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Posts posted by scarass

  1. @scarass,

    The area around the HEV is not indented, what you are seeing are sunlight reflections which make it look like it's sort of "Scalloped".I almost didn't include that photo in the review, because i thought the way the sunlight reflected would make that side look distorted. The HEV is slightly indented, which I have seen on probably a hundred photos of genuine DSSD's I've looked at. I agree with jkay, that photo is a photoshop image from a real photo.

    Ok, I see :) it's hard to see this stuff on pictures, reflections can mislead! Even if the picture is photoshopped I have a hard time believing they alter the HEV just for the kicks of it??!! The position of the HEV on the gen is just like in the "Photoshop" picture. Anyway, stunning looking watch you got there mate!

  2. Just received the new bezel insert from Josh, not very impressed though.

    What do you think?




    The pearl is high and flat, a little yellowish as well. The colour of the numbers are way too gray.

    Compared to the one that came with it (the correct "10"):


    Side by side:


    The "new" insert:


    And the other:


    Bad lume shot but the best I could do (notice that the "new" insert to the left has a darker blue colour, almost purple):


    And another lume shot, this time the DSSD alone:


    In real life the lume is really bright but I can not catch that with my camera strangely...

    As a conclusion, I will keep the bezel insert on the DSSD even thoug the pearl is alittle misaligned, in all it looks much better then the one I just got.

  3. Hi, I'm not a review writer so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves :p

    I have an issue with an offcenter pearl and have sent a mail to the dealer about it, its slightly greyish as well. Anyhow here are the pics (sorry for bad quality):





    The look and feel is just amazing!

  4. I'm interested as well, could you PM me the price please? :rolleyes:

    I'm about to pull the trigger on the ultimate with mod from josh.

    This is the same as the ultimate version from Josh (according to her).

    Not sure it's good practice to show here what I paid...will PM you....

  5. Hey,

    I just noticed this thread after searching for information on shipping reps from china to sweden (my location) and notised xslyyx here. A couple of weeks ago I was banned from both RG and RWI (havent heard from RWG about this) for "having used multiple aliases". I have logged in to my account from 3 places, work, home and at my fathers. Both me and my father are members on all 3 mentioned forums. In addition to mine and my fathers alias both RWI and RG mentioned this guy xslyyx as "one of my aliases". I have no idea how all sites made the connection between us, the connection between me and my dad is clearly based on ip as i tend to log into my account from his house, but this xslyyx i have no idea. If the connection is based on IP he must work at the same place as I am and that is NOT in croatia, it is in Sweden, Gothenburg. Our company internet goes through the HQ in Stockholm so that is a possibility as well. I was told that this xslyyx had made som community threatening stuff but i had no idea what and when asked about it, i did not get an explanation, but now i know....

    I have not read through this thread so it may be resolved, but if not is there anything i can do to "flush" him out? As I believe he/she dwells on the same work IP as I.

  6. Hello everyone,

    I have been trying to make contact with a person selling genuine IWC movements without result. I'm guessing he is ignoring my posts because I'm new to this forum and do not have many posts.

    Any suggestions how to be a a "trusted" or "senior" member without having to wait for a year or two and make 5-10 "looking good" posts or other non-constructive posts? I am reading the forums daily and have made my first purchase (from ptswiss) and have been trying to take in all the great info there is on this wonderful forum.

    I hope this post wont start a noob-flaming towards me (if you do not like the post ignore it). I know there are some great people on this forum who gladly helps a noob in need :bounce:

    Thank you good forum fellows!

    (yeah I will post pix on the Explorer as soon as I get it :) )

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