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Everything posted by elwopo

  1. Thank goodness we have posts like this to keep the forum fresh and exciting!
  2. OK....this is just too good....so I had to share. Went to the PayPal site to request a refund from a vendor. There was no easy link to request refund directly so I clicked on the "resolution center" link. From there....there was a "report a problem" link. I thought it was to report a problem with a transaction...but it was to report a problem with PayPal. No biggee. Before clicking away...I actually read the page. It tells you the procedure for "reporting a problem or filing a complaint against PayPal". The last paragraph says this (and this is cut and paste directly from the page).... "If you live , you can file a general complaint if you are unsatisfied with the level of service you received from PayPal. Your complaint will be routed to a PayPal Customer Service representative who will respond to your complaint." I'm sorry.....what was that? "IF YOU LIVE"?!? So what's the deal now? Complain and they send armed PayPal goons to your house? Perhaps you start the car in the morning and mushroom cloud the neighborhood? Maybe the OJ in the fridge tastes a little odd one morning..... I do love typos (let's hope this is one ) but this has to be one of the best ever.
  3. Just a quick warning about one of the banner ads that is appearing here. However tempted....do not click on...or get involved with Jack9.com. The site has been directly connected with the Vundo virus / worm. Whether or not they are part of it or just linked by it remains to be seen. The virus...while not a high threat....is a ridiculous pain to get rid of. It can take hours and multiple attempts using specific utilities. If you google jack9.com or vundo you'll get the big picture. Just avoid the ads and the site.
  4. This seller....dawnhelfand is it a US Ebay seller or one of the other sites? A search for the user name in the community section showed no results.
  5. Is jewelry outlet and ebay seller or an internet site?
  6. Hey....maybe someone will put one up for auction! Nah.....bad idea. It would wind up "costing" hundreds
  7. Is there any source for bezel inserts that is considered the 'best' by most people? The G-S cement didn't hold up as I had hoped.....and an absolutely beautiful LV sub insert is off in the cold cruel world all by it's lonesome. So....as my nice modded sub is now topless.....it's time to go hunting....
  8. Cool! Looks like I got it. I had hoped the last minute bid would stand up @ Stephane... You're correct....and very wise....I didn't do it for the watch. I did it for the year membership
  9. As of now there is about 45 minutes left on the auction timer. Since it is late for me....and there is no auto bid fancy thing like on the bay..... I'll go ahead and make my final bid at 500. This should keep my last bid from getting bumped by 1 dollar at the last minute......and elevate any other bidders into the "only the serious need apply" category. So...until I check the results in the morning....best wishes to you all.
  10. Bump. and.....$230
  11. So at the end of all this....is there a reputable place to purchase inserts? Mine fell out of my modded LV today....so it's back to the drawing board for that one.
  12. Reps have absolutely led me to gens....but only for certain models. My first sub rep (which I wear daily) looks good and has held up well. I was able to get a good deal on a gen (on this board, no less) so I picked it up. It's nice to have and I wear it those times when only a gen will do. For me, the watch I always wanted was a TT sub. For more than a year I searched, posted on boards, emailed collectors, and could never get one person to reccomend a good source (yes...even some people who sell them). So...to Ebay I went. Looked for a few more months to get a feel of whats out there and average prices. Finally found a fair price on a TT black sub which became gen #2. That only made things worse. I couldn't seem to stop looking at TT blues then. Sure enough.....picked up one about a month later. These gens, along with a few Tags, are the only gens I really "need" at this point. They're nice to have for once in a while wearing....and I'll just give them to my son one day. I still get reps if there is something that catches my eye. I just have to rotate them often so I don't have to look too much at misaligned date wheels.... My recent Aquaracer is fairly nice with this one glaring exception.
  13. Perhaps we should observe.......... You know it's coming...... A moment of silence....
  14. Quite possibly the finest auction listing in history!
  15. Do Russian girls have avatars that are not appropriate? Oops! That's my bad. I confused the topic with the posts. Darn those years in the 80's! Too much dain bramage. Since we're there (wherever that may be) already.....I don't think it's Russians who exclusively have the "gash for cash" mentality. I believe that may be a mindset that crosses all cultures.....because it works for 'em. We're enablers because it's not always clear which head is doing the thinking.
  16. Good observation skills! Beatable? Interesting thought indeed. I'm surprised no one thought of such a thing before. Well....of course....with the exception of predfan who brought up the same thing 4 days ago. The good thing is that I'm probably the only one who saw that post....so your's will still appear to be an original idea!
  17. Once again....RIGHT ON ry!! oops.....we weren't supposed to mention it...my bad. On another thought.... It's amazing (although it shouldn't be anymore) how people nitpick at things because they simply want things exactly how they want them to be. This whole "work friendly" thing... to me (disclaimer), is asinine. Here's a crazy thought. You're at work to.....oh, I don't know....WORK. Get something done. Earn the pay. Do you send messages to all the other sites you frequent to suggest how they can change their content to better suit you? I'd love to see the answer (if any) you get from TMZ, MySpace, YouTube, or whatever other sites you frequent to pass the time. Certain content is placed on this site to generate revenue. That content is chosen by the Admin....which is his right as he owns the darn thing. Don't like it? Then don't visit at work...or.....start your own site. The internet is a wide open place with plenty of domains available and lots of tools for site builders. Then...you can be the "master of your domain". Too much trouble to do that perhaps? Then enjoy what's provided for you at minimal cost.....and shut the F up. Just a thought.
  18. They can always hang out (pun intented) with the other fair maidens in the girls, girls, girls post of the looney bin
  19. Wow! Thanks for the responses. There's a lot more out there than what I was originally looking at. I will have to admit that the Jag and BMW are great looking. The Caddy has it's appeal as well. I would have to drive that one. For some reason it doesn't "look" fast. Seems more like a cruiser car. Probably just me. The thing I'll be looking into most at this point is reliability and service costs. Luisik brought up a good point. I don't want anything that's going to be a headache and spend a lot of time in the shop. I've heard good and bad about Jag. Mostly bad unfortunately. @2005Submariner...My son would love me to get the Ferrari. Then again....my insurance agent would love it more!
  20. Here's something I've been debating for a short while....so I thought I'd toss it out there to the world of experiences we have here. If you were going to get a new car....convertible let's say.....and had a top budget of 75,000 US......what would it be, and why? Power is important.....but handling is a more practical concern as there aren't many places here in the US that you can do 180 for any length of time. My friend is pushing hard for the Roush Stage 3 mustang.....but I'm not sure yet. Thoughts?
  21. Does anyone know where TJGladeRaider has gone? Maybe I'm not around here enough....but it seems like we haven't heard from one of our best for a while.
  22. 1 week in Iraq would make that dance entirely different for those boys.
  23. One example might be tax considerations or privacy of information. Maybe a place to deposit funds that cannot be touched by other entities.....maybe.
  24. Oh....of course! Taken as complete heresay. My interest in this is only curiosity. No intention of actually pursuing anything.... Thanks for the tip on the Caymans. I was wondering if it was still a viable solution.
  25. With the multitude of backgrounds and experiences here....thought I'd throw this out as it is something I am just beginning to research. Does anyone have information or experiences with offshore banking or other forms of asset protection? There's a lot of information out there, at first look, but practical experience is always the best.
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