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Everything posted by babola

  1. Hmm, let's not jump into conclusions just yet guys. Yes, the lume looks a bit too bright for a 10yr old T-dial, but unless someone managed to produce a 27/28 dial with high crossbar on letter A, I'd say it's a gen. I've seen some gen T-dials in A and B series before, and on pics they showed very white. The CG is also very very gen looking, and the whole PVD finish is spot on, hmm if this is a rep, then the owner's done pretty good job with it as a whole package. cheers, babola
  2. I'd use a B-series caseback if I were you ;-) 10B-T sweetness awaits you ... babola
  3. Yes but only limited few, I missed the boat with those. Keep it! babola
  4. babola


    Shoot, it definitely got me confused for a minute as well, but looking at those loops on 6 and 9, they're slightly more open than gen's as Kruzer mentioned. Nice one...I wonder who the maker might be! babola
  5. Yup, as Peepshow and PAMman noted, it's an older generation DSN 010/114 dial. Both Peepshow and myself made an extra effort in sourcing this very version from DSN, instead of his latest one which isn't as good as this one. I made myself a nice 10D with it, also managed to surce a 'correct' D-series DSN caseback. cheers, babola
  6. My experience is mixed as well. All of the DSN dials I bought so far were 35mm (so 1mm wider than standard and gen dials). Most needed to have edge filled down for some 0.4-0.5mm to fit standard rep 44mm case, however - there are some older type standard rep cases that would accept DSN dial without modification just fine. I have managed to do this on two of my reps, 10D (DSN white Base PAM10 dial) and 004B (DSN 001A-B/004A-B also known as DSN PAM040 dial). I also tried to fit DSN dial for a test into so called Angus/Ruby case (like the one that comes with Angus ultimate 111E or Ruby's 036 MM) and it was a clear and easy drop-in install, no dial modding required, whatsoever. So in my experience, Angus/Ruby's case as well as some older (more of a 1:1 type kind, closer to gen) rep cases. cheers, babola
  7. Wow, and all this time some of us thought the infamous L-dial 036 MM was just a myth, and didn't exist in the wild except for those photos in OP brochures and official Web site. Thanks for dispelling that one for us UJ. ...or could it simply be that 036 L-dials are one you now get installed in your gen 036 at service centres? Could OP ran out of 036 T-dial as replacement spares? Who realy knows... @fishgodeep - yup, PAM040 certainly came in both pre-A and B-series T-dial flavors, reportedly more 040 with B-dials were produced, how many it's hard to say as the series (200 pieces) was realy small. cheers, babola
  8. Hey peeps - nice one mate! Just an observation re thickness of numerals and dial indices. It appears that the slightly thicker print is correct for early series PAM048, and the C-series rep of yours certainly falls into that category. Have a look at this one currently offered for sale on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Panerai-Pam-48_W0QQite...ksid=p1638.m122 So your and Taiji's 048 reps are spot on in that reguard. Also this resonates once again Taiji's statement in response to your post on RWI - that the 048 40mm Pam reps are one of the closest to gen ever made. ...and as some of us stated before, the only consistency about Officine Panerai watches is their inconsistency cheers, babola
  9. I never cared too much for chrono pushers and Rolex type crown on smaller Fiddy case, and the S/S bracelet is definitely a big turnoff with that case, but to each his own, we're all different aren't we
  10. Bravo! One of a kind for sure ..and that caseback engraving alone is worth a lot these days, kudos to the engraver! The caseback finishes/serials/millesimation options could be endless for us Pam rep collectors Just imagine a posibility of a nice 002A or 009A caseback, or 5218-201/A which would be closer to the gen than existing ones currently available... cheers, babola
  11. That one on Panerai site is a real McCoy :-) Just to add couple of more flaws to your list of rep 112H dial: - numerals 6 and 9 are wrong shape, mainly the tip and overhang. - Luminor Panerai dial txt color is crisp white on rep (like pre-H series sausage dials), and should be cream off-white like the txt found on rep Radiomirs, or Fiddy. cheers, babola
  12. Guys, it's the very problem with incompatible cases Vacuum and I wrote about in a thread on RWI. The issue is the case itself, not so much the dial. The case is so-called "Angus-ultimate" or "Ruby" style, it was designed to fit ONLY thin dials, not the standard replica dials. Those thin dials so far came in 111E, 113E and 036 variety (at least these are the ones I've seen so far and come across). If you try to squeeze the 44mm rep dial of standard thickness into it, it won't fit, not unless something else 'gives in'. Also, it's extremely hard to secure the movement to the case with the case clamps, as the inner grooves for case clamps sit almost 0.5mm lower, so you have to either push extremely hard (definitely not recommended) or bend the case clamps so they can catch the grooves, again not great but better than pushing the movement in by force. Lot of things get compromised, like winding, and crown tube positioning vs movement hole for the winding stem :-( I'm not sure how those bozos in rep factories can carry on like this, by now they must have realised it's simply wrong. These particular cases should NEVER EVER be used with standard thickness rep PAM dial, period. Original Ruby/Angus THIN painted/sausage dials for 111E/113E and 036 fit perfectly this case, and since they're thinner don't require high cannon pin upgrade. Grr, things like these really make my blood boil... cheers, babola
  13. That is one sexy baby, wear it well! babola
  14. LOL...anyone for $400 ? This is exactly how prices get artificialy inflated...sometimes to silly levels, mostly because of hype. babola
