some flaws. Good luck.
  10. Wow.. as wierd as it may seem, it's refreshing to hear a review that's not blowing sunshine up my nether regions. And to think I dismissed this rep because the accent over the name was missing. Thanks for an honest review.
  11. Wow.. some names that bring back memories. I almost had a deal with Marc Ross (MRJ Jewelers), but he got busted right before I was to send my payment. I had deals with both Scott and Bryan, both pretty good actually.. I got an old factory SMP that's the best I've ever seen, I gave it to a friend for his birthday. It's still in great shape. My Bryan deal was ok.. it was for a "perfect" at the time, Sub.. but the dial printing was skewed a bit and it drove me nuts. He got busted so I couldn't send it back for an exchange. Over all each deal was at least as good as the ones I've got from "good" dealers. I'm not defending them in any way, I'm just thankful I got something for my cash, unlike so many others. The thing that got me so agitated at Scott is he was a pretty outspoken Christian.. yet another hypocrite. That's why I follow the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and yield to the guidance of his noodly apendages.
  12. A Sci-Fi show that didn't seem to be very realistic, but turned out to be one of the best, and shortest lived sci-fi series ever is Firefly. If I remember correctly, the opening scene was the crew blowing the hatch off a derelict ship they were salvaging and the explosion was silent.
  13. Well, I'm out to upgrade my Day Date and get a new one, but my biggest beef against the CN ones is the clasp, it's marked "Steelinox" on every Day Date out there. My TW one is marked 18k on the clasp like it should be, since there are no SS Day Dates made. On Watchmaker9's site the stuff he pictures is definately the TW stuff.. I just hate spending that much when I shouldn't have to.
  14. I agree! we need more British TV with solid believable plot lines... Like Doctor Who. Actually, I really like the new Doctor Who stuff.
  15. I'm a big fan of the "TW Best" reps, and have been for a while. The China ones just don't seem to have a good of a feel to them. I sill have my TW Best Day Date and if you compare it to a CN one you can really see the difference. Is there still a source for the TW stuff? If anyone knows please clue me in, by PM if necessary if the source is semi-secret. I know Watchmaker9 ships from TW, but I hear he is inconsistent. I'm hoping that isn't my only choice. Thanks.
  16. Actually, once a year my local Breitling AD does a 30% off sale.. I got my Steelfish for about $1700 after taxes and such. But that's a nice choice. The rep is good, but if you know what to look for, you can spot it in under a second.
  17. Looks fine to me. Must be you.
  18. I can usually find what I'm looking for on the Net, but this time I'm pretty stymied. I want to get a Mille Miglia GMT rep and I'm trying to get the most accurate one. From my research, so far, I've found: The genuine BLACK dial only has the spelling TACHYMETER and all the reps use TACHOMETER also the genuine seems to only have a SOLID case back with "MILLE MIGLIA" in big lettering, the rep has a sapphire back. The WHITE dial with WHITE subs, gen uses TACHOMETER, like the rep and has the sapphire back.. this seems to be the most accurate The WHITE dial with BLACK subs (the one I really wanted) has correct spelling, but the genuine seems to only have been availble with a solid case back with the race course map on it. Are there any other variations of the last one here that anyone knows of? If I can find proof of the existense of a gen with white dial black subs with a sapphire back and tachometer spelling.. well, dang it, that's the one I want! Thanks for any help on this..
