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Everything posted by Bambam75

  1. Since I am here, I remember his posts. Sad to know he had a scam life
  2. Yes tony you're true. Maybe i've been lucky cause all my reps Are swiss original because perhaps were first generation when ETA swiss cost less and were easy to Find (Aldo taken from others Watches) However i found easier FIx ETA movenent than asian ones
  3. grazie Tony. Molto obbligato. Ho visto il sito ma mi sembra abbia una predilezione per gli Asian. Io però preferisco fare acquisti eta anche in vista della longevità thanx Tony for your suggestion. i've watched the site but it's seem to me torobravo is too much asian oriented. i try to buy always eta also for longevity of mechanism
  4. Hurt eesta!! Finalmente una luce nel tunnel....aiutami per favore a barcamenarmi in questo marasma...!!!
  5. Does Sead has a site? Do I have to contact him from supermirrors page?
  6. I hope...'ntil now I collected just stomach pain: good watches, good prices but wrong countries for shipment
  7. thanks Cat...you're priceless!!!!!!
  8. Ok Cats...but in the trusted dealers page....wich are the sites in corrispondence with these names? Sorry if I seem dumb...but I'm a little bit confused....
  9. Hi everybody, i'm looking for this watch: http://puretime.co/product/vintage-military-submariner-5517-on-nylon-strap-eta2846/ even modded. Contact me and we'll talk about money... I prefer to buy it from one member better than try from the other part of the world. I know...i'm a newbie and i'm not so confident. So, what you say? Maybe You got one stucked in your watchbox. I'm waiting for offers... thanx
  10. Hi, can you suggest me a couple of sites of these trusted sellers who use this triangulation? thanx
  11. Hi everybody, I know what you're thinkin' "why don't you look the list of dealer in the forum?" Because it's not what I need. I'm gonna explain. I'm located in Italy (can you dig it?) and there's a risk receiving boxes from out Europe. Moreover is the same from Uk/Norway/Switzerland. So, please I wish a shortlist of dealers located in Eu or, as well, private modders/seller with who I can manage deals. I appreciate also modding amateurs who want to sale old watches to raise funds for new ones. So, I wait for your suggestions Thanx
  12. Hi everybody, onestly if I could choose in my "watch paradise" I prefer to find some modder or another member located in EU with I can trade easily and carefully. More than a trader i look for a "watch friend" that, for example, one day decide to clearout his watchbox...then I calls me and say "Mate, I've some good pieces eta movement, modded for you...should I say some pic?" and after we talk about the price. No problems with customs, friendly guaranteed (of course as it possible....but sure not to receive crap). At the end of the day....I want to find my watch pusher
  13. Hi Vlydog, i'm agree i'm lucky to have found you. i'm less lucky as well because it's difficult to find dealers or modders in my country....
  14. Hi Ssteel, Yeah...I suppose. But you know..here there some propblems with shipping, so I wish to contact someone from my countru could explain to me some things
  15. Hi everybody, i'm lookin' for some contacts tohave information on best sellers, best reps, and good shipment to Italy...is there anyone could help me? Thanx Bambam
  16. Hi everybody, I own a couple of reps I bought from some friend who modded them (Omega, Rolex). Unfortunately my last ones Rolex I bought had no good quality. Have you any suggestions or contacts to buy good quality reps in my city? I care about quality and I wish to see the product because recently mostly of the parts of watches I bought were to throw away. Thanks for your answers Bambam
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