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Posts posted by garygraphy

  1. i see many fiddy case sets these days have pretty high distortion sapphire crystals... anyone has a source for low distortion ones? some of the older case sets seem to feature lower distortion sapphires not sure what's with the production these days. i got one from dsn not too long ago and the crystal just threw me off.

  2. one of the main problems of the safari rep is that there isn't the silver border on the numerals. i checked with puretime watches and apparently their APROO safari has the silver border except the dial is very white.

    seems like a compromise between some of the others and angus.

  3. here's a pic... i guess its hard to judge in the picture, but it looks shallow to me especially when i compare to an engraved CG from a getat homage.

    position wise seems kinda ok i guess but i'm not 100% sure either.


    regardless its sure a nice watch... just that at the back of my head, the CG engraving is nagging at me.

  4. just received my dsn fiddy and i find its good stuff with a couple of minor exceptions. the greatest of which is the crownguard engraving which i think leaves much to be desired.

    i'm not 100% sure about the position, but it seems a tad high and the engraving is rather shallow when i compare it with my getat homage.

    so how do most fiddy lovers get a better engraved crownguard?

    thanks for any advise.

  5. I see people associating angus with puretime but i had a reply from nikki by using the website enquiry form. nikki and angus one and the same? just being cautious.

    also, anyone have experience paying puretime via western union? seems cheaper as they offer some discount for WU.

  6. Thanks for the advice guys... The look of the safari is appealing to me despite it's faults. Mary thinks that the numerals have the silver border although it may not be as creamy as the gen - I'm trying to get her to confirm this. Failing that, puretime pics show that the numerals should be as desired. In addition, I should be getting a hktan honey hornback for it.

  7. so i'm quite confused with AP reps in general.

    pam reps tend to be a bit easier with dsn, and other similar modders.

    after reading some posts here, i see there's a lot of bad rep from andrew/josh and should be avoided. i see that people post good results from mbk and mbw but i have no idea who these dealers are...

    also, rep straps are viewed as poor and tend to be changed. but this requires some form of conversion kit? what is this conversion kit? is there a particular dealer that have lugs similar to gen so that it can be a one-for-one change?

    thanks for any help to a newbie AP...

    i have my eyes on a safari but hear that the colours are off from the gen. no matter i probably still be keen on one.

  8. I would agree with PeteM's recommendation to remove the blue DSN AR as step 1. After that, single AR is in the eye of the beholder. My own personal opinion is that it's roughly equivalent to no AR at all, i.e. it isn't very noticeable. So when people ask me privately, I always recommend saving their pennies as opposed paying for a very subtle mod like single AR. And, of course, double AR isn't correct per the gen so you'd have to decide to make it gen-like vs making the crystal disappear with double AR. Ultimately it's a matter of personal taste, and I'd say that I regularly see about two PAM 127 crystals per AR run. In my current run, there is only one Fiddy crystal getting double AR. So, a fairly small percentage of people prefer the un-gen-like look of the double AR.

    thanks for the advice chief... i will be sending a 47mm dome sapphire when i can locate one.

  9. Personally I would keep it to inside especially given shape of crystal on watch in terms of possible damage to AR. But for starters just remove DSN blue AR it wil look ten times better.

    Get a rex fiddy crystal as this has much less distortion than DSN neither are genlike but rexs looks nicer.

    still quite new here... how can i get in contact with rex?

    thanks for the recommendations!

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