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Everything posted by fellfell

  1. Dear sir ETA makes part of a consortium commanded from Carter who satisfied private eyes in order to discover the channels of arrival of the reps in the USA. ETA enters nothing with the sinoReps. Not sells the movements to the Chinese. Ok This is in the most the important Italian reviews of orologeria as “L'orologio" "Orologi" "OM orologi & Market” ecc.. On these reviews writes authoritative experts , comprised the Patron of Antiquorum Osvaldo Patrizzi. The RWG friends are free to believe to they or to The Zigmeisterzumba and his workbench. For the rep quality, I post my personal valutation. It is possible or is obligatory to always adore the Chinese? I value because I have acquired someone, and my judgment is that fake watches are poor poor watches, real value $ 30 or 40. Do you love it? Everyone has its ideas. Continuous you also to living in means to make yourself thinking that they are small jewels, good day
  2. Dear sir all the opinions are respectables. I respect your opinion, but I think that chinese reps on the box are poor poor watches, and the entusiast pay it more more of the real value because they have fake marks (Rolex Panerai ecc...) I think that if you buy a rep for you, for your hobby (modding) you are good, but if you buy bad chinese fake because Rolex, Cartier ecc.. are Status Symbol and you desire but have not the money for a GEN, you are stupid. Please, I write "you" but "you" are not you = crystalcranium. You is discorsive, as "a person that buy ecc...." I write in friendly whit all members, also whit members that have different ideas for me. But the people that buy replicas for to have a fake status symbol are millions in the world, the men that have moddin hobby are 10, 100, 200...... and they are all here, in these forums. Bye
  3. Ok, your is to raisonable point of view. But I do not understand the enthusiasm of these “experts” for watches that are really poor poor watches. The "experts" !!! An example of quality of "replica experts". They believe that the ETA of the Reps is a GEN swiss Eta. But Swiss Eta does not sell movements to the Chinese, these are all Chinese copies of Eta. Several Trusty, Eddie, Precious ecc.. are only large false. They only have interest to theirs business. No the rights of the consumer, only the business. They trick the stupis whom they believe to buy a small jewel (the "perfect" sub, the "ultimative" Yachtmaster....) and instead they buy an abort value $ 30/40. But the forum experts is not never shrewed? Or they are payed to the Chinese? Bye
  4. Also I task that the dial of MBW is worth these dial, and is stupid acquire these. My problem is the bezel. In Italy is very difficult (impossible) to buy an original bezel Rolex into Rolex concessionary. I must try that one in Internet. In my search I have found AFTERMARKET bezel in Ebay for $ 30/40 (as Ofrei) or more, but me seems equal to that one of the MBW Who knows a site who sells GEN bezels? Good day
  5. Friends what do you think about of this aftermarket dial for 1665 (or others vintage)? It is value for price? The products are #RIO1 or #5513 Link http://www.tnsdiamonds.com/parts.htm and this dial : www.timeman.net CLIK > sub categories CLIK > dials CLIK > 2 the dial is "Oyster Sea-Dweller (expert redial) Stock Code rd241" Have you others internet addresses fot these parts? Thanks, Good sunday
  6. OK. Very interesting Very complicated We make 3 examples : 1. GEN dial in daydate/datejust 36 mm China/TW.I think that IT is not problems. 2. GEN dial in Sub/GMT I think that IT is not problems 3. Bezel in (actual) sub or GMT china/TW. If you want to insert only the “bezel insert” there are problems of measure and thickness. Possible Is that the GEN bezel insert goes well, it is possible that not. It must try But is possible to acquire the complete bezel, that it comprises bezel insert + indented metal ring and ring. In this case it is replaced all, and probably the problem is eliminated. Is it correct? Bye bye
  7. Dear friends All know that is possible to put original parts Rolex in a MBW. UBI has taught to me that is impossible to put a original dial in to Daytona 7750 replica because is different the position of the hands of subdials. My answer now is: are Rolex replicas of the sellers of RWG compatible with originals parts . An example: all RWG sellers, Trusty, Precious, Perfect, King, Eddie etc. have replicas of actual submariner- date (I have the impression that all sell the same watch ......) Is possible to put in these replicas an original genuine GEN dial and bezel? Or the measures of replica are imperfect and different to original Rolex Sub? Thanks to friends that answers to me.
