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Everything posted by JoJo35

  1. Absolutely beautiful watch Stephane, you've certainly got a keeper there! I can't wait to see it in person
  2. Stephane, I finally followed your footsteps and purchased a gen 16800 for myself. Here's some quick pics I took for all to enjoy. As anyone could see, genuine tritium ages differently on each different watch. I prefer coffee
  3. The case looks nice rehaut diameter looks a bit on the small side, 5513 MBW case? I agree with others in that the "worn" look tends to be a bit more convincing. Beautiful watch; wear it well
  4. Yes, way. These watches were selling for 14k early last summer
  5. I had some spare time this weekend, and took a trip to a local dealer to check out the window. Lo and behold, a brand new green milgauss was in the display window. So, with my curiosity piqued, I went inside and nonchalantly started asking some questions about some of the watches they had. I took a look at a white dial milgauss they had, and then asked if they had any other ones. They told me they had a black dialed one with the "special" green crystal. After checking it out and finally walking away after leaving them my number, they called me a couple hours later. The price: "ten percent off list". Wow, I wasn't expecting that! Not even a year ago, I remember seeing this watch selling for 14k! So, now the bigger question. At that price, should I get it? I wonder if there's any chance as a long term investment; however, I'm not sure how many of these they made? Any suggestions would certainly be welcome Thx, JJ
  6. Here's a couple more favs: Tropic 16 & 17
  7. Here's one of my favs: Tropic 22
  8. I just saw this post now, and I'm sorry for not signing in earlier and offering my most sincere condolences sooner. Hang in there Rob. Again, most most sincere sympathies.
  9. Yes, you are correct; however, the deco bezel is the master's beauty
  10. Today I dug out a couple from the watch box that haven't seen the light of day in a long long time (and I know, that is a shame) They're not at the same level as VDB's, but they're still nice. I'd still love to find a gen movement for the deco
  11. Took out the camera today and snapped a few pictures of two favorites of mine. Both bonds, fully modded, serviced, and running perfectly. It's funny how my tastes have changed since joining this forum. At that time I had absolutely no interest in vintage.... wow, how times have changed
  12. Here's a pic of a few watches that aren't particularily popular (except maybe the explorer), but all happened to catch my eye. The gilt explorer of course had me at hello, but the other two kinda grew on me. My latest project is the 1501 date, with cream dial and blue seconds hand (I know freddy, it's not a 6534, but it's still pretty). Hope you enjoy the pics:
  13. Hey D, After being thoroughly called out on VRF, now he's trying to sell his fake stuff again on the bay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ME:B:SS:US:1123
  14. This fake just popped up again, only this time it's on VRF, and the seller wants twenty large for it!
  15. WOW that is awesome! Absolutely beautiful dial. Congrats on a true keeper, enjoy and wear in good health
  16. Gen thin case sea dwellers do exist
  17. Here's an example of a nice project that didn't cost a mint, and does NOT have any NDT parts: It's just an example of what can be done at a fraction of the cost of a bx/papers original, without the stress (at least for me) of wearing one of my 100% gens. IMO, this is the only quality acceptable to wear, as it can be taken off and handed to someone with a loupe.
  18. Try setting your watch just before midnight instead of in the morning...
  19. Here's one I did. I used a damp/dry brush technique with coffee. After that a fine mist of laquer was sprayed over it
  20. JoJo35

    Dr. No

    Hi freddy, This piece has a 1530
  21. JoJo35

    Dr. No

    I've been away from the forum for a while, mainly just working two jobs to survive. However, I recently acquired a final piece to the puzzle of my Dr. No project, and wanted to share with fellow vintage lovers. This piece has a host of genuine , plus put together with the tlc of the master. After searching for months, I finally found a genuine NOS Tropic 20mm strap. Lol, now all I need is a vacation to Aruba to wear it on the beach!
  22. Interesting piece there, RG! Almost looks as bad as some of the unfortunate pieces I picked up and sent your way
  23. Nice watch, and great pics! I've been away from the forum for a little while busy with other stuff, but it's good to sign back on and read a great thread like yours. From my experience you've got a nice later model dial with a "more correct" font red lettering. Like my friend RG said, have fun with the modding, as it can be addictive (and expensive!) Cheers, JJ
  24. Wow, truly awesome specimen! Congrats to the owner and the builder! Wear it in good health!
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