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Everything posted by Akira

  1. The name is Rolexaddict. He's in France. Samples of his work:
  2. Where could I get one of those bracelets?
  3. I'm not getting sucked into this debate, since I made my experiences with discussing US politics before. It's never civil and never ends in a good way It's caused by the different education and upbringing in those various countries. However, I want to make a quick statement to those following posts. The EU zone succeeded in many ways and should not be reduced to the recent financial crisis, when a main aspect was the US housing market and financial crisis. Anyways, if you know a bit about the reasons why Greece, Spain and Italy are in the situation they are in now, you'll see, it has little to do with the EU. It has lots to do with the 2nd WW and 40 years of local politics before joining the EU. Joining the EU didn't make those countries poor. I'm sure you didn't mean to say that, however declaring the EU to have failed because of it might be a bit to early. You're thinking wrong my friend. Germany's economical growth will be around 1.6% in 2013 according to the DIW and a few other economic research institutes. The GDP in the second quarter grew by 0.5% and 0.3% in the third this year. It's a question of how many more depth Germany is willing to on to stabilize the EU zone. Btw: The current leading parties in Germany are planning to have a balanced national budget without any new debt by 2014.
  4. Numbers mixup - 14270 is what I'm talking about. Early 90's Edit: Awww but this one got [censored] lugholes!!! I need to read more about the differences!
  5. So I found out a bit more. I want to go for a 14720 Tritium Lume on markers, white paint on 3/6/9. Gen crown. Crystal without LEC, does anyone know the exact gasket height of the 25-295 I need from Clarks? He has, 2.7mm, 2.5mm, 2,.85mm, 2.35mm and 3mm gasket height. The bracelet should be fine and period correct. Ca. 1997 ??? Anyone can answer my questions?
  6. Hi guys, normally I don't post threads like this, but I'm a total noob when it comes to modern Rolexes and I've only played with the vintage ones. The 114720 is pretty much the only modern one I like. So any help is appreciated. I've read a couple of threads, but non of them is completely definite. How accurate is this watch to it's genuine counterpart Upgrade options? Case reshaping? Crystal? I hear the Clark 25/295 is a fit. Is it an improvement though? LEC at 6 o'clock??? Hands? TC or Clarks or the stock? I have a couple of spare 24-600 I'll use, so crown is dealt with. Bracelet? Is there a better aftermarket or is this one any good? I can relume it myself, I'd say So please let me hear your thoughts. Regards Akira
  7. Well, dial and hands could be luminova service parts. However the insert doesn't look like an old fat font insert and also not like a service one. It would be too faded IMO too. However, those people who see those small "faults" will notice the case and dial quality first anyways. So I'd say, you are good to go! Enjoy!
  8. http://www.ingod44.com/rolex-explorer-i-1016-chapter-gilt-dial/
  9. If you don't want a forum discussion, but resolve an issue with a member, then use the [censored] PM option next time, Eh? Open forum and all...
  10. From the 4, 14, 18, triangle and the dots on the insert, I'd back up Janeto. Looks like a legit service insert to me too. Those aren't that expensive though. You get them on VRF for around $100-150
  11. I have a gen FF like you I believe PMWF isn't producing anymore. Waiting list was ridiculous.
  12. PMWF insert. 95% identical to the genuine service lumi insert. In fact with a gen pearl, you'd never see a difference. All you need is a yuki pearl at $25 and you are set for life. Sent me a PM if you want it
  13. BTW, shouldn't a 5510 have a "lollipop" hand as well? Is there an aftermarket version?
  14. Sorry I missed the question. Yes, a DG2813 fits.
  15. Aaaawww, don't say stuff like that... You are sucking people into expensive-never-ending-builds!
  16. I can't tell you what's underneath the paint. You need to find out on your own, but it's probably not the easiest job to do.
  17. Yeah, plexi needed to be reduced and glued on rehaut. Left is the original size, right after reducing. "Gen construction"? Meh, I wouldn't say so , however it's thin and nicely shaped and with the Atayah crown, it looks the part. Dial size is 29mm-ish
  18. Almost done... Subtle brownish color and dial texture. What do you think?
  19. Pictures are always clearer than words Unless you have very unfortunate lightning in your pics - your hands are black at the base.
  20. It will fit, if you use a 7030 tube. The case probably needs retaping to take the tube though! If I were you, I'd take Nanuq's and my advice
  21. I personally, don't like the Josh case builds that much. The stubby crown guards always look so off - it makes me sad for all the time/money invested in the builds. Highjoey... is putting out a decent case set for $400ish soon. Maybe wait for it? Akira
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