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Everything posted by pollux1

  1. Fantastic review! Can anyone tell me what "tells" there are to differentiate between the genuine j12 auto and a rep? I'm asking because i was given a j12 auto from a friend who found it, he knows i'm into watches , and seeing as it cost him nothing he decided to just give me it lol. Any help is hugely appreciated. ( sorry to jump on another's thread too )
  2. A friend sent me this link, seems to have a whole host of tv shows for you to watch, might waste a few hours for someone if they're bored.... http://www.mahtv.com/index.php?alias=showlist&t=t
  3. I wonder how many of the i-phone's features will be network dependent? The new Nokia n73 x series (3 uk ) is pretty much jam packed with features, including it's own browser which actually works surprisingly well, and they're about to release the SE w950i with, wait for it.... 4gb internal memory and a touch screen http://www.three.co.uk/xseries/mobiles/w950i/index.omp Project x from 3 uk also comes with free skype calls worldwide, free yahoo and msn messenger and a whole host of other things, including slingbox if someone needs it.
  4. Personally, I don't buy a shirt and ask how much the company is making, and it's the same with watches, both replica or genuine. If someone has the contacts/ability to make some money from selling anything, then it's up to them, I say more power to 'em!
  5. I own the gen of the black face smp, and the rep of the PO ( 45.5mm "ultimate" from Andrew ) The smp currently sits on my brother's wrist, while the PO hasn't been off mine since I got it, most likely because of the size (damn PAM 005 spoiled me lol ) Now! if i could just get hold of a gen speedie, i'l be happy, well for at least a week
  6. tell ya what, first guy to release a 22mm rubber strap will make much cash.
  7. Ultimate 45.5mm PO from Andrew/Josh, you'll be amazed at the quality.
  8. Just saw your sig. Did someone mention the number of the beast fitmic? LOL
  9. personally, and its only my personal point of view, i love watches, all of them. I have a few reps and a little more genuines. The one thing that has struck this newbie is that the two i've bought from this board, a PAM 005, and a PO from Andrew, EASILY, at least to me compare more than favourably with the gens i own.As for the monetary aspect, i've bought a gen Tissot seastar for 20 quid, and it never fails to amaze me that a 36 yr old watch, when given a gentle shake just sparks into life.
  10. before i answer, i'm a noob too, so forgive me if i'm wrong, i think "noobmariner" refers to the most popular rep, a Rolex Submariner, which seems to be requested most by noobs, hence " noobmariner" Hope this helps.
  11. The OP must simply be an attention [censored]. May I suggest that the next time he intends to act like a [censored], that he borrows his boyfriend's dress? I wish to make no further comment as it only feeds the troll. *edit* I'm a noob here also, and have had (some) sense to read before joining in discussions that are way! beyond my current scope of knowledge regarding watches, perhaps the OP would consider taking this course of action too, or as a famous comedian once said " have a coke and a smile, and stfu"
  12. All i can say is WOW on your guitar solo! That was amazing!
  13. Thanks devedander, I appreciate the clarification. It does further muddy the waters though. I take it if a "swiss eta movement" rep from the dealers on this board needs to be replaced, it can be swapped out with a movement of the same type from the likes of Ofrei?
  14. I'd love to know if the quality that comes from the Asian ETA plants ( assuming they actually do make the entire movement ) is on a par with their "Swiss made" counterparts, and again, if there is a difference in price with regards to the exact same movement?
  15. @ devedander, didn't ZZ just say that ETA had factories making movements outside Switzerland?
  16. Ergo, if I produced a Seagull movement in Switzerland, I would have the right to call it Swiss. Doesn't this at least in a small way negate the "Swiss" tag?
  17. I've read here on this board that ETA also has manufacturing plants outside Switzerland, perhaps i'm wrong ( wouldn't be the first time )
  18. just a small point, and far be it for a noob to join in such a discussion..... can anyone tell me if genuine Swiss ETA movements is more expensive to buy than Asian genuine ETA movements, assuming that all parts and manufacturing processes are the same? ( I'm assuming they are btw )
  19. I love the Oris, if it was to be reproduced I would be one of the first to purchase.
  20. LOL at ryyannon! personally i do love photography, completely immersed myself when i was eighteen and learnt from the ground up ( where else? ) Currently i own a Nikon d100, and an old f801 and f301 which i can't part with, even though cs/2 rocks! I love kayaking , hill walking ( I live in Northern Ireland, no true mountains here lol ) reading, writing poetry ( if you knew me, you'd know this is quite idiosyncratic ) I love motorbikes, i currently own a cbr600 fs sports, and adore sailing, i plan to buy a new sloop in January/February time, and of course my six children and the missus! Phew!
  21. Congratulations RBJ! I can just about remember the watch I was wearing, I had just returned from a long holiday in Birmingham, Alabama. Whilst there I bought a little Timex indiglo ( don't laugh, I was young and foolish, of course the latter is still apt ) When I asked my Wife to marry me. Eleven years, and six angelic children later, I wish I could find that wee Timex,
  22. The look on my childrens' faces on Christmas morning makes all the shopping trips, the agony of standing in ladies boutiques while my better half decides what goes with what , all worthwhile. there isn't a watch, nor any possession in the world that could