  15. A pure caramel sweetness Gen it is, I agree.
  16. Wow, wow - WOW!!! Mate, these two rock, they must have made quite a dent in your vallet, but hey - it's all about passion isn't it Love that "long arrow" 195 Logo, in a few years these will become legends in themselves... babola
  17. Definitely low crossbars on letter A on most historic Panerai reps, including mech Radiomirs. Fiddy (1950) is an exception. Most of the contemporary autos come with correct letter A these days. Subs, GMTs and PRs from the past (24, 27, 28, 29, 63 etc) all come with low crossbar. Latest subs are OK in this respect. It drives some people nuts, others gave up and just learned to live with these imperfections. cheers, babola
  18. If you own PAM172 rep, Jimmy's blue hands are the way to go, the stock minute hand on 172 is too long and should be replaced. DSN also has the correct blue hands set as spare. babola
  19. Guilty as charged Although it was a joint effort with enzo involved on the caseback graphics design. But it was a rocky road, fortunately this project ended up as one of the best ones from DSN factory. The dial (previous gen 010/114 dial with correct txt spacing under 6 o'clock, and larger numerals) is one of the best Luminor rep dials I've seen, the Luminor Panerai comes with high crossbar on letter A. Dial is of standard thinner DSN kind, so this model being a Base, doesn't require high cannon pin upgrade, the standard height one fist just fine. The lume is pure and unadultered C3, but not yellow or green in appearance, just the way it should be for that series. Hands lume perfectly matches the 1-hour lume dots on the dial. Lot of effort, but at the end it paid off, IMO. Simply awesome rep, love it to bits. Expect to see more of these closed-caseback PAM historics in the near future, DSN is out of E and H-series decorated OPX/OPXII mov'ts and is now concentrating primarily on closed backs ones. cheers, babola
  20. Yup, true for the dial, twisting the base dial 180 degrees doesn't fit the movement for destro install without further modifications to the dial tabs. They're asymmetricaly positioned in the first place. babola
  21. Looks like a JFZu case but as others pointed out, not the CG. Also, if I'm not wrong that's DSN crown, thicker edge, shallower dish. One of the quickest tells between JFZu case and standard rep 44mm case is the lugs, they're shaped exactly as genuine, meaning longer and thinner than those chunky ones found on 95% of reps these days. The pic of the case posted shows those particular 'correct' lugs. cheers, babola
  22. Good idea mate, I'm behind you all the way babola
  23. Definitely something you should check. Just don't forget to mention to him that you're after his older Fiddy dial version that comes in black (not charcoal) and has off-white/cream dial txt. And as always, ask him to send you a photo of the particular dial first. I've seen so far 3 different serials on Fiddy casebacks, the very first one was e0485/1950 which dissapeared from the market not soon after, e0581/1950 that used to come on a Fiddy made by that "second" rep factory (the case was of slightly wrong dimensions and rougher finish especialy around the lug areas) and the omnipresent e0117/1950 that comes on a standard good version of the Fiddy rep, also the most recent one. The latter two are easier to source, the former is almost impossible to find "in the wild" these days. Hope this helps a bit, babola
  24. :-) It's been a long term project of mine, still unfinished though :-) the main reason being my perfectionism. DSN hands are a must IMO, and even if you don't intend to use DSN sapphire now, I'd suggest you get it while he's got some in stock and keep it as spare. cheers, babola
  25. It just makes it more unique Anton...it will help you recognize your Pam amongst plethora of other gens ;-) No, if I were you I wouldn't get rid of it just because of that, it maybe one of those intentional flaws rep makers do when they believe they created a 1:1 piece...yeah right!
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