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Posts posted by WhichWatch

  1. I tried grabbing it with Orbit/Grab++. The problem is they seem to be doing back end authentication to the rtmp server. So when their server/host sees me/us trying to grab it from not-their domain, it fails.

    I am swamped at work at the moment, but if I can spoof the authentication we may be in luck. The other option if I get time is I have a screen recorder on my Mac that I might be able to simply re-record it to a H.264 or other Quicktime format.

    I have a Mac also - whats the screen recorder called ? I can try it my end too if u like.

  2. I'm never concerned about wrist size vs. case size.. narrow or wide all the sizes will do.. even if you do have pudgy wrist.. no matter .. it's how you pull it off that counts.. and what "you" like that matters..


    Definitely agree its how you pull it off / wear a watch - but Im not so worried about that side of things, and more interested in my own preference. I tend to think some watches just "look too big". For example, I would never buy a Graham. A friend of mine has the standard SMP gen and its the mid-size one as he thought the 42mm version was too big. I know the chrono is chunkier due to its thickness, from what I have read. I still think it would be ok on me though as my pal had thinner wrists than you and I. :) I guess the proof will be in the pudding once I have saved enough to buy it.

  3. Ken is right about CTM and there are some pretty horrendous versions of it available too. When you get a good one though, its a good example of successful western interpretation of Asian food. My favourite is Lamb dhansak, though I am partial to a nice Jalfrezi too 8)

  4. Got a real nerve for a noobie you have boy.

    So "noobie's" have to sit quietly like little children until they have been a member for months or years, is that your point ? How Australian... oops I mean How arrogant. No, scrub that too - perhaps what I mean is "HOW TRAILBOSS" !

    Did you compose that whole thing on your own or did daddy have to help with the big words? You know, the couple that you used that had more than on syllable?

    My father is dead actually, but thanks for bringing that painful fact to light.

    I suggest you go and recount the number of words with more than one syllable. There must have been more than a couple; though I admit to toning down the complexity of my writing so as not to confuse someone with limited intelligence such as yourself :victory:

    I told you to [censored] off 'cause you deserved it.

    And swearing at someone is the only way you know how to put your point across ? You realise, being the "long-term member" that you were the first to actually bring things down to an expletive level ? Way to go ! :bangin: You are setting the perfect example for others.

    Why don't you take up a more suitable hobby, like goat bothering. oscar.gif

    Goat bothering ? LMAO - not that such a hobby is one I have ever heard of, but from enquiries I just made, apparently all the goats are taken for - maybe if you let them out sometime, other people would get a look in ! :bicycle:

    Anyway, I have no intention of fouling up this fine forum any more

    And yet you felt the compunction to answer my PRIVATE message in PUBLIC rather than behaving like a man and dealing with it away from this post. The very reason I PM'd you was because I did not want to continue the argument on someone else's post. Got a real nerve for an "old member" haven't you !? You criticise others for "fouling up a post" and yet you deliberately come back on and do so yourself. Then you have the nerve to tell people to take their own advice when you can't even take yours ! :rolleyes:

    if you want to continue this please feel free to come over home : http://www.replica-watch-guide.net/forum/index.php?act=idx# where there are a few folk who wish to meet you. We have not had a decent chew toy in a while now and you're almost as much fun as James from Best Swiss! I have a feeling JohnG will like you! (What's the bet he won't folks?)

    Actually, if it is full of people like you, I'd rather eat razor blades. Its good to know you consider new members as "chew toys". Perhaps other newbies will read this and choose to stear clear. But thanks for the invite :pardon:

  5. Didn't ask for your help or your editorials, nor did I need any help. I don't know why you choose this thread to pepper anyway. I asked for it to be closed awhile back as soon as asim showed up and responded. Welcome to forum, you really ingratiated yourself to everyone quite well. I hope you don't act like this in real life. Furthermore, please, please don't give a damn about me.

    I simply made a comment that Col was prolly sleeping so people would put their popcorn away.

    Tell me to blow myself up?? WTF is wrong with you? Never did I say one negative thing towards you and you attack me with a bunch of martyr bullsh!t.

    Really Classy.

    Now, can we please close this thread up.

    If you can't see that your post was simply pouring oil on the fire then I'm not gonna bother explaining it.

    As far as the blow yourself up part - there are little bombs on the emoticon panel - and if you took the comment seriously instead of as the throwaway comment it was then you are even more stupid than I thought.

