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Posts posted by zeroshiki

  1. to TS.., just found out the other day.. my special edition pam 367 that i've been keeping.. and wore it the 1st time last week..

    the hour and minute hands aren't aligned properly to the indices!!! as in: when the minute hand is on 12, the hour hand would be over the current hour indice a bit!!

    i still love the watch, and the brand. and i'm probably gonna send the 367 in sometime later and get it fixed under warranty.., but to think that it's a special edition watch.., saw many forms of imperfections but never expected this kind of one. lol

  2. on the bright side...,

    the imperfection i mention above, the CG being not flush, is not that common.. let's just say i find it in 2-3 out of 10 luminors i've handled(i've lost count)

    one other common imperfection is the crystal purity, it's a little difficult to explain but i'll try my best: when you point a flashlight from the side of the crystal ie:light is 90 degrees from side of the case, pointing sideways level with the crystal, photography term: side lighting. sometimes you can see some lines inside the crystal, not the dial/interior, but on the crystal material itself. i've found these on several gen panerais.

    all said and done, luckily now all my luminors have flush CGs and perfect crystals.. and i don't think i'm not as OCD as before.., i still find some imperfections in other areas, but who cares, chose to rather live with it and enjoy the watch.., i can always deal with it later when it's servicing time, that is, if i decide to keep the watch and not upgrade to other models before servicing.

    to the OP, best wishes for the warranty service, hopefully they will resolve it quickly. cheers!!

  3. The logic is absolutely right....

    But OP produce variations as I mentioned so the logic in my experience doesnt follow the rule..

    Referring back to my 000, which I mentioned previously is the brightest OP lume I have had in my hand, it is brighter than the gen 111s I have had, though say my Gen 088 wasnt as bright as the 111s and they were brighter than the 005

    So as with all things PAM there is no certainity and I would say that applies even with most models in the same series let alone other series...


    +1 agreed... Pete's example is between different pam models.. i have 112 K and M and the M doesn't glow as bright as the K.. i think it's a variation of batches...

  4. no..no..

    the prev was only an example for my question.

    i want to know, have all bezels the different upper and lower phase measures.


    hi there, i can help you with the answer..

    i currently have 112K and 112M with me..

    the bezel spacing on A is different, with M being wider..

    the spacing on B is exactly the same..

    not only the bezel are different, there are other differences i've noticed(feel free for anyone to copy paste and create a new topic if the info is good enough to share, don't forget to credit):

    for illustration purposes,

    here's my 112K:


    DSC_9315 (1) by loelianbao, on Flickr

    and here's an exact same sample of my 112M:(there are some other same sample such as item number 300502613742)


    the most noticeable one is the hands, compare the hands and you will see 112M has pre-V style hands with longer lume marker on the tips, and the K has normal modern lume marker, not all M series has this, but some samples does, and not sure if it's only M specific series or it's also happens on the previous series.

    next is the crown guard lever, on the 112M it is thinner, you can see the difference on the notch holding the crown.., another clear sample of K series thicker CG lever, last two pictures of the listing:


    still on the CG difference, the notch for finger to pull(less noticeable).., the roller ball is highly polished on the M, and brushed on the K, nicer on the K as it's almost invisible to the eye.

    other differences:

    less noticeable from just pictures and could be seen easier in person, is the dial black paint are different, color is the same, but 112K have thicker paint with emboss effect on the circle area of the 6, 9, or the curved area of 12.., the sandwich has an embossed effect which is beautiful.. while the 112M paint on the dial seems flat.

    lastly on CG, the crown on M seems fatter because the squared hollow spacing for crown is smaller. this is also very miniscule and not noticeable.

    onto the crystal.. the only difference is AR. on M serie is more blue/neutral, while the K serie i have has amber-gray-ish tint on AR, it's very hard to describe other than cooler on M, hotter on K.

    personal rant: i prefer the K, bought the M for the very nice serial number, a triplet.. and originally planned to let the K go.. now i'm not so sure anymore.. and want to keep both but i don't think that's possible.. :D

  5. That may explain why I've seen pix of J series 111s that look to have non-roller CGs.

    J series is the transitional series where the roller ball lever was 1st time introduced.. early numbers of J series does not have lever while the later numbers does.. no idea which range of serial numbers the roller ball levers were 1st introduced..

  6. it's both hit or miss with rep watches...

    my 1st DSN, a 202a, has foggy crystal..

    the 2nd piece, an 112, has a very clear n clean crystal..

    the 3rd piece, an 176.., somewhat between the both up there..

    i've seen the 219 and 288 of my friend's... both has very clear crystal..

    easy way to figure this out, put a bright lightsource(flash light) and point it on the crystal from the side(90 degree), any fog inside the crystal material(material, not the surface) will show up.

    edit: ohyeah, also had a pam 250 daylight cartel version.. unbelievable clear n clean crystal on that one.. no imperfection of any kind.. :D

  7. to topic starter, superb study of the daylight!! thank you!!


    This is an excellent summary of the whole Daylight series. And you are definitely right that a 7753 requires a different dial from the 7750 and the datewheels are not interchangeable. On a different note I had The Zigmeister service a gendaylight at the same time he did one of my Rep/Frankens and according to him the the movement rework was significantly more so than the hand winds including a three part protective tube inserted into the case to ensure proper functionality of the date change. Just for fun here are the Daylights I have had over the years. Scary, isn't it. :D


    to watchmeister.., thanks for posting pics, awesome daylight collection..

    don't know if anyone noticed.., the 196(?) on the left has one too many minute indice on the right side of the '12'.., i was about to get this exact version and switched to 250 instead in the end.. :)

  8. i'm not an expert but i just got myself a daylight 250 cartel version, asian 7750 movt.

    verdict: very happy with it! just remember to change the strap as the rep standard strap isn't good and will make the watch look odd on wrist. :D

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