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Everything posted by elwopo

  1. Hello. Some time back I remember reading a post where someone mentioned using some type of clear product to add a shine to an otherwise nice pearl. Does anyone remember what that product was? Using the search function has yielded not much more than frustration. Thanks in advance.
  2. Just received my SMP chrono. It's my first...so I want to check on something. All three sub dials are supposed to be running all the time.... The "stop" button stops the large seconds hand and not the seconds sub dial (which never stops)... The reset button sets only the minute sub dial, the hour sub dial, and the large seconds hand... Are all these correct?
  3. Watch the lips carefully. She is saying...Mo Do Please.... meaning more money is needed than the lousy $1 bill you've been waving for the last 5 minutes.....
  4. Amen to that!! It doesn't matter if you've got 322 posts in just one month....or if you've been here for a long time. It's been interesting to see how easily people throw around the words "character" and "integrity". Let's see everyone show some....and support this forum that has provided us all so much. It's insanely low cost considering what it provides. (Frankly...it should cost more) If you're here....you've gained something from the experience. Got a rep? Didn't get burned by a $900 "Swiss" site? Learned anything? Have fun in the arcade? Then put up a little bit of all that disposable income to help those who have provided that for you. If you don't....just lay your head on the pillow at night knowing you are a POS....and all the rest of us know it Thus ends my rant at the end of a very long....and not so great day
  5. Melbourne, here. Orlando anyone?
  6. I would be curious to hear what the owner of the forum thinks. You know him....the one who provided all this for us. The one who pays the bills...regardless of whether he is in the "black" or "red" to keep this going. As for opinions....here's mine.... I like ass as much (if not more) than the next guy. If I want to see that....I know where to go. That's not what this place is about. Agree....or disagree? A small avatar with a girl in a bikini....in the grand scheme of things....no big deal. If that's what someone feels they need to feel like a "guy"...then let them have their ego stroke. It only makes them look foolish....and they are the only one who doesn't know it. No harm...no foul. Anything beyond that.....what's the point here? What does it accomplish? How does it add to the experience of this forum? I see people scream about their "rights" (which is comical as they take advantage of someone else's money and effort) yet there is no mention of personal responsibility. Interesting how this mind-set mimics all of our collective cultures. If you are so proud and happy about a piece of ass.....and you KNOW....that the world will just NOT be the same unless you share it with others.........then simply start an off topic thread and share to your heart's content. That way....people can go there and know what they are in for when they walk through the door. It's about choice. To shove it in everyone's face...every single time you post....is arrogant and childish. Don't like it?....then put out the effort and money to start your own forum on the web. Simple respect is something we could all use more of.
  7. @ Slay.....your sig.....do you mean Sept 29 2006....or 2007? I figure the thread's been crapped on so hard by now...what's the harm?
  8. The answer is...because they make obscene profits for no apparent reason other than perception that they have created. What goes into a Seiko quartz that justifies $500? What goes into a Rolex that justifies $5000 or more? What is the difference between a Ford F-150....and a Lincoln LT? The answer is....NOTHING other than perception. Consumers feed on it....perpetuate the nonsense....and spend...spend...spend. Gotta keep up with the neighbors....right? If it bothers these companies so much that their scam is being compromised....then they should pay people to watch the marketplace. They can always write it off as an additional expense....and probably get bonus funding if they hire minorities to do it.
  9. Sure would be nice if a moderator had something more constructive to offer.
  10. Now isn't THAT the truth!!!!
  11. I need to revisit this request one more time. I ordered the Omega click springs from ofrei (they offer two, no pics, so I bought both) and they are both too big. My only option is to see if someone has a spare "piston" that fits in the hole (from the first pic) or order the entire case and bezel setup from Andrew. It's pricey...so I'm trying to avoid that.
  12. FYI.... I decided to get one of these since my rep collection is getting larger than I ever planned (yes....I know I have a problem....and am considering seeking a 12 step program for rehab....) I got this one for $92. Had it for several days and no problems with the finish or operation. This one is different than some because it has a control (silver [censored] between winding sections) that can shut one side off. http://cgi.ebay.com/CHERRY-WOOD-DUAL-8-9-A...1QQcmdZViewItem
  13. Definitely a difficult situation. Seller has 4 negs in last month only. Check the feedback they left for others. For a high volume seller....they don't bother to offer much positive. Seems to only get involved when someone posts a negative or neutral. All items private?!? I can't really understand the reason behind that..... Does not accept PayPal? Many things about this seller send up red flags for me.....but that's me.... I'd say you should think about how badly you really....really want this item. Escrow might be the only way that both parties feel safe.
  14. I asked Andrew first thing. He said he can only source the watch case and bezel assembly...because that's how the supplier sells to him. I'm trying to avoid spending that kind of money for this one part.
  15. Do any of our Scot members know if there are resources available for researching clan history in country? I've decided to take a month off and concentrate on things that really matter. I'm of Scottish and Italian heritage (talk about screwed... ) and I want to take my son to see where we came from. I don't want to keep putting it off until "someday" like my Dad did......and then time runs out. Maybe it's my mid-life crisis kicking in.....but it's better than a red mustang and a 20 year old girlfriend maybe? I'm interested in all the information I can find on clan Fergus(s)on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. The Italian in me loves the expensive watches..... The Scot in me won't let me pay full price....
  16. Having never been married....I would have no idea how to handle a wife issue. I would assume that you would tell her the truth....since this kind of hobby is difficult to hide anyway...... As far as a girlfriend / companion / bootie call is concerned......I figure I'll start telling them the truth as soon as they do.....
  17. Does that mean that when you get married you no longer get some ass?
  18. Hi, Is there any chance that someone has a sub from Andrew that they can sell parts from? I need the very small piece that sits on a spring under the bezel and causes the click. Here's a pic of where it goes...
