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Everything posted by stevie7s

  1. WOW!!! That is a collection that I would die for...
  2. Just saw this thread on the 'risti. http://www.network54.com/Forum/353391/mess...s+Mark-FinePics
  3. I have two friends that own a place there that do the same exact thing. Summertime they rent it out to vacationers and winter they rent it to Salve Regina University students. I actually think they are looking to cash out and sell. Let me know and I will check it out for you and give them a call.
  4. My friends and I used to rent a house down there every summer. AAHHHHH....those were the days. Leave work early on Friday, meet up with your buddies at the Atlantic Beach Club for a few cocktails and start the weekend off, right. I miss those days. Glad you had a great time there.
  5. Downloading now. Thanks Gio. Have you ever heard any of the Harry Connick Jr. Christmas CD? I'm not sure if you like his stuff but, this is a pretty good non-mainstream Christmas CD. Here is a link to listen to some of the tracks. I hope you and your girl, Enjoy Steve
  6. Try using a leather conditioner and massaging it into the strap.
  7. There is no doubt that Varitek's strength lies in his game calling. He is a leader all the way around that team. One thing though VBarrett, Varitek does not catch Wakefield. He had for 3 years at the beginning of their tenure with the Sox but we picked up Doug Mirobelli, about 6 years ago, to catch Wake. It seems like he is the only guy that can do it effectively. That knuckleball is not an easy thing to catch.
  8. 82Booba, you are a true New York fan. Always thinking that the world wants to be a Yankee. When will you band of pinstriped losers understand that the most of the country HATES the Yankees. Jaba couldn't carry Varitek's ball bag. Varitek calls the best game in baseball. Jaba folded like a lawn chair in the post-season like the rest of the Bronx Bozos. I could do this all day..this is fun.
  9. Happy birthday to you You belong to a zoo You post here with monkeys So you must be one too HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUG and ADMIN!!! All the best to ya'
  10. The 029 is my favorite Panerai. Im waiting with baited breath for mine to get back from the dealer. My mods are new crystal with cyclops, new lello datewheel and lume. Enjoy this great watch and dont forget pics when you finally get it.
  11. Let me set something straight, here. First off, Red Sox fans do not go about spouting their teams accolades in an obnoxious manner. I did so because "82Booba" opened his mouth. I was merely, projecting my opinion based on his posting. Secondly, New York Yankee fans, when they dont win, (which has been often as of late) are more obnoxious than any Red Sox fan ever could be. Thats when you all come out with the "26 rings, blah, blah, blah" So, bottom line, your statement of "At least with Yankees fans, they do it with style, and in true New York style. Whether they win or lose, they are all still the same." is ludicrous. Finally, Fenway Park is the most fan friendly park in MLB. I have been to three games at Yankee Stadium just this year - 2 vs. the Sox and 1 vs. Toronto. All three times I wore Red Sox stuff (hat, or jersey) and the crowd could have cared less for the action on the field. Instead they were too busy trying to heckle me and my friends. Im sure people in Fenway do similar stuff to the Yankmees fans when they're in town. Come to Boston and enjoy a game in "Americs Most Beloved Ballpark" So don't hold the Spankees in such high regard. They have been hated for years by the entire league and its fans for a reason. I just cant wait for the All-Star game this year, when Terry Francona has to pick the pitchers and alternates for the game in the "new" Yankee Stadium. What a shame that so few Yankees will be there to participate.
  12. 82Kuba, spoken like a true New Yorker. You guys are always talkin' about 26 WS rings...dude, that was ages ago. Back then players stayed with the same team for an entire career. Times have changes in baseball. You were right when you said that its all about the $$$. But, the Yankees have more of it than any team in MLB and they have not won [censored] in years. Actually, they have the same team as back then because Cashman and Steinbrenner have squanderd away all of their Minor league resources to get over priced free-agents that suck in the Bronx. Red Sox Nation may be smaller than the Yankee Empire but the we have more heart than any other fan base in major league sports. New York sports teams can never compete with the heart Boston teams have-and it looks like heart pays off in spades with all of the championships we have won in the past 7 years. You are a joke and you should be embarrassed to be a Yankee fan. The Mets are the team in NY right now. Damn, Joe Torre even wanted out so bad that he quit after being offered $5 million dollars/yr. Jeter is a pussy and has the range of a little league SS. Giambi is Barry Bonds in pinstripes but cant hit as well. Posada wishes he was Jason Veriteks backup. Oh yeah, and tell your pitchers, that that funny shaped thing that is on the ground 60'6" away from them...is home plate. They are supposed to throw strikes over that to get players out. Friggin' Yankee fans. All caught up in the Reggie Jackson era. Not that you could tell by your wardrobe but, its 2007. Billy Martin is dead and so is the Babe. Sign on to Red Sox Nation, we need someone to pick up the confetti from this weeks championship parade.
  13. The Red Sox are now the "model" team in the MLB. With that will come all of the haters, that for years booed the Yankees because of their dominance. Im sure we will get that now as our payroll grows, we land more and more coveted free agents, and we eventually win more Championships. Unfortunately, there are thousands of new "fans" that do not show Red Sox pride and do not represent what Red Sox Nation is all about. Believe me, waiting so long for a Championship humbles you. All these new fans know is winning - that dosen't build character. A local sportscaster here in Boston put his 4 yr old son to bed early in the game Sunday night. Upon waking up the next morning, his dad said to him. "Guess what, the Red Sox won the World Series last night!!" His son's response.... "again???" They will never know the pain! God Bless Red Sox Nation! BTW, 82KUBA, Yanks are sinking fast, there is still room in Red Sox Nation. We will even help you burn all of your A-Rod and Sheffield t-shirts that you spent $100's of dollars on. Bet you a Noobmariner, that if A-Rod comes to the Sox and plays SS, he will hit in the playoffs. GO PATS!!!
  14. I usually use the ribbed version but I wear it inside out...F*ck her!!
  16. Im not sure if this will help you at all but here goes. Count me in for one of these if you get any more made up.
  17. Here is my recently purchased 127. It will be on its way to get all the usual mods done by the end of this week. You wonth regret buying this watch.
  18. also if you notice the serifs on the roman numerals is slightly exagerated on the rep dial vs. the gen.
  19. Look Jiro...Its already gone.
  20. You better hope that dinosaur still works, because Dell isnt making any parts to repair it. There's a reason the IPod name has become a part of our daily culture...its the best at what it does. My 30 gig and my Nano are both going strong after thousands of songs loaded and deleted.
  21. Are you using a watch winder for your automatic reps? if you are not, go to ebay and check out some of the ones on there. it will be worth it for you in the end to have one for your automatic rep collection.
  22. That is a very cool ride...be real careful of the police with that ride. Im sure they will want to pull you over to get a look at it.
  23. You scare me!!!
  24. Great looking watch you have there. Im a big fan of all things GMT and this one falls right in my wheelhouse. Josh might be getting a call from me real soon.
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