  8. Sorry, sir, but where is possible in internet (exluse ebay very dangerous because to great number of sellers they say “original” but is possible not to verify) to buy a genuine Rolex bezel insert ? Thanks
  9. Dear friend I am waiting for (from much time) the arrival of a Seadwellwe double red. From the photo it seems that the pearl is the critic point . But I have found too many bezels in turn, he is not understood which is good and which not. A Gen bezel of recent age he could be on it? I have seen the official photos of the Sea in the guide book of Osvaldo Patrizzi (ref. 1665 Year 1979) and the bezel is very similar to actual. The problem is also the measure. When I have the Sea wanted I will also to replace the dial. Other modifications? I would not know which to make. Since I have decided of collecting only (+/-)vintage, the problem of bezel for me seems important. I have also a Sub TT in the bottom of my drawer that I perhaps would want to improve with a bezel new The bezel in your photo have you buyed to official dealer or other? Thanks, good day
  10. One of the principal improvement of a Rolex replica is the sostitution of bezel whit a bezel Gen or hig quality. I have seen on ebay many sellers of bezel (and dials) but I do not succeed to understand if they are GEN or not. For me also a aftermarket goes well , but if quality is identical to what already it has in the replica-watch, it is a useless and stupid job. Know you to indicate me Internet-site sellers optimal quality or original (new or used) parts? Or the ebay-stores more reliable? I have tried to try to bezel for vintage sub, but I have not understood "na mazza" (italian for "nothing" Unfortunately In Italy official dealers not sell these parts (bezel. dial. bracialet, buckle ecc..) but they directly mount them on your GEN Rolex (if you have) I understand that is a difficult question, but I hope in the good councils. Good day friends PS but the site http://www.buyawatch.com/kits.htm is dead? I do not succeed to approach Thanks
  11. Thanks for answer
  12. Thanks. you always answer to the questions and are much kind one. I have not understood one what: who is forum regulars ?? In realty is my first time going inside a watch and if possible, is preferible that another to perform the modifications (modifications that I desire = to fix and to immobilize the pointer in 6 subdial ). Thanks good day
  13. I am not still in a position to auto-constructing my loved Daytona vintage (whit to Valjoux 72 - 72b) and for hour I would want to modify the Lemania movement (that is in some Daytona Vintage that I will improve) I have two problems, I am not expert in modifications and uppgrading of replicas and for me is necessary your expert guide. FIRST which is the tool in order to open the case of an rolex-replica? Can you indicate to me sites or ebay sellers that sell it? SECOND after to have open the watch, in order to remove the movement is necessary to remove the crown and the crono buttons. I believe that there are 3 lives to unscrew in order to remove they. Which are the three lives? Or is the method an other? Attack here the photo of a Lemania movement in one replic of Eddie. Thanks http://s39.photobucket.com/albums/e186/300...mgAnch=imgAnch8
  14. Sir, sorry, your Sub TT has a very good bracialet. Please, what is the dealer? Thanks for answer
  15. Sorry, sir, is your Sub LV the new trustytime "perfect" $ 380 ?Thanks for answer, regards
  16. Sir, I beg your perdon for my ignorance but I not undestand "trusty TW " Is it a replica buyed from Trustytime"? Is other ? Thanks
  17. Yes, in Italy there are some "mercatini" (I do not know well like translate “mercatini” perhaps “encounter in the open air of non professional antique dealing vendors”) where is difficult but possible buy used original parts. I have two problems: 1) I am not a orologist and I do not know to take apart and to assemble a watch (but can I learn this reading on RWG?) 2) I do not know which base to use. It would appeal to to see (and buyed) one to me of these DW, but where they find themselves? In the RWG dealers the Daytona Zenith replica there is not, and vintage lemania $ 200 are bad, not a good base for upgrading project. You are very expert, if you lived in Italy I would come to visit you (with one good bottle of sparkling wine Ferrari or Berlucchi or Brunello di Montalcino) for to have your consils. Thanks for the answer,