  19. If it's not one that he sells...I'm not really sure what you want to ask him....or what you expect in return. This is a forum....a community, if you will. It is comprised of many people with many experiences and many resources. Many of these members have spent countless hours to provide valuable information to new members....as they discover this community.....and the joy of the hobby that is timepiece collecting. What this is not...is a bump-and-run Wal Mart type of buying experience for reps. If you are serious about the hobby.....read....read....and read some more. The more you read and know....the more respect you will earn in this community. Trust me. Been there......still doing that..... If near instant gratification is what you really need......follow any one of the links in the spam emails you receive. They'll tell you anything you want to hear and will have no problem taking your money.
  20. In the course of replacing a bezel insert (using tips provided here)....I've decided to take this project one more step since things are in pieces. The metal finish on the crown guards needs work. The transition from brushed to polished is not so good. I know I'll need to remove the crown...and I'm fairly sure there is a tutorial for that. I'll search for that soon. My question is....what procedure should I follow to get the surface of the guards better? I've heard dremel pros and cons....but I'm not sure what the best course of action is in this case. Here's what I'm dealing with... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  21. @Jetsons Cool of you to notice! I didn't know how many may have caught that. It really is a beautiful piece....and I'm truly thrilled. I still can't believe that all this started not so long ago when I was bored at work....tired of the multiple spams for "swiss replicas"....and merely clicked on a link out of curiosity. Of course it was an obvious trash site...but it got me curious. Next thing you know I found fake review sites (that I thought were real)....researched more and found TRC....then this place....researched more.....next thing you know (hundreds of hours online later) I've got several reps....got a deal on a gen....and made one or two friends along the way. What a ride! The only possible cause for concern is that I may have created a monster.... My son has noticed all the "cool" watches that have been showing up....and has mentioned the very pretty girls who now make mention of my watches when we are out. Last week he asked if he could wear my LV sub to school. It was difficult to get him to understand that it might not be appropriate for 8th grade....
  22. Is a spring bar tool absolutely required for bracelet removal? I was able to get one side of the spring bar pushed back...and kept it back with a paperclip end inserted....but the SEL will not move the slightest bit. Do both ends of the spring bar need to be pushed back at the same time?
  23. Oh for God's sake.....take the time to read the entire thread. This aspect has been covered ad nauseum. It was a reference to a simple cartoon. I may be relatively new here...but all I've seen from you is jumping into threads and trying to stir [censored] up. Provide something positive to any discussion....then you can avoid merely becoming a cyber c*nt.
  24. First off....excellent topic!!! What you ask is one heck of a deep question. People look for different things. The concept of dial font.... letter spacing.... m's lining up perfectly...."swiss made" being placed perfectly..........that's just not a concern of mine. These are things that can only be noticed by very close inspection and only by those who are very well versed as to the pure accurate reality of minor details. My wish list? GOLD. Someone posted on this and they included the math involved....and how much extra it would mean to each rep to do it right. If memory serves...it would have been something like 10-20 dollars extra. Even if it's more....so what. I read somewhere that the Rolex sub is one of, if not the most, highly replicated watches. I find it difficult to believe that if someone would actually apply the right quality gold in the right manner....that these things wouldn't fly in sales and create tremendous demand. With the movements as good as they are...with the cases getting better....the cg's getting better....I refuse to believe that if someone produced a quality gold process...that the item would not sell at a higher price. The labor and parts for these reps are produced at pennies on the dollar....we aren't going to kid ourselves about where and how they are made are we? Do it right....produce a TT or total gold that isn't plated and won't wear off or tarnish in months.....I'm all over it....and I know I'm not the only one. I'd love to hear from dealers regarding their percentage of sales of watches that are total SS versus anything with gold. That's because the word is out that gold is to be avoided right now. Produce a quality one.....go apeshit and charge 500...750....1000 for it (making the profit margin beyond insane)......I, for one, would step up without a problem. The manufacturers don't seem to know that they don't have to keep everything at the same price point. Build it right....and they will come. Just my opinion though.
  25. Now dammit.....when I bought that knife that was offered I ASKED him if he could put together a package deal with these items for me. Thanks for blowing it!!! Seriously......I can understand why some people don't like knives. I can understand why people don't like guns. If you don't like something....and you have your reasons.....don't be so arrogant as to try to control other people or their actions. Just because you do...or do not....like something....it does not give you the right to decide how things should be done. A knife can be a tool....or someone can kill you with it. A gun can be a tool...or someone can kill you with it. A ball point pen can be a tool....or someone can kill you with it. It's NOT the item that hurts people.....it's the idiot using it. If you were on a boat and accidentally got your hand caught as the anchor line uncoiled the wrong way while releasing....you'd damn sure want someone close with a razor sharp knife to cut that line and save your arm. It's a tool. If your wife and child are alive today because someone had a gun to stop a drugged loser from beating them with a bat (are baseball bats evil? Maybe they're next)....you'd damn sure not dislike guns so much. You may not want to own one....but in your heart you'd be glad as hell that some people do. I've been the person with the knife....and the gun. No more on that...... If the issue is whether or not knives should be allowed on the board (you know the one.....the board where everyone involved is interested in trafficking ILLEGAL items).....I would think that there is only one opinion that matters. That would be the opinion of the person (or persons) who PAY with their money and time to provide us this priviledge. Universal concept regardless of nationality.......you pay the bills.....you make the rules. Post topics are titled. Don't like it.....don't look. "Nothing to see here folks.....move along....." So now I've posted my opinion.....just like others have. Not right.....not wrong....just my opinion. @TTK......I don't want to "go too far"......so drop the pit bull off the order and provide a new shipping quote. I DO, however, insist on the funny uniform hat!! That's a deal breaker!!
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