  19. Z80's guide to Disney: I have driven to Disney from Baltimore so many times I can't count them all. If you want to drive it will take 2 solid days from NYC. The first major obstacle will be Washington DC. Traffic there is a nightmare. I would strongly suggest going to the LEFT at the 495/95 split. The worst that way is the drawbridge and since they put the taller one in they don't have to raise it much. There is construction going on but it's not too bad if you avoid rush hours. Once below DC there will be traffic until Fredricksburg, VA.. once past this it's smooth sailing until Richmond. At Richmond, if you are going to be passing through during rush hours TAKE THE BYPASS!!! if not, cruise straight through on 95, it will save about 20 mins vs bypass. Rush hour can kill you through Richmond though. From there it's all gravy unless there is a random accident or new road work. Look to find a Motel around the NC/SC border.. in fact South of the Border was made for just this. Sure it's cheezy and old and not the cheapest thing on 95 (not the most expensive either).. but I reccommend staying there at once in your life and of your wife hasn't seen much of the USA then this would be a good way to introduce her to a tourist trap. From SC throguh Georgia and northern Florida it should be clear. You may hit traffic in Jacksonville and Daytona depending on the day and the hour, but nothing too bad. Take I 4 off I 95 toward Orlando and look for Mickey. There is some roadwork on I 4 as you near Kissimmee (as of about 3 weeks ago). The drive can be a pain, but it can also be fun. Also remember, if you stay on Disney property you are trapped unless you have a car. A cab ride to pretty much anywhere outside is going to be expensive. If you haven't settled on a hotel, there are some nice non-Disney hotels on Disney property on Hotel Plaza Blvd. like the Grovsenor (the absolute closest hotel of ANY to Downtown Disney), a few Hiltons, Doubletree and such. If you want a full kiddie friendly hotel then there's the Holiday Inn Sunspree, they have a cartoon theatre and mini-mall right in the hotel and have "Kidsuites". I stayed there once before I knew what it was, but I recommend it to families with small kids. That is off-property, but they run a shuttle to all parks, but I would recommend driving to the park if you have a car. If you want the best possible Disney Experience and can afford it, stay at the Disney Boardwalk.. That is my favorite place of all there. I've stayed there a few times. Saratoga Springs (also a Disney Resort) is great if you are into horses or spa treatments.. also a killer pool area. The moderate resorts are cool too.. my favorite of those is the French Quarter followed by Coronado Springs. I haven't stayed at any budget Disney hotels like the "all-Stars" ones, but they can't be all bad. Of course there is also the Polynesian and Grand Flordian and Animal Kingdom Lodge if you fancy it. Oh!! you HAVE to go to the Animal Kingdom Lodge for dinner at Boma..It's and African Buffet (yeah.. I was thinking sand and rocks too), but it's incredible.. so many things that I would have never got to try elsewhere and it's all actually good. Other eating places to hit: Epcot: Germany, buffet, lots of good German food. Epcot: Norway, cold Norweigan buffet and choose a hot entree.. this is also Princess Dining for the kiddies Epcot: Mexico, standard Mexican fare with a VERY cool atmosphere. Epcot: United Kingdom, good fish and chips, a pint of Guiness and the world just seems like a better place. Downtown Disney: Raglan Road.. Irish Pub, they actually imported a full genuine Pub brick by brick and re-assembled it. You have to try the "Loin of Bacon" It's out of this world.. Magic Kingdom: Chef Mickey in the Contempoary Hotel (stay away from the good looking steakhouse there and go for Chef Micky) Downtown Disney: Capt. Jack's.. not Jack Sparrow, been around long before him, looks kind of diveish, but it's all by design.. the food is great (seafood) Animal Kingdom: Like I said, hit the Lodge and go to Boma Polynesian Hotel: Ohana.. family style Hawiian, very good, at least it was when I was there last If you stay in a genuine Disney Hotel you can get on the Meal Plan (at least I think anyone who stays there can) it's about $35 per person per day and man you save a wad if you eat in the parks, you get a snack, a full counter service lunch (drink, meal, dessert) and a full table service dinner including tip!! My one meal at Capt. Jack's would have been over $60 alone and it was covered. Alchol is not included (oh well).
  20. I've often wondered about these "1:1" vintage reps. The bezel looks a bit thin for a SD. The crown guards also look way off. I guess I've been spoiled by MBW. I would like to see some real life pics though.
  21. The MBW 1680 is by far "the best Sub".
  22. They sell those things in Filene's(sp) Basement.. It's a name brand discount store like Ross, but much nicer.
  23. Jeff Foxworthy would probably say something like: Eye-engine-ear as in "Hey Cletus, Ingenieur you'd a new gun rack for your pickup wit dem antlers from dat deer."
  24. About a two years ago I bought a used genuine Cartier quartz Santos, but it was midsized and too small. I bought it for like $600 on eBay and ploished it up and resold it for about $800.. Point is you can get the smaller Cartier quartz ones relatively cheap used and get it ploished up.. Cartier is no small fashon statement. Of course, the ladies Cartier quartz Santos reps are about the closest you find to the real thing.
  25. Looks to me like that movment's appearance (not function) would be easier to copy than the current H or G series.
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