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Posts posted by tomorrowneverdies

  1. Andrew, I agree - it seems the rep community attracts some really creative individuals...

    A toast to everyone who participated! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    You know, I usually don't participate in contests like this because I feel that the client always ends up the winner. He gets the input and hard work of many designers and only pays one. But, I like PT, as I like all the dealers, and people here. I've done work for a couple of members "free of charge", as I like to contribute to our community. Its also fun to create art for a subject that I am passionate about.

    I just want to say that every single submission that I have seen shows great promise. With a little tweaking, PT could use any of them. Congratulations on a job well done guys!

  2. Dumb Wang... being outed... :lol:

    @Dumb Wang....!

    Why not buy a genuine...then you can swim with all your friends.....better still get them to buy a Noobmariner from me.....then you can all take off your reps and just play water sports all day without fear of being outed....!

    You know the old song.....!

    Frank met Joe whilst working out at the YMCA.....on the floor of a darkened shower-room........ for an hour or two they did lay.....it was Greek to them....and so on and so forth.....:lol:

  3. Hey, this post makes me seven! Seven I say!

    First, I will :bicycle:

    Then he will :black_eye:

    Then I will :whistling:

    After that, it will be time for :bounce:

    Posting while drunk sucks


    One 4 Posts guy gonna beat up another 4 post guy?

    Geese Louise...

    Is it a full moon tonight?

    Nope just checked...

    Must be the Triptophan...



  4. Hello, I'm tempted by the price of $155 for this Sub (http://www.silix-prime.com/product.asp?id=1499), but I'd just like to know if there's any major differences accuracy-wise (appearance) between Silix's watch and the Noobmaster or Andrew's Submariner (http://www.trustytime.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7&products_id=254)... I've searched already here and at RWI and can't find more info about Silix's version - Thanks!

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