    But as far as your request for me not to give a damn about you - I can grant that one for sure.

    I am now turning off my autonotify so will not see any further comments on this thread.

  6. Give it a rest and relax... Go re-read the last few pages and have a laugh at the back and forth that's taken place. Life's too short to be all spun up about stuff like this. Especially before the weekend.

    If you honestly feel the need to get your knickers in a twist, at least do so with the full ability to write your expletives out. You have to admit the humor of it all when you're trying to make a serious rant and things like '[censored]' '[censored]' 'cocksucker [censored]' end up being expressed as [censored] or, you have to space the letters out to get past the forum's auto-censor :)

    Now THATS a funny post ! how on earth did you get those expletives in print ? (incidentally mine were not QUITE that rude, lol)

  7. I got the snack :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    world Famous Malasadas... From Leonard's bakery .......mmmmmm .. and I'm 'allowed' 1 cup O Joe a day (Big friggin cup I use) :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    go ahead Ubi.. grab one.. :D .. snack anyone.. this is definitely a spectator sport .. 8) anyone else for a malasadas ??





    They look just too appetizing (there I spelled it with a ZEE just for you, lol). Does the bakery ship to New Zealand ? I am installing a dishwasher that someone kindly donated to me today so I need some energy 8)

  8. Col is prolly sleeping now, so we have to wait awhile.

    Mate it was your fault this whole scenario started in the first place and all I was doing was sticking up for you so I suggest you show some common decency and don't just sit back making stupid comments like that. It seems you are enjoying this dispute as much as the other morons who seem to think its funny that I gave a s.h.i.t. about your predicament. Well it seems my concern was misplaced. Thanks a lot. I will know not to give a damn about people like you in future. It seems you are the sort of person who likes loading the gun for someone else to shoot. Why not just go blow yourself up =@=@=@

  9. Wow, this thread has really crapped itself nicely since I went to bed last night.

    Since I started this thread, I request that admin close it, as my only intention was to get asim to respond to our concerns. He has responded and assured us that he will make right the problems. If in another month, we are still without our items, we can revisit it.

    Nah, we're all cleaned up after the crapping incident, lol. Since Demsey has got me watching that damned cowbell clip I'm not gonna get any sleep cos I can't get it out of my head now though :bicycle: Bad dog Demsey :pardon:

    The post has achieved its aim and its great Asim has responded to you - hope now things resolve quickly. Once it does, I'm gonna be the first to ask that you post to say its all fixed; is that cool ? I'm pretty quick to jump on someone if they are doing the wrong thing, but just as quick to forgive and forget once they put it right :-)

    And I re-iterate your request to admin. This thread is done now :)

    By the way - good morning ! I'm off to bed on the other side of the world.

  10. WW.. I am by no means "rich" .. I don't drive fancy cars.. live in a ritzy dwelling.. and I am by no means better than any member here..I'm a worker bee.. I've not had anything handed to me.. about a month ago I went through an experience that some would say would be a life altering experience.. it was not for me.. the reason being I could look myself in the mirror and know that I never considered myself "better" than anyone else .. and try and treat others the way I would wanted to be treated..

    most of us here that have been here for a little while have created bonds... we see members children born.. members marry.. and then we see members that run into bad times and all sorts of catastrophes .. and we feel for them and try and help..

    You have not experienced any of the above .. I would gladly reimburse any of the members in this thread.. the money was not the issue with me.. it was the well being of a member who has had life hit him in the gut ..

    but I certainly don't stick my "values" any where that I have spent so little time at..

    We as a community have supported members with more than just watch issues.. My passion for this community goes farther than just watches.. as many, many members here feel the same way..

    So before you go claiming victory .. stay awhile and 'observe' what we do here other than watches.. you may be surprised at what you experience.

    in your eye's I may be a joke.. that's not going to bother me.. after your done.. I'll still do what I do here .. as will many .. many others... we stay through thick and thin...

    and I will continue standing up for those who make mistakes.. everyone deserves a second chance.. it's what it means to be Human.. :)




    Im not claiming victory :wounded1:

    And with regards your post above, I am prepared to accept what you have said.

