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Posts posted by Starbug

  1. I look at my phone if I need to know what time it is. I noticed that sometimes I'll have to check my watch three or four times before I remember to stop adoring it and actually make a note of what time it is. I'm sure it's a common problem here.

    That's very comforting.. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 glances to actual mentally record the time. That's even after 1 year of having the same watches.. Reps truly are the gift that keeps on giving :D

  2. @Star

    No confusion necessary...

    No Avatars are removed that show people in bathing suits or T-Shirts (like the Banner Ads]...

    Only ones that have been removed are nudity ones...


    Fair enough I guess.

    The point I was intending to make was the one about "turning off" avatars if people are at work.. that is not an option for the adult banner ads. PPC is acceptable, but does AFF really have a place on this type of forum?

    Anyway, I have no fundamental problem with it as I'm self-employed, and work from home.. So the only person who can sack me for "slacking" is myself.. Not likely ;).. I was only pointing out the problem with money-making banners bringing things to your site that some people may not find to their liking.

  3. I find this policy a little confusing, when the admin has no qualms about prostituting the members to adultfriendfinder.com banner ads.

    I hope your affiliate payments make up for how this makes you look when you remove similar avatars to that which is already being displayed in the advertising space.

    A confusing message in my opinion.

  4. there are alot of agenda seekers out there.. and i am sure a lot of jealous people .. I would not put it past anyone to drop a dime on J & A to Hublot etc.

    Even still, surely there are many more unhappy customers of the scammers I mentioned?

    This, and the other RWG I visit consistently have newbies posting about being ripped off by overcharging scammers. Some of them even take soundings from legal people about taking action.

    Surely these scammers have FAR MORE unhappy customers than J&A, more traffic - fed by their pseudo review sites ranking well in google et al - and are based in the USA. Yet somehow continue to avoid repercussions?..

    There is something not right there.

  5. Joshua had an injunction action against him and he was forced to remove all Hublot items from his website. Sometimes I wonder if all the hoopla on the rep sitesabout Hublot is causing difficulty for the dealers. No doubt it is.

    What I can't undertand about this is how the decent dealers like Josh, Andrew etc constantly have problems with their sites.. needing new domains, hosting etc.

    How come the US based scammers we all despise, like bestswiss and the rest of the overpriced fools never have these problems. You would imagine with Josh and the rest being based in Asia would make it easier for them to operate than the forementioned US scammers.

    Why do they have this problem, but the other have managed to operate their domain names and shill "review" sites, without any takedowns????

    The mind boggles :o

  6. If it would be only rwg and environment... production, payment (of people involved) and new mbw watches/project

    would be impossible.

    Think about it.

    Even a "Non-informed" could do this simple 1x1 maths by considering the factors involved and all the efforts to produce

    a rep...

    I do know a few guys with own websites (non-rep-board-related) that also do trade with the "Producers" and do

    sell so called "mbw-watches"... its not all CN out there.

    BTW... these (non-board) offers/dealers werent even new, its a known matter.


    Can you expand on this?, as it appears that we - the great RWG masses - are missing out on something?

    Are we not l33t enough? :lol:

  7. There's only really one ETA used in all (non chrono) replica Rolex available from our dealers, and thats the 2836-2.

    I haven't seen anyone with better movements.

    Remember, you don't count the scammers with their 31 jewel lies.. they use the same movements our dealers do (or cheaper ones)

  8. I want a yellow gold day date but i am wondering how the gold plating holds up?

    My one from Perfect Clones is holding up nicely

    Are they a 1:1 resemblence to the real deal?

    Not in a million years!

    Does the ETA 2386 compare at all the the rolex movement?

    Not in a million years!

    What are the major flaws?

    Both the points above, and the fact that it's the most commonly seen replica in the real world.

    I want it to be waterproof as well!

    You'll pay extra

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