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Everything posted by Sam268

  1. Sam268


  2. Sam268


  3. Thanks for all your great tips, If I do have another problem in the future, I will post to the board first and I hope all of you would be as responsive in helping me like today, 4 pages of post in one day. haha. I also learned some dealers are just a little more professional then others. Andrew, thanks for supplying me with good watches and great customer service though out the year. I have already received that last watch I order from you.
  4. I understand it all now that I have unintentionally hurt alot of you with your future sales with the seller. I am sorry to you all.. one thing I did do is made some of you aware what kind of customer service and how this dealer treats one of his customers. I am sure other dealers which I deal with before wouldn't attack me this way if I did the same thing to them. Once again, sorry to all Narkiaa fans.
  5. Hi Jon, you see, I didn't know paypal would hurt the dealer this way as you mention, I thought I would hurt him more if I post something on here and ruin his potenial sales and reputation. If I knew about how the red flag of paypal. I would of tried something else. BUT IN ALL , I had no intention to hurt this seller which many of you think I did. If I was to hurt him, I would was file a claim, attack and warn others I am not getting my goods from this dealer, don't buy from him, [censored] like that which I wouldn't do and would not do. I guess in this forum, Seller's is always right and Buyers should be prepare to be attack and there is always risk of lossing your money. WHY No buyer support or protection when 99% of you are buyers???????????
  6. I have cancelled the dispute on Paypal. I understand where you guys are coming from and it might hurt all your future sales with this seller so I cancelled it. But then again, would you guys buy small items and small amount from this dealer? I have no intention to hurt him and I was the victim of not getting my item, response, and loose a few bucks. I did what I thought was right to take action one on one to not hurt his reputation and post some [censored] about him on dealer's review. I could of done that instead of putting a dispute, would that been better for the dealer? Now he just attacked me in the public with out even trying to settle this with me one on one. is at an early stage and is no like we can't com to a solution. why does he have to hurt his customers? What kind of Customer service am I getting from this dealer? I have never had a problem with any other dealers here on the board. how can a seller treat a customer like that, I am sure he wouldn't of said the same thing if it was 500 dollars so this conclude there is a big chance to take when buying something small and low value from a dealer. In my own opinion, this is a very unprofessional seller on the transaction between me and him only. As some of you might only read and not reply, you would agree he actually might of hurt his own reputation and sales by attacking in public when I try to deal with him one on one. Buyers- do you feel confortable buying low value item from this seller? just think about it.. I am out and won't support this particular seller anymore. doesn't mean he is a bad seller as I know he has come though to many others but for me. How he treated me as a customer isn't right. Customer service is 0- none towards me. maybe it could be different for you.
  7. I will cancel it paypal.. because it seems most of you find him so trust worthy and protect him. I don't mind loosing the 5 bucks if he doesn't pay. But if you guys all agree taking this up between me and him 1 on 1 and with paypal is more harmful then bring it up on the board first and maybe complain and have a chance to ruin his reputation. Then I am fine with that. I never wanted hurt this dealer so that is why I rather take it up one and one rather then post some [censored] about not receiving my goods and no response and I am sure he might loose potiental buyers. but the dealer is also wrong lashing out at me in public when I was dealing with him one and one and like some of you said, is only at the early stage and he made a big fuss on the board. I am not a newbie here and I have purchase many watches from other dealers, I thought what I did was right in making sure our dealers will keep up with the customer service that all buyers should receive equally and no one loose their money. big or small amount.
  8. So is alright to push me to cancel a dispute because is 5 dollars but what if it was 500??? I have told the dealer it would be cancel once I received the goods, isn't that fair or I have to give up my money to make you guys happy so I can stay on the board.. doesn't make no sense to me.. some one will be happy I made a dispute if in the future a 500 dollars transaction went wrong. I am suprise all you as a buyer isnt scare or because you think your purchase is way bigger and you are a bigger customer and he will treat you differently.. shouldn't seller treat all transaction big or small , buyers big or small equal???
  9. I already explained is not about the money, I need him to commuicate with him and he would only do so after I file a dispute, so you are saying is okay only if it is a 500 dollars purchase? I should sacrifce my money to protect your dealer? I didn't want to hurt him so I took actions between the 2 of us, I could of post bad comments about the dealer, but I never did it. Now this dealer could be good to those who dealt with him and had a smooth trasaction, if it isn't smooth, you name will be bashed in public all over the boards.. if he was professional and good dealer as other has posted, he should of contacted me directly which he didn't to solve our issue. so for those who are thinking of buy smaller values items, if you don't get it or have problms, I guess the majorty that responded think you should just live with it and get out of this forum. Very nice of you all. just wait till it happnens to you when you come across a bad transaction. I am lucky this time is only 5 euro. it could of been a 200 dollars watch or more.
  10. Do you guys understand, you can request paypal to get intouch with the seller and email the seller that way.. then if you want to file a claim which I didn't do YET or will do because is only 5 dollars, I have to click on to esclate this issue and film a claim. My god.. I didn't file a claim on you.. why are you telling everyone I am??? Have you try filing a claim on paypal recently. you can see there are 2 steps before you actually file a claim
  11. Hi Cwai02, That is not me from the ebay, I just brought your full size blue bezel from ebay, Am I really that cheap??? is not about the value of the item, I just wanted him to reply to me and seems like sending him a message through paypal was the only way he responded. I have already said I sent me PMs and Emails and he never responded.
  12. Hey, I email you and and PM you with no response and look, I sent out a paypal inquiry and boom.. you woke up. I never even esclate the paypal dispute to a claim so clam down. I never esclate this to be a claim dispute. I send the message via payal which if no answer from the buyer after 20 days can be esclate to a claim. If you have replied my emails and pm, maybe I would have to communicate with you through paypal. I have brought stuff from Andrew and waited for over 2 months and never filed anything to him because he responded to my emails. One last thing, why don't you attached those pics of those scans copys of your receipts on the web to show everyone, it is crossed out but that wasn't even to someone else with a USA address.. now that is not conforting at all. You can say all you want about me but I never had problems with all the dealers I dealt with on the board except you. You can't communicate with me one on one and need support from others to back to you up and put you down. it doesn't matter if it is a 5 euro sale or a 500 euro sale. you should treat all your customer equally.
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  14. Sam268


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  17. Sam268


  18. why can't they disable the cash out function
  19. how about for black jack guys, I just lost my money
  20. I hate this, most cash out won't work, I just lost all my money
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