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Everything posted by JoJo35

  1. Happy Birthday America! The gf and I went down to pier 84 last night and took in one of the greatest celebrations in the world: The Macy's 4th of July fireworks display on the Hudson river. Before dark the tugs brought out four barges packed full of fireworks: From our perspective, with the fantail of the USS Intrepid in the foreground: Here's an interesting shot of the tug with FDNY fireboat in the background: Another shot of NY's bravest hidden behind a shroud of mist from the most powerful master-streams in the world: ..and as dusk arrived, the bridge of the Intrepid proudly lit with red white and blue Finally, what everyone came for, the most fantastic fireworks display I have ever seen:
  2. If it were only a vintage, you'd already have my paypal
  3. Keep an eye in the used forum; however, being that this was your very first post, you may need to stick around awhile before anyone is willing to sell to you. Good luck searching, this is a fun place
  4. Beautiful job R! I've been searching for one of these for quite some time now. The owner of this one is certainly a lucky guy!
  5. Hi Stephane, Nice collection you've got there! I'll agree with the others, and say a 5513 would be nice. I just picked up an acrylic "R" series for a song. I'll post up some pics as soon as I have a moment to set up the light box Wear your watches well, they certainly are beautiful!
  6. Geezus, I can't believe the arguments I'm reading here. The guy was a pervert, plain and simple, and most likely a child molester. F him! To say how wonderful the guy was because he had talent is utterly ridiculous considering what eventually came to light considering this man. What goes around comes around, and it certainly doesn't look like karma was on his side. Like they say, pay-back is a [censored].
  7. Here's a pic of my gen. It's got no AR (as gen rolex's never have had AR) This watch is so good, it simply cannot be replicated. In this case, as with all rolex, nothing beats genuine
  8. mochi balls????? (not that there's anything wrong with that)
  9. geezus Nanuq, snowing? It's already past the solstice!
  10. B, here is my two cents, although it may not be what others seem to be suggesting. 1) Try to confirm the originality of the dial. Post it on VRF, do the UV test (I think there is a recent thread on VRF regarding the testing of gen dials for re-lume). 2) If in fact, it is an original un-touched gen dial, don't modify it. However, if you can confirm that it is already re-lumed, it's ruined already, so whatever you do to it can't make it any worse. 3) Hold out and look for a gen case & movement. If desperation sets in, just wait until a good gen comes up for sale. Gen Tudors still come fairly cheap, and can only increase in value. Buying a clean gen now is a win-win situation; plus, you would have the satisfaction of owning a 100% gen watch (even if you do build it from gen parts) Good luck with your project
  11. I can't believe it's been almost twenty years since I bought my baby brand new. Since then she's seen lots of mods (like everything else I own). Some of those mods were by choice, and others were "forced upgrades". In other words, when your bike slides along @ 100mph and hits a guy wire to a telephone pole which causes it to spin 30 ft through the air like a helicopter, what you have left almost requires upgrades! So, that's exactly what I did. Upside down forks, P&M wheels, Airtech OW-01 bodywork, fox shock, aftermarket swing arm, re-jet to the Mikuni's, Vance & Hines pipes, and as a finishing touch, an exact duplicate of the 1978 "King Kenny" factory paint job. I know it's not an R1, but with 127 rwhp, this puppy still flies Any other bike modders out there?
  12. Lots of 'em.... Stephane is one actually Back on subject, I agree that the new "red 1680" MBW dial stinks, and has definitely gone in reverse as far a quality is concerned. I'm almost sad that I sold all of my old "red" MBW's!
  13. A sincere thank you to each fellow member who took the time to write down their thoughts. I've given a lot of thought about the creations in my watch box, which included consideration of the total time and effort each took to research and put together. Each one of my frankens took considerable time on my part to properly research and purchase the parts; however, the real effort and talent came after that. Putting together and servicing a movement takes skill, but IMO still doesn't compare to the natural talent that is needed to duplicate the lume of a 30 or 40 year old gen tritium dial. Although a re-lumed watch dial may not be a Picasso, it is still very much a work of art, and IMO that certainly deserves respect. IMO, selling artwork like this is almost an insult to the artist because they obviously take so much skill and talent to creat. Therefore, these beautiful pieces will remain in my watchbox (while still being worn anywhere with confidence). Pre V, I think your comment surmises best how I feel. My continued quest for vintage rolex has brought me to the realm of gens. As I mentioned in my opening thread, my sights are set on a gen 6263, and perhaps a zenith floating cosmograph.. ..I'll post up after I finally decide Thanks again for everyone who posted up Kind Regards JJ PS... The lume job on my sub is better than any re-lume job I have ever seen on any gen forum. It's no wonder we call him the master!
  14. Like many other members who have reached this point before me, I am now considering selling off my reps. These aren't just generic reps (like unmodded MBW's, which I have sold off already), but some very ultra frankens. Each of these reps were painstakingly researched, and put together by none other than the master with as many gen parts as possible. The reason I have come to this conclusion is: however hard one can try to create the perfect rep, it will always be just that, a rep! Like another member here who is a good friend of mine, I have reached the sad conclusion that I will never be satiated with a rep, no matter how close to gen it is. Worse yet, my "grail" watches continue to climb the food chain. Starting first with an OP 1030, then a underline OP 1560, then a 666, a 16800, a red 1680, an underline pcg 5513... Now I have my sights set on a 6263 and a floating cosmograph! (I almost wish I never found RWG 1!) I was just wondering how other members who may have surpassed this point dealt with it, and if they could offer some advice (Nanuq?)
  15. Congrats on a fine purchase Stephane. I can see, that surely you are now a WIS! Wear it well, while trying not to ever forget your humble rep beginnings Like mrandazzo said, now you need one of these:
  16. Hey Justice, welcome aboard. You've started out with a great watch. Check out this thread when you get the chance, it's basically required reading for what you just bought: http://www.rwg.cc/members/User-guide-7750-...nog-t78016.html Cheers, JJ
  17. I believe 380's may also be correct on a folded bracelet
  18. I've never bought any of his dials, but I think a few here have. It looks like a good rep white 1680 dial. How far are you going with your franken? If the answer is "all the way", you may be better off considering a gen dial JJ
  19. Here's a couple OP's so you can get an idea of what is out there. The "affordable" rolex as new; however, these two have appreciated nicely over time
  20. Thanks Andy. The 1016 is one of my favs, and perhaps the crown jewel of my collection
  21. Thanks everyone for your comments Like I mentioned in my opening post, in the beginning I never imagined that I would come to admire the midsize; however, as everyone can see my ideas have certainly changed. You're 100% correct stilty All I need to find now is a gen underline cosmo! (every family needs a grandfather! )
  22. I've got a full blown custom 1990 FZR1000 Kenny Roberts race bike Although not quite on par with a new R1, it still has 127RWHP, and can perform beyond my (experienced) level. All in all it's a great weekend street/track bike Insurance is about $130USD a year
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