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Everything posted by mums-mums

  1. Swatch announced a couple of years ago that they had decided to sell ETA's only within Swatch Group. But some Swiss court handled a case againts Swatch for this, and decided that Swatch had to sell also outside of Swatch Group for some more years. So Swatch now still sells to aftermarket etc, but maybe smaller quantities, longer delivery time, higher prices etc., which leads to a market gap between demands and supplies. Or is it vica versa....................gap between demands and supplies leads to higher prices etc. ? Whatever - impact is the same.
  2. Know nothing of Panerais, but....... definitively a rep. TV-cops are all divorced, living in small appartements, driving old cars and paying too much allowance. Can't afford the gen. evenR4u
  3. Do not let fear mislead you...................... I do actually not "catch" what is so difficult with the PO pins. Of course not as easy as screws, but ............ Use the pin remover and be very precise. when pressed appr 3-4 mm, stop pressing and use the pliers. Avoid laterals. when inserting, press with no laterals and use a small plastic/fiber-head hammer for the final 3-4 mm. It is all a question of being precise................ I have rezied my PO a couple of ties the week I have had it. Can not quite find out how tight I want the bracelet to be. Five minutes per link, no more actually.
  4. And, pleeeaaase let us take part in the answer from Worldtimezone. The whole and fully answer, please. Do not keep the goodies to ourselves.
  5. No, never actually been "called out". Maybe because I seldom meet WIS/Experts. Everyday experience is that people think for example the Noobmariner is gen because the second is not jumping + it looks quite good. Maybe I need some new friends and co-workers.
  6. Not an expert, but looks very gen to me. Seller claiming $6.400 for a watch with US retail list-price of $5.500 by October 2006. Why? Refering to waiting lists. Well, why not wait to save your $1.000 ? And use half of the $1.000 on a serviced and modified LV rep to wear while you wait...................
  7. Not that I am an expert on any of these items, but general impression and "circumstances" tells me they are all gens. All three either bought or serviced by Nymans, top Swedish AD. If you ask sellers they will come up with fresh Certificates of Authenticity from Nyman or other AD of same league at no extra cost. Quite ordinary to do that for watches of this class in Sweden - as far as I have observed.
  8. #3. Going on #4, maybe..........
  9. I am not a recommender...................... Just wondering........... Two Asian 21J for $100 ? Or two at $100 each ?
  10. Yepp, but now at a higher level !!
  11. Jokes aside...... EU has practised fairly strong handling of replicas. Norway is not EU-member and has handled replicas more liberate than EU. I feel confident that what happens is "only" bureaucratic coincidence and not targeted actions neither against me or against replicas in general. In a couple of days I will have the result of the opening of the shipment from Bangkok. Will keep you informed.
  12. Maybe, maybe, but I have a brilliant idea. Will buy under under replicated name; John Doe Poste Restante Paris Hilton Germany
  13. Better try Cantonese. Or Orange.
  14. Do not know exactly how the Swedish Customs work, My self in Norway, and it seems to me that Norwegian Customs is f.... out of work these days. Past two weeks my watch from Neil was stopped, opened/controlled and delayed in Norwegian Customs for two weeks. Released today. Probably enclosed a bill of 25% VAT and some Handling fee.............. Well, - I was kind of mentally prepared for this as it was sent from Bangkok. What I was not prepared for was a watch sent to me from Sweden was stopped for control/opening this evening. Normally almost anything that can be carried "slips" through from Sweden to Norway. I have been buying watches (gens and reps) to Norway from Far East for several years (China, Thailand, Phillipines) and has very very rarely experienced what's happening now. At least never twice in a row. To the picture is that both stopped shipments was sent as Registered Mail by "ordinary" Postal service to reduce shipping cost compared to more expensive services. My suggestion is that you buy from a dealer that is willing to - at your extra cost - ship by a EMS, UPS og FedEx "door to door" service. Will cost you a bit, but my experience is that such shipping service "carries" your parsel through the dark (k)night of Customs Officers looking for disguised bombs or drugs from Far East and 316 Steel-hard Raindeer [censored] from Lappland Sweden.
  15. Yuo could maybe get some $30-50 for the box and papers and stuff. And top it with the watch for $20. Just be clear on it all being reps.
  16. A jeweler that regularly service automatic watches should know ETA 2824. Suggest you just ask the jeweler if he is exp with ETA automatics.
  17. Seven weeks daily use of mine (IWC Portu Chrono) now. Working flawlessly, chronos and all. But, I am awaiting doom............. and will (probably) not by another 7750 sec at 6 until further (or doom).
  18. Substantial watch. Probably good quality and functionality. But, l ooks more like a knuckleduster than a watch. Would have been arrested in less than five minutes if I wore that one.
  19. From Bible-studies to promoting counterfeit goods. What's the next step down the ladder ?
  20. Category 5, who has the best discounts, buy for all of us? On his card!!
  21. My God. His car is HOT, but .. a Timex. That is taking it too far
  22. Pssst. Zoom only works with Internet Explorer, not with Firefox, Opera etc.
  23. Got to stop using all that powder.
  24. Received my Portuguese 3714 from Silix at 9/23/06. Have been wearing it every day since I received it. Only swapping with an Invicta 9937 for a few hours now and then when I had to do "rough" manual work like servicing the engine of my boat and concrete works. It keeps excellent time and has shown water resistancy at the level of swimming and showering. I am so fond of this piece that I am not emotionally able to send it away for freeing the running seconds gears. Will inform you - for the statistics - when it breaks down
  25. Be calm, you will probably get your watches. Be prepared to pay Norwegian VAT (moms).
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