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Posts posted by Rico7

  1. wow, great first post! its just that if one picks a weak password for something that important, IMO its stupidity! i dont write "replica rolex" on a package if i have a member2member trade overseas, if i'd do that, it would be just fair if my package gets seized by customs. its not meant as an insult, i simply think it is stupid to use weak passwords. dont know if josh's password was weak or whatever happened, i was just throwing that into the room, thats it!

    your crap about getting beaten up only shows your own immaturity. dont even start to get personal, when talking to me! you dont know crap about me or my life, so shut the hell up!

    and now have a great one!


    Slay, the rhetorical question that I posed to you was stated to make you think about your “child like” reaction, that you choose to put in the form of words in a posting of a serious nature. And as for knowing you Slay you are very correct, I’ve never meet you nor you me but what I do know it that “…out of the heart’s abundance the mouth speaks”. This will end “our” little dialog on my part, for your arena is to keep things going (…lack of self control ...the need for that ongoing last word to feel as if, “You Have Spoken”) and I have nothing further constitutive to says. But I am pretty sure that you will keep speaking... from that abundance in your heart. And by the way the, “Wow great FIRST POST” thing was ……cute. :boxing:


  2. exactly! if you are too stupid to pic a secure password or reply to emails telling you "we had a system brake down and need your information, please go to blahblahblah.com and update your yahoo password" its ones own fault!

    its like leaving a door key beneath the door...

    Slay, did you get beat up a lot growing up? Or are you still growing up? There was no need/reason to add "insult to injury" (...too stupid). You seem to like to instigate things or is it that you just feel TOUGH and EMPOWERED........... behind a keybaord... :black_eye:

    Josh, sorry to hear about what's going on... Hope everything works out. Keep in touch.


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