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Posts posted by rennwerkes

  1. Like most things in life, watch servicing is one area where you do get what you pay for. I am sure you can find someone who will "service" the watch for less than $100.00, they are around...

    It takes about 4 hours of bench time to service this movement, thousands of dollars in tooling, and experience and skill. The seconds at 12 version of the 7750 is heavily modified and has 11 more gears than the standard 7750 design, 2 more plates, which all adds to the time and difficulty.

    The problem is that your comparing the cost of your rep watch, to the cost of servicing. While the price of the rep is 1/10th or less than the genuine model, the movement design is not 1/10th as simple or less complex. You can't compare the price you paid for the watch to the cost to service it, they are not related.

    The only thing that is related, is that this movement is as complex and is much more difficult to service than the genuine one. If you paid $5000.00 for the watch, the $200 servicing cost would seem like a bargain, and in reality $200 is a bargain...most shops charge 2-3 times this amount to service a chronograph, with the going rate being $450.00 and up, a quick Google search on "watch servicing prices" will confirm that fact.

    Good luck in your quest getting it serviced.

    The Zigmeister,

    No disrespect meant by my original post.

    I understand about the complexity of the movement and the servicing cost involved. I just read about a few folks that seemed to have gotten the service for much less. You can't blame me for trying to see if there was an alternative because of my logic between a rep and genuine.

    However, in my follow up post I did state that I'd probably go with you in the future as I also indicated in my follow up PM.

    You're also right about your servicing price to be a deal in the "real world". The watchmaker I've used in the past to service my chrono's does indeed charge an "arm and a leg" for the full chrono service.

    I look forward to dealing with you in the future.


  2. I am wondering too. Asked some questions in the post concerning the graphite treatment, but it seems that nobody is interested to give any feedback, or is there just no experience?

    Thats sad, because I think we are sharing the same stuff and can of course learn a lot from each others experience.

    Asked, if a service on a brand new sec@12 could prevent breakdown, or if it should be serviced after wearing it a time.

    No response from the experts. Also heard that some movements broke down-can the be repaired, or is the sec@12 damned be be dead after a while?

    Yeah, can't quite understand the lack of feedback on this issue. There's quite a bit of discussion on this issue but not much on specifically servicing it and who to send it to.

    I've heard of some folks doing it for around $100 which is fine for me since it's a rep. I can see spending $200+ on a genuine piece but am a little hesitant about spending that much to service a rep.

    But it seems as though The Zigmeister is the only watchmaker that I could find that services the rep's and knows about the problems of the seconds at 12 movement.

    From what I understand it just requires a servicing and need to periodically service the movement about every five years. Not bad, given the alternative is to through the watch away.

  3. Sorry to hear this. Servicing the APROO sec@12 won't be an easy task for an average watchsmith considering all the mods done on the A7750.

    Maybe you can try The Zigmeister in Canada.

    Yeah, I think I'll be going with The Zigmeister.

    But heard from a few posters that others are doing the service for quite a bit less but no feedback so far.

    Seems as though The Zigmeister is one of the more reputable folks around but service costs reflects that.

    Actually, I'm kinda surprised that there aren't more posts on servicing. With all the mods everyone wants to do I'd have thought there'd be more discussion on servicing and servicing costs and who's good and whose not.

    Oh well...:(

  4. send it back to the dealer and see if they can do it first

    I've had issues with products I've bought before and usually never get a response back to my questions.

    Funny how quickly I get a response when I want to buy something.

    This one was bought from the original owner and I'm guessing he got it from Angus.

  5. I lucked out with my ROO (seconds at 12) dying after only a few weeks of ownership. Didn't do my homework before buying. :(

    I've searched a bit but can't find my info on folks that service these watches. I see folks posting that they've had their watches by "so and so" but not much of anything else.

    Being a rep. I really don't want to spend much on the servicing and have seen folks mention that their service cost roughly $100 or maybe just a bit more.

    Can anyone provide some advice on who's done good work and is preferably in the US?

    TIA! :)

  6. Folks, have been out of rep's for a while and have only had Panerai's in the past.

    But recently the Conquistador has caught my eye, especially since it seems as though many consider it to be one of the the most accurate rep's available.

    Can anyone offer any additional advice? I know to get the one with the correct movement, I think it was a 2892 or a 2982?

    TIA! :D

  7. In this particular case of rennwerkes, that is hardly going to make for a fix, since rennwerkes said that once the lever is locked in place everything is good. This is not a symptom of loose CG screws.

    That watch being the first PAM rep of rennwerkes, he was likely not already aware of the loose lever in 'open' position on all PAM reps.

    Yup, still using my PAM on a semi daily basis and am amazed with these rep's! Keeping fantastic time, (probably better than some very expensive authentic watches I've had!), and looking great too boot!

    One thing, the one tip off that these watches are rep's is the crystal with no antireflective coating on them. Any suggestions on this?


  8. The ebay crown guards (he lists them under "crown bridges") are functionally a little better than the rep guards, but since they're not a cosmetic improvement they're not worth the 54 bucks plus whatever it would cost you to have it PVD'd to match your 004.

    I think Finepics can do a fix involving a rubber gasket--might want to check w/ him.

    It's actually not a big deal. And you're right, probably not worth the extra $$$'s.

    Once it's locked in place everythiing is good! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  9. Touching the bridge constantly? I don't understand. I've never even had my caseback off let alone touch the bridge.

    I think I"m referring to the wrong part. I'm talking about the crown locking mechnism. The lever is a bit on the flimsy side. A bit loose too. But then again, it's the same way on my 212 also.

  10. Just received my PAM 4 today. Being my first rep. I thought I'd submit a few comments on this watch.

    This particular model is, as I understand, from EL and comes with the Swiss movement. The PVD finish is not bad. Quite even in the coloring. In some of the pics I've seen there seems to be some blotchiness but does not seem to be the case when you've got the watch in hand.

    Winding is good although not quite the same as the real thing. Hard to describe, not a big irritation, just not the same.

    I think everything else about the body is top notch. The only thing that I'm just a tad disappointed is the bridge. A bit on the flimsy side. To me, the rep. manufacturers get everything else so right but the one thing that everyone is going to touch constantly is flimsy. Oh well...still amazing for the money!!!

    Now to start playing with my 212 I got from King!!!

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