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Everything posted by uziuzi

  1. Angus mentioned it in one of hie posts, I think it was over at rwi. And yes, it will be super rep with real ceramic...lets just hope they do it right. There are a lot details which might cause trouble apart from the bezel....for instance the "Rolex" engraving on the rehaut....plus makers are yet to prove to us that they are able to create a Rolex super rep...cause in the past there was always somethng faulty with them....
  2. The new GMT II Steel is in construction and is going to be another of those super-reps, including the nice bezel. So be patient gentlemen....
  3. I would buy the New Rolex GMT II Steel...awesome watch, you gotta see it live !!!
  4. Yes, I am not a fiddy expert, can someone please comment on the new Davidsen Fiddy ???
  5. Hmmm...interesting nobody mentioned it yet. But the big second hand is apparantly white while it should be steel. I already told Angus, he said it is not just in the picture
  6. Nice ! Here the gen for direct comparison: Cheers !
  7. Hope nobody is going to hate me for this but here is my explanation. Everytime a new Pam comes out there is something wrong, sometimes it is old mistakes which are not resolved, sometimes it is mistakes that have been resolved on previous editions....and all this on a Pam, which is, in terms of detail one of the easiest watches to rep. Look at the projects of Angus, then you understand my reasoning. If that factory should start pushing out Pams, trust me, the days of other dealers are counted. Its ridiculously easy to rep a pam 1:1. But i better stop my critique now, dont wanna sound like panerai-police or something...but that is the simple truth. Compare it to the complexity of the HBB, the Cousteau, the upcoming Slevin and then ask yourself why none of Davidsens releases have managed to correct a single one of the remaining ridiculously simple flaws that are still present on Pams. This is the Sergej Bubka priciple. Never jump as high as you can, then you can come back next time and set a new world record again....and pleople as simple-mided as they are, will buy it !
  8. Very nice watch you have there and thanks for posting. This is the first one I have seen with the correct logo. So who did you say you got it from ? jay ?? If it has strong AR then it is an admirable watch ! Have fun with it !
  9. I suppose they are trying to get the bracelet and rep it as well...
  10. It is intentional IMHO.
  11. Ok, convinced. Lets rep it...
  12. ...LOL no we really do not need this. This is too chunky chunky !! You need to take it off before having s*x to avoid injuries...LOL
  13. By the way, does anyone have info regarding the datewheel that will be used in the Aquatimer ? I guess it will be the same as in the Pilot so a replacement mod will be necessary ?
  14. I think you should buy it. I am sure you wont be dissapointed as the quality is supposed to exceed the already incredible CD...
  15. 8 day movment ? Kruzer, its going to happen VERY soon. Stay tuned
  16. I couldnt agree more. What a ridiculously foolish gesture this is. Cant take that guy seriously anymore. But i guess some consider this as "cool". Besides, grandpa should know some of the reps keep better time than his gens and are of NO less quality, at least nothing that would justify a 17 times higher price for the gen. If our reps only last a year I could buy a new one each year for seventeen years in a row and not having to worry about servicing. So no discussion about the quality of the materials used. Seriously no ! I was able to compare the gen Cousteau with the rep side-by-side and there is no quality difference. So maybe the movment is worth the gen...LOL, as if IWC would do much refinement or modification. If they would use a complete inhouse movment there was a point in arguing, but its still just a 7750. JMHO.
  17. Exciting !!!!!! I love this interactive system. Hopefully one day there will be a raffle on this board with the first price being a trip to China to experience the repping of a new model 'in flesh'...that would be fun
  18. Good boy !...and since you like it so much, here is another one... I think the rubber strap makes it more useful to wear for showering, and its certainly much more comfi than steel bracelets...
  19. Finally.....I have been lobbying for this one before the first HBB was released. Solid caseback versions are so much more easy to do accurately...
  20. teaser:
  21. ...or the steely Ingy. I prefer the Aquatimer on rubber so i am happy
  22. People still wondering if this isnt on purpose ?? Of course it is, if people arguing that there is no perfect pam out there because the factories have no interest in producing a PERFECT for a couple of watch freaks like us when they can sell still thousands to the average tourist, they argue right. But didnt Davidsen in particular try to do a perfect rep just for his small watch freak client base of us ? Wouldnt he benefit ? I mean, seriously, if there was a 100 % PERFECT (meaning the dial of the watch) who wouldnt buy it ? I would...
  23. Here the shots of davidsen and the gen side by side, sorry i dont know how to make myself clearer but the rep does not look anything like the gen. 1) Why the hell are the numbers green in the rep ??? Look on the gen the numbers are WHITE !!!!!!!!! 2) one of the crucial characterisitcs of the logo models is that they have fatter numbers on the dial, the rep totally misses this point 3) i dont even wanna know how misplaced the "L Swiss L" is ...... .... and yet people over at RWI scream Go Davidsen Go, as if the created a masterpiece....something must be terribly wrong with my eyes...
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