  18. I have acquired a Daytona replica, I have seen the photos of the dealers of RWG, have read the posts, above all those of Ubi (very good) and have caught up some convictions I say, you say to me your opinion to you. Replica Daytona ref. 116520 (model puts into effect them). It has a movement (asian) valjoux second running at six. The too much high movement is and the watch is often nearly the double quantity of originates it them. Moreover mine (is not important WHERE I have buyed, all the Daytona that have dealers the RWG are identical) have a poor poor dial and it does not have the rifiniture that deserves the replica of the king of the rolex. 2) Daytona ref ref. 16520 automatic rifle. Origonal have a caliber Rolex 4030 Zenith base, deeply modified. This watch that I love and I have not found from RWG replica dealers has, in replica a caliber valjoux/asian valjoux second running at 9. This caliber has subdials the too much far and watch is sbilenco (italian for cripple ) 3) Daytona vintages, Cosmograph, Daytona Paul Newman dial. Original have rolex caliber base Valjoux tricompax manual. Replicas have two movements, Valjoux/asian auto or Lemania (?? fake chinese movement that copy an old swiss movement that today is product in Russia as Raketa BIcompax. The firs have defects that I have listed before, the Lemania has only two subdials that work and the distance between subdials is different one that in originates it them. All dials are poor rifinited ecc.. Is INCREDIBLE. In world of replicas exist very nice crono, see it http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...mp;hl=breitling this Breitling is nearly perfect (that what thoughts you of it?) and instead the watch more loved in the the decent world have not a decent replica. I have seen also many others sellers not only those of RWG, but the tragic situation is in every place I have tried also to try a replica with caliber Zenith original, but I have not never found any. For this Daytona replica with Zenith some persons would spend many dollars( also I). But it or does not exist or it hides. What thoughts you of all this? As I always ask excuse for your difficulties caused to my imperfect english. Good sunday to all friends
  19. Thanks for counsil, regards
  20. Thanks, good day
  21. Sorry, english forever, but tempation was very hard to speak not whit help of translator.
  22. Che bello parlare in italiano (anch'io amo i misteri ma non i venditori che fanno i misteriosi..) Scusa, adesso mi metti una pulce nell'orecchio, ma che sono i Frankestein gia' belli e pronti? Non dirmi di cercarmeli da solo senno' ti sparo...... scherzo ma dimmi qualcosa di loro. Per quanto riguarda MBW ho visto delle foto (vintages + sub attuale) mi sembrano proprio belli (sara' la foto?) Uno mi ha detto che costano 330 euro, nenche tanto tenuto conto che i venditori italiani di repliche ti rivendono i womart/aspire o simili a 350/400 e piu'. Gia' che parli italiano ti faccio la domanda cruciale: ma non esistono repliche belle (non dico perfette, figuriamoci !!) ma ben fatte, decenti? Ho comprato per prova un Daytona Precioustime e un sub wo/aspire ma sono proprio baracchette, funzionano ma sono oggettini da pochi soldi... Chi piu' spende meno spende ma il prodotto BELLO anche se un po' piu' caro pare non esista. Mi piacerebbe farmi una collezione di vintage, per questo cerco MBW ma anche crono vintage e naturalmente mi piacerebbe il solito Daytona acciaio quadrante nero, ma fatto bene, il mio Precious (uguale a tutti gli alti dei vari venditori di RWG) sembra l'orologio dell'uovo di Pasqua. Ti prego illuminami straniero che parli la mia lingua... scherzo ma attendo ansiosamente your answer Ciao
  23. OK sir, it is no problem.Good day
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