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Everything posted by JoJo35

  1. Haven't worn my 1665 in a while, and it's about time I'd love to see whatever else might be out there, post up!
  2. ...you mean one of these? (pic borrowed from SM)
  3. JoJo35


    Someone is actually going to pay more than ten grand for this? ...maybe it's one of the rapper posse from fulanito_uk's thread!
  4. How about a gen bezel to go with it?
  5. Thanks Nanuq! PS: I have both items you are looking for, both bought from our mutual friend
  6. Here's part of one conversation.... interesting stuff http://www.network54.com/Forum/207593/thread/1204272580/How+rare+are+this+clasp+---+this+is+a+93150+NOS+that+I+found
  7. FYI, Superdome is correct original crystal for a 5 mil 1665
  8. Thanks Ubi! Beautiful, yes, but the crystal drove me nuts! Sure brendo, not a problem answering your question. Sanding the crystal was relatively easy. It didn't take long before I figured out why this crystal was relegated to the parts box. I soon remembered that the crystal was in pretty bad shape, and that I was able to find another dome 117 for my last watch restoration. Not wanting to spend another $70 or more for an old crystal (if in fact I could actually find another one), I decided to sand this one into submission. I spent most of last night sanding, and (I timed it) three hours today after I got home from work. This is time consuming when done right, but it is kinda fun to see the end result. Last year when I bought one of these crystals from a gen dealer, I was disappointed with what I got in the mail. The crystal I had received had been evidently buffed with a dremel. The end result was an obviously uneven surface that desperately needed some TLC. Realizing the rarity of the crystal (isn't it weird how dome T-12's and C-117's are rarer that rocking horse $hit, but "original" superdome NOS 19's and 39's are all over the place?) I decided not to return the dome 117 to the seller, and sanded it the same way I did this one. It's pretty easy actually. I used wet/dry 600, 1000, 1200, and 1500. I only started off with the 600 for really deep scratches, but for the most part I was able to start with 1000. Begin by cutting a sheet into a six inch by six inch square, and fold it so you have a corner that will fit under your index finger. Try to sand in straight lines (ok, tiny straight lines!). The reason is the same reason you should never use swirls when you polish your car. It's something about the way light reflects.... Swirl marks are bad! As in any metal or paint finish work, use all grades of sand paper up to 1500. I found that wetting the paper was not necessary for such tiny work, since the paper didn't get loaded up, and if it did, just flick it with your fingertip or fold a new corner. After all the sanding was done, I dug some more car stuff out of the garage and put it to good use. I figured, why the hell should I spend money on a tiny tube of polywatch when I have a garage full of auto compounds? There are many products that would probably do the same thing, but I chose 3M's "finesse it". This stuff is advertised to remove 1500 grit scratches, and I found that it worked great. So, that's it! It's an easy and fun little hobby project that has great results (hmm.... why isn't any of this stuff ever on the gen forums?)
  9. PS: I have a couple of these (rep) if anyone might be interested.
  10. If you do a search on VRF it is probably in their archives. I remember reading about these a few years ago. If I recall correctly, discussion concluded that some of these were also issued to early Comex watches. JJ
  11. Here's a couple of "before" pics
  12. ...Anyone ever have to sand the inside of a crystal??? Tonight I got home from work, and for for the first time in a long time, I had nothing planned. So, like any other normal watch nut here, I thought of something . I've been putting this off for a long time, but nonetheless it is something that has been bothering me for quite a while. L's Cartier dialed OP date has had a service replacement crystal installed forever, and every time I look at the watch it bothers the hell out of me. So, tonight I had some time and looked through my parts bin. First I found a couple of flat 117's, and while checking the last 117 I saw that it was a correct vintage dome. So, for the past couple of hours I've been sanding the scratches out of the old plastic. After working down to 1000 grit, I took a long look at the crystal with the loupe. I guess this crystal has been around for a while, because I found a scratch on the inside! Quick work with the 1000 wet/dry took care of it, and right now it's just about ready for 1200 (then 1500, then 2000). After that, I'll resort to some 3M compound and it will look as good as new. Soon L's watch will look as good and correct as it should, and it won't drive me nuts the next time I see it on her wrist PS: I'll post up some pics after I get it installed
  13. Nice stuff ..can we humm the tune of Mission Impossible while we check out your pics?
  14. It's nice freddy, but wouldn't you agree that the t swiss t still gives it away?
  15. Remind me to check the obvious first
  16. Very nice, and would fool most folks out there
  17. freddy, can you get a better pic of the t swiss t? I was wondering if this was a texas dial?
  18. Thanks for the sarcasm. My post was strictly educational for the membership who may be in the market for high end vintage gens. The fact is that the watch sold for market value on VRF. Dealers keep their eyes open, and simply buy and sell to make a profit. Any gilt underline 5513 is extremely rare, and certainly a very beautiful and generous gift.
  19. Nice watches, enjoy them for what they are, since out of the box pieces have come a long way in the past few years. Perhaps these will inspire you to get the real thing one day. Wear them well JJ
  20. Another POS I thought I'd wind up tonight. I think the self winder might be broken, it keeps stopping after a day or two... oops, must have exceeded my bandwidth
  21. People don't get banned from VRF for no reason. Knowing that is enough for me. PS: fool an expert with an MBW case and dial.... you're kidding, right?
  22. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks TJ!
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