    I just didn't like the way you went about your previous posts to me. This is not about warfare for me. Its about opinion, and everyone has a right to their own. Telling people they (or their a.r.s.e.) is insignificant as a way to make your point just ain't cricket :mellow:

    Will you accept that its equally relevant for me, as the 'outsider' to believe the primary issue here is those who have suffered as a result of Asim's problems, if I accept that its more natural for you to empathise for someone who has been around a long time ? It is only natural for an unbiased person to judge a situation in its "current state" :) And perhaps we are BOTH right here ?

    Im not rich either btw. I make just about enough to pay my rent and buy food for the week, with the occasional extra from time to time.

    Buying a replica watch, and maybe developing it as a hobby is a big thing for me as although the amounts concerned do not compare to buying a gen watch, they are still a fair chunk of money for me. Therefore, I considered how I would feel if it had been me who had forked out my money and not got anything in return. Yes, I imposed my own value there. Doesn't mean I am wrong though.

    i don't know Asim and I do genuinely feel for the guy if he has gone through personal problems. If only it had not been the case that he was still logging on to these sites whilst ignoring people I would not have felt quite so strongly about the situation. but as the OP said - if he can find time to send a watch out while his wife is in labour yet Asim is playing on websites while ignoring communications from people he has taken money from thats just not on and any unbiased observer is going to favour the OP.

    Anyway, I have stated I am impressed that Asim has now fronted up and promised to resolve the situation, and I have retracted my call for his removal since he seems to be making amends, so shall we agree to shake ? :drinks:

    Oh, and I will take you up on your offer and stay a while :):good:

  11. The certain people you refer to is a well respected member and friend of our community.

    Perhaps this is not the right place for you.

    If that "certain person" is respected just because he makes donations and brags about it and thinks it gives him the right to assume he is correct about everything and treat newbies any which way he pleases perhaps you are right. But I think I will stick around ! :bicycle: I am sure there are other people on here who are respected for the right reasons. :rolleyes:

  12. I would like to chime in and say that it would have been easiest on all of us, especially Asim

    if he wuold just have made a post here or shot an e-mail to all concerned that he had some troubles

    going on in his life and that he would take care of the things he sold when he got himself togheter.

    But that would be in the best of worlds. We people are not all reacting in the same way.

    Some chose to keep somethings very personal, and I respect that. Some people might find comfort

    in sharing their hurting experiences with others, and I respect that to.

    What is important here is that Asim has answered us and given us his word that he will do things right.

    Given this we should all support him, not knock him down even further, and try to make his way back to "normal"

    as good as possible given the circumstances.

    I am confident my things will arrive from Asim.

    Best regards


    Mike, I quite agree with you. And Im not trying to beat him down - and in fact I do empathise with his personal situation too.

    However what I find absolutely incredulous is the opinion of some on here that the way he has apparently treated people buying stuff from him in recent months is acceptable because he is a nice guy and has made good contributions in the past. That, quite frankly is b***ocks.

    If someone has personal problems thats fair enough; there is no need to tell people what they are - and in fact whoever it was who posted about his recent relationship breakup is bang out of order if they did so without Asim's permission - we don't need to know that and he may not have wanted us to.

    However, those problems should not be allowed to cause other people worry, concern or loss in any way. The worst part is that he found the time to log on to these sites and make posts but could not find the time to respond to the people he was letting down. I just cannot get my head round how people find that OK.

    Still, Asim has apologised and made promises to put things right - and this is commendable and has certainly gone a long way to redeem my opinion of him, so long as he makes good on his promise. At this stage I have no reason to disbelieve what he has said and hope that the OP will post to declare all has been resolved soon. I would be happy to retract my request for his removal from the site now that he has made a public declaration to resolve these issues - he has done the right thing now and it would be unfair for me not to.

    Perhaps this is a good stage for the mods to close this topic, and we can leave Asim to make his amends without further argument on the topic. It is clear there are two opposing opinions on this matter and never the twain shall meet, but let it be accepted that it was not me, the newbie, who was the first one to make childish and personal comments, it was DEMSEY the dog, a "platinum member" who chose that path. :thumbdown:

  13. ...if Asim reads this my empathy goes out to you my friend.. and please know that you have support here and "people" that really care for your wellness..



    And what of the 'wellness' of the people who have been ignored these past few months, having spent their money but still seen the guy who was ignoring them finding the time to log on and make posts and 'wrist-shots' but not sending them what they had paid for ??

    Do you care for THEIR wellness too ?

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