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Everything posted by babola

  1. They're actually very good. The ones we get in Pam reps these days are 3rd of 4th generation of a A7750 mov't, with most of the problems that used to plague otherwise great rep models in the past, ironed out.
  2. No special tricks here guys, there are really only two ways to get the gen ETA7753 to work with the latest Noob 326. One is to shorten the diametar of A7753 DW to fit the DW groove on a gen ETA7753 and another as Z3k0 mentioned is to re-use the top A7753 plate (together with its DW, unmodded) on an ETA7753. While the dial and DW cutout on a 326 is now 1:1 per gen, in dimensions...the 326 DW isn't, so the workaround is required.
  3. Nothing needs to be done on a Noob 111N, bar maybe Y-Inca groove and polishing the CP. The latter is also optional anyway as the latest batches of CDG mov'ts from the Noob maker already come with slightly flatter and polished CP. No mov't service is required out of the box, no waterproofing either as 99% of these will be waterproofed from the factory for 50m or more. Lume is already as good and as close it will ever be to a sandwich dial gen. Y-mod on Incabloc or not, the mov't still looks rep, and easy pick for the ones in the know, the number of which is growing by the week. Get it, strap it to your wrist and enjoy the ride.
  4. Hmm, it certainly adds a bit of a bite to it. Great idea, worth a try for sure. I'd focus on the bezel numerals, If I were you I'd fill them in with semi-matte black paint to match the color and finish of the black dial surface. Give it a try, it will neither hurt nor cost much
  5. Explains some of the confusion in recent times, thanks for this snippet BK.
  6. Yeah, these 243s are really well done. The attention to detail and machining work is outstanding on it, indeed. Thanks bud. I use pretty much manual process for this as it's very easy to over-do it when it comes to crown teeth polishing. I have had for some time a little plastic wedge with a sharp end at about 25-30 degrees angle, perfect for inserting between the teeth, inside the cavities. It's one of those Compaq laptop opening service parts. You can see its photo here: http://publius.mu.nu...es/2005_03.html . Then I wrap a cape cod around the sharp end, insert it between the teeth and start move moving it horizontally. Take your time, then do the same with a clean cloth insted of CC for fine polished finish. It's not exactly a fun job but the result is more than rewarding. That's all really, no rocket science there
  7. They pop up at ebay from time to time, but as a collection of 50+ different sizes o-ring seals rather than one or few. Even so, at the price they go for (50+ for some $10) they're worth every dollar. Keep an eye on the 'bay' every so often
  8. These Noob 111s are getting better by the week The latest 111N is as close to the gen 111 as any rep has been. The dial and hands could be easily mistaken for gen parts, xtal now comes with smaller bevel, clarity and A/R are as close to H-fact and gen xtals as they can possibly be. The crown guard is finally 'perfect' with perfectly square crown cutout and machining, mov't now comes with even more refined OP engraving on the main bridge, caseback is 1:1 per gen....etc etc. If you happened to be one of those serious Panerai fanboys - this one is a must
  9. Posted this on few other forums, so why not here as well ... Just got this one today from Angus, overall fit and finish is simply outstanding, but you be the judge. Few mods (although not totally necessary) - CG edges softened - CG lever pin flattened and polished (mine came slightly rounded) - CG lever refinished, edges polished and tip rounded - polished the crown as it came with rough machine marks The Noob's level of attention to detail and craftsmanship is of sort that would make even people like Kbiz, projectologist, Brobert and other 'machinists' salivating LOL! Rather than going into a detailed review-style write up, let the photos do the talking this time. For those still claiming H-fact 243 is "better" than Noob V2...you should maybe invest in some good glasses
  10. Not bad result at all! Congrats However that appears to be a h-fact case with slightly slanted and thinner lug profile? See if you could find a Noob 111J/M/N series case for a pre-V, especially 111 J-series as it comes with the 'chunkiest' lugs that are closest for a pre-V project.
  11. It's almost as looking at photos of a gen 243 Sub. Beauty!
  12. The PVD finish is already good, much closer to the gen than the overly dark V1. It's good as is out of the box, just strap it on and wear it. If you're keen on flattening and polishing the CP you can do that, but it's not a requirement. Since the watch is PVDed there's no much you could do re CG lever shape anyway. And yeah..the rep ain't DLC as the gen, it's good-old PVD.
  13. V2 comes with lighter PVD finish than V1, not darker. It is overall better watch and little closer to the real deal than V1, however still not exactly there. Go for the V2 and call it a day or wait for rumored Noob's 026 release, whenever they might be. I owned both V1 and V2, sold the former kept the latter.
  14. From no one really, anymore. Not even when they were available from recent crop of 2892/2893 DW makers, like Leo, Taka etc. No disrespect to any of them, but the method their markers were using a slightly thicker sort of plastic overlay on top of the existing ETA DW would create extra thickness. This will ultimately cause 2/3 of them stuck under the dial (2893) or under the top of Soprod9040 PR plate (2892+PR). So no need to track these down G, if you can find some of the now long discontinued Lello's or Finepic's from few years back ('05-'07) these are the ones to go for as most of them worked just fine.
  15. Psycho!
  16. Time spanky-spanky...Tania hahaha!
  17. Oi you! Nice PS work, BTW
  18. It appears you way passed a recently earned troll status on RWG. Congrats. You moved on to a total fucckward and that's great. You may need to look that up, though.
  19. And why do you expect I should go the extra distance and try explaining the already well known fact to an arrogant and disrespectful person like you?! How about politely asking, listening and learning from others here before jumping in your own uneducated conclusions, for a change? Or are these concepts too novel for you, eh poreti?
  20. Clinton owns a 089, Ti GMT with anthracite dial. Not sure where did you come up with 240 story from...
  21. Which planet, mate?
  22. Troll Definition - a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. Back on topic, not a bad strap ddebo...although IMO better fit for another model instead of Sub.
  23. Yes, that would be a Noob product.
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