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Everything posted by Mapman57

  1. PAM 164 Ultimate......been a while since its last outing, chose a gator deploy for business. Fast phone pic.......
  2. Again.................
  3. WOW Ronin and andei3000 - awesome GMT's...........
  4. .......and back to the car and wristie theme...........GEN Moonie is on the wrist today (gotta say this pic was shot last week though ), great choice LHOOQ!
  5. 0229/1200 - just landed trying on some Donerix shoes...
  6. I was surprised to see this resurface as well. Thanks for the feedback all Highoey - case is puretime 1680; bracelet links and endlinks are also puretime; clasp is a hybrid I put together from parts to give 93150 markings and smooth flip lock on outside. I can check the the end link tube config out for you if you still need to know? Freddy - comment and advice on CG's noted - thanks. I have since; had the eta 2846 movement serviced sealed and tested to 7ATM seated the insert ad fitted a vintage acrylic pearl.......... Been my daily this week.
  7. Cheers Sixx !! Great response - yep you're right I should have searched first! As for Dave123 - who am I to comment ....ha ha ha. I read the thread in this forum about the 'TZ thread and the DRSD'............I could not believe the high ass attitude of the high post count people on TZ. Cross the road if you see them coming - that would be my advice!!! People who pay £10k for a 'BRANDED ' product calling us 'pretentious plebs' WTF does that make the 'Brand Suckers'??? I have Gens as well like many of us - see my Sig - hence my interest in joining VRF. Now off topic - do I recall that you was looking for some bracelet links for a 3707 GST Ti Chrono some months back. I have an extra bracelet (2 links short) that I will now sell on, or part out if there is demand - cos I sold on my beloved 3707 ? Just PM me if you need something for yours.
  8. Crikey - I have not been so amused and confused in a long time. There is a guy at TZ with over 14,000 posts - obviously a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON,........... with nothing else to do in his life. He talks endlessly about 'losers'..........come and join the REAL WORLD! This is not a dig at high post counts here. Our senior members are helpful, respectful and knowledgeable. Rarely seen to be preaching from the 'soapbox of superiority'. I own some top end gens and some reps (like many of us). Everything has a value and a place. These particular TZ guys with high post counts are a 'marketing mans dream'.......who are the 'plebs' (according to another 15k post count TZ member!) and 'losers' here? Us, or the people who spend $10-20k on $1-2k value of materials (max!) - because it has a high end fashion house, designer lable on it? Not to mention the unbelievable, extortionate, over inflated vintage Rolex prices today! I have a passion for vintage Rolex watches (that is my self modded rep collection), but would I pay $10-35k for a 40/50 year old basic SD, or Sub? Get a life...........and start living it. Who is really being pretentious ? HYPOCRITES...most of them!!!!!!!!!!!! This is ironic on a day that I posted here to get advice on how best to join one, or two gen forums - I am rethinking that need now! Sure dont post Reps on TZ, dont wear Reps to the AD, dont sell Reps off as Gens - just enjoy your hobby.....or, as John Wayne would say....'get on your horse, drink your milk and get the heck outa here'. (he never said that , did he?) Time to put my soapbox away.....
  9. I am sure that the PT 1680 and PT 1665 mid case is NOT the same size - but I will check and confirm shortly! Let me know if you need any specific dimensions - I have both.
  10. Thanks Guys - I expected that common sense, pragmatic response! After I posted this, I thought 'what a dumb question!' Its just that I have see some members using the same name all over the place...........
  11. That would sure not sit easy with me - I expect I would at least contact the much respected member and advise him of what you suspect has actually occurred. You have no obligation to make the movement available to him - that is your personal choice. But by making contact, at least you will protect the respected member from getting 'burned again'. You were afterall an innocent player in the transaction. It is your own care and dilligence that has unearthed the facts. But you know what, things like that happen here amongst members! Its not an Ebay seller thing. Just been stung myself here in the past 48 hours..............hurt bad. Anyhow, back on topic, I don't see why any buyer would wish to, or feel obliged to tell an 'unknown', third party Ebay seller 'that his goods are underpriced? That just ups the price for you and all subsequent buyers. Surely it is an Ebay sellers own responsibility to do his own due dilligence on what he is selling? Afterall, Ebay is an open commercial marketplace. However, the rep forum marketplaces are somewhat different and the written and unwritten rules reflect that. I do feel that as fellow members here, and many of us in this thread are active across other forums as well, we should respect each other and play with total integrity - if not, we become one small step away from the ..............'dreaded scammer'. Just an opinion guys and in no way to be read as a judgement of the OP, or any member posting above here LOL!
  12. Hi to all Not 100% sure if this is the best [place for this post. I use my same user id across the various Rep forums on the net. I am interested to know if you use THE SAME user ID (Name) on the various genuine watch forums that are out there such as VRF and others. I am in the search for a genuine vintage Rolex watch and need to be a registered member in some of these forums. Just wondered what the protocol is - as I know many here, are also members across those Boards as well - especially our leading Rolex experts. All help and guidance appreciated
  13. Hi to all I use my same user id across the various Rep forums on the net. I am interested to know if you use THE SAME user ID (Name) on the various genuine watch forums that are out there such as VRF and others. I am in the search for a genuine vintage Rolex watch and need to be a registered member in some of these forums. Just wondered what the protocol is - as I know many here, are also members across those Boards as well - especially our leading Rolex experts. All help and guidance appreciated
  14. Many congratulations - nothing better than finishing your first 'own project build' watch. Enjoy it and hang on to it ....and as others have said, go get some really great leather on it, it deserves it
  15. Nanuq - fascinating stacked picture - can you please clarify what is what in the deending pile? Many thanks Congrats to OP and Ronin on a great build. Loving Libbys' 1675 as well
  16. There are many sources of 2mm replica gen spec (?) spring bars on the market. Some have flat ends to the pns and some have rounded tips - more gen like. Personally, I have found Yuki (ebay shop and internet shop) bars with rounded ends as goodas any. In my experience the real difference between gen and rep ars is the quality of the spring insid ethe br. Rep bars lose their memory far too quickly and easily - often resulting in the pin 'only pushd out on one side'. Try 'Yukiparts' on ebay or google and see. Approx $5 a pair shipped worldwide. If you are based out of CONUS you pay more for shipping at OFREI, than you do for the parts
  17. Mary at Watch International? If you mean the rep 7836 20mm lug version.
  18. And OP..... PT is actally referring to PureTime not Precious time in this context? Angus originally supported the development of this vintage range, with the old stock/reclaimed eta 2846 at around $198 originally. Wish I was brave enough to take on the date window mod on he dial! Edit: oops, posted before I read all of the posts, just seen this has been covered now!
  19. Maybe we can start a new thread with 'DISTORTED REHAUT PICTURES'???? That is one amazing optical distortion.........it is an illusion right?
  20. Hi WOOF - if you mounted yours, can you also post any pictures? Thanks
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