Dewitt- Tourbillon Mysterieux in white gold! I know, only 50 units abvailable for the entire world. Like I'll ever have one huh? Remember, you asked the question!! he he!!
I've had mine now for about 6 weeks and it's working perfectly! To adjust the time I pull out the crown to the first click and adjust time by turning CW! If yours doesn't work like this I suggest asking for an exchange. If you bought it from one our X-cellent forum dealers I'm sure he/she would kindly replace! I hope you work out your problem! It's a real eye getter! Cheers!! X
First bought- Pam 172 Tantalium on bracelet
Purchased from Paul when he was still Abay!
and yes, I wear it all the time! I get x-cellent remarks everytime I'm out in the croud!!
I have around fifty! Most (40 or so) are gen. 12 or so are reps. I think I regularly wear about 15 or there abouts but I hardly ever sell one! Hey, I collect not ged rid of!! he he!!