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Everything posted by SCM

  1. Who did you end up getting it from, Josh?
  2. Sorry, I only know who makes the best submariner.
  3. I like the newest emergency but I'd have to sell my car. I think I'll have to go aerospace instead...similar look and I keep the car.
  4. The Navy. Guaranteed 1:1 A++ Submariners.
  5. I think for most..with even a "stock" TC or BK that even the well studied watch enthusiast couldn't tell as it sits on your wrist. If they get up close and look at it or hold it then yes, just looking though and it'd be a hard tell. Add a gen crystal, insert and crown and you'd "fool" 99% of the public at a glance. Like others said and I've said before...I wore a BK GMT IIC for a month which has a few obvious tells even at a distance and lately a WM9 16610 with gen crystal and insert and not so much as a look. One person (male flight attendant) said "nice watch, I wish I could afford a rolex." That was the extent of it. No one else so much as acknowledges that I even wear a watch...they simply don't care.
  6. I'm all about helping noobs (I am one.) This post was just over the top noob. It is right up there with who makes the best sub. "Tell me what the best selling Omega is AND include pictures."
  7. Red triangle, elephant cow. <br /><br />I'm sorry, I thought we were posting things that made no sense. My mistake.
  8. You're right. I was thinking IIC. <br /><br />If you find an old bk transformer in the sales thread it's a great piece. Very hard to come by.
  9. I've been blessed with about 900sq feet of workshop in addition to a 2 car garage. Cars stay in their place, wife's junk stays in her place. <br />
  10. Have you looked at the BK version? It's a much nicer version for relatively a little more money.
  11. Novelty huh? Can you buy novelty beer with a novelty id?
  12. Decided the watch and family could use a break. Brought my utility watch (Laco Flieger) and the family for a three day getaway to Puerto Rico. The perks of the job!<br /><br />
  13. I will add though that I thoroughly enjoy my job and wouldn't trade it. <br /><br />As for you guys seeing Breitlings and Rolex..must be foreign carriers as I simply don't see it in the US. In the last 12 months I have seen maybe 1 Rolex, 4 Breitling and a couple Tags. <br /><br />
  14. Pre deregulation money is gone and never coming back. Those schedules and pay will not be seen again. <br /><br />The starting pay (instructor/commuter) is very low. I believe I made 19,500 US my first year at a regional airline carrying 74 passengers. The pay can be quite good but today it seems only temporary if you ever get there at all. Companies are quick into "shamruptcy" which only benefits the board of directors at the expense of ALL labor. So..you finally get north of 100k+ and you lose your job. As a pilot you start nearly all over again. <br /><br />Example: United goes out of business. Senior 747 Captain makes ~250k/year at the time. If he stays in the airlines his experience has zero value. If he is hired at say Delta he will likely be an MD 80 first officer at first year pay on a standby schedule for many years. Sure he may be able to expat to an Asian carrier as a direct entry captain but its not easy to do that with an established family nor do most want to. <br /><br /><br />It's not always a matter if being cheap, it's a matter of being cautious.
  15. Ill drink to us. Sadly though my daily driver is glass and FMS with auto throttles.
  16. I can still work a steam gauge and ded reckon'!
  17. True. While we don't need a "pilot" watch, we are required by our company manuals to wear a watch. For the above reason, I can write off a watch during tax season. My job requires it and they don't provide it or reimburse in any way.
  18. Im flying today and I'll be wearing a WM9 16610 to Chicago and back. No one knows it's a rep because not once have I even been asked. Only once has my watch even been mentioned and it went down like this.... Him- "Nice watch." Me- "Thanks." I sometimes wear a Laco Flieger or one of a few Citizens (I do own the blue angel one). I love their Eco Drive and the sky hawk has a quick set time zone option. I bought the sky hawk as a new pilot because I thought it was cool to own a "pilot watch" and thought the E6B was a necessity (never used it.) Pilots are cheap but will spend money on a hobby, for 95%+ that is not watches. Some golf some have boats and some own Sunday cars but wear G shocks. A guy I flew with was left a "nice watch" from a family friend who passed. His daughter said he wanted him to have it and it would be sent to the dealer for a solid service. He was wearing a timex iron man. Flew with him again and I saw the watch a mile away...it was a 1675 Pepsi dial in 99% condition fresh from the AD. He asked if it was a "good Rolex" or even worth anything because it was so old. I offered to take it off his hands for $1000 AND buy him a new timex of his choice. Sadly he knows me too well. I filled him in on what he owned.
  19. Spelling errors??!! That's inexcusable, he's out.
  20. Check the for sale section as well.
  21. Does not matter on the least. Pilots are generally cheap and do not care about wasting money on a watch. We are required to wear one, that's why most do. The airplane has a clock right on the panel, usually synced by GPS and is digital with local, Zulu and the date.
  22. Most wear watches that costs less than $200. Typical watches are timex and g shock. Occasionally you'll see a breitling emergency or other lower price range of the breitling group watch. To see a non digital watch is rare and to see a watch worth more than $500 is very rare.
  23. I really like the Fliegers.
  24. I think it can depend on the watch. My father in law wears a 14060 rolex and I'd really like to get one. He bought It in 1999 and the used prices I've seen are more than he paid for his new.
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