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Everything posted by chubbchubb

  1. This has been on my wrist for more than a week now....
  2. I haven't seen that one for quite a while..... RWG classic...
  3. By the way... is there any lume on this watch and if so, how good is it?
  4. Great review. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to put this together.
  5. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a 196 with a 7753 and yes, quite a few straps (like the PAM rubber strap) don't fit because of the short lugs. I look forward to your uber franken...
  6. bars at six and nine show that the dial has been relumed.
  7. The very reason why I got involved with reps was the fact that my appetite for watches was much bigger than the funds available for purchase of gens.... so: I could never be happy with just one watch!
  8. Very nice watch...and very professional modding as always...
  9. ...that was almost as good as the Sub question....
  10. The only Rolex rep that is a potential time-bomb is the Daytona line and that is because of the movement which is modified with a few extra gears to put the seconds @ 6. You will find only few Daytona owners who have not had paperweights in their watch box at one time. Another watch that might be troublesome at times is the CHS (Correct Hand Stack) GMT. All other Rollies are technically pretty basic watches. What you should buy depends on your taste and budget. There are good Subs and SDs (of course), good Yachtmasters, the Millgauss is a good rep. The vintage Rollies usually require a few mods to be convincing... Bottom line: Rolex is THE most copied brand of all watches, so the choice is yours..
  11. have a look at LOS' very informative gens vs rep pictorial for enlightenment....
  12. My Rubberclad has a good power reserve. Given the fact that this is an expensive rep, you should have the watch serviced by a watchsmith and in the process, it should be graphite treated as the sec@12 conversion puts extra stress on the movement. Mine is off for service atm....
  13. Look at the position of the crown (on AP4.bmp), which identifies the watch on your pictures as a gen. As bosk said, on the rep, the crown is higher and not in line with the chrono pushers.
  14. Great place, great A-Team, great people...
  15. Thanks for taking the time to put this together, Gio. I do this all the time to my watches and with a little practice, you can achive great results....
  16. Very good reference pix - thanks! If you look at this type of close-up pictures, the differences become quite visible...
  17. You can never go wrong with a moonie. One of the true classics. A wise decision.
  18. Rollie for me today.... it's menawhile on a rivetted bracelet but I have no camera at hand...
  19. When it comes to lume... The Zigmeister is in a league of his own.
  20. Great work everyone, but this one from LeGambleur does it for me.... nice, clean, to the point and not too busy.
  21. a very hot day, so I'm wearing waterproof on rubber....
  22. I would never sell the twins if I where you. Just remember all the time and work that went into building these and still today, they reign supreme, even on a big board like this. These are definite keepers and should forever be kept outside the 10 max rule...
  23. Another PO 007 here with logo.... as for the rep vs gen discussion: most has been said already but if you go through RWG posts, every once in a while, you will find someone posting that he has bought the gen of a rep he already owns. I can't remember ever reading words of disappointment. Aside from all factual differences, there is a obvious difference in the feel of a quality gen. That is why most uber reps are custom made frankens with mostly gen parts.
  24. T does really beautiful watches and I think it is great to have a rare custom made piece which you will probably never see on someone else's wrist. Sure beats a pair of socks... Happy Birthday....
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