For the last 10yrs, our huge family (relatives etc) all exchange gag gifts. They really aren't gag gifts they're usually pretty nice. We grab #'s out of a hat and the exchange goes accordingly. You can steel a gift or pick from the pile. You really want to have the highest #'s because of all the steeling. There's one thing that really adds to the excitement! Years and years ago I made up a rather large jar of bolts, nuts, washers, nails etc. Packed them very tightly so as they wouldn't make any noise and wrapped it beautifully. This gag gift has made it's way through most of the family now. Everyone that picks it and obviously ends up keeps it. Tries to pull-off the same trick year after year! It's rather hard now because most of us have caught on and it's getting harder and harder to pull it off each year. I'm sure there are many of you that have your own games you play similar to this. It sure does make for a load of laughs. I hope you and yours enjoy a very Merry Christmas and it's crammed with fun and joy!! Merry Christmas everyone!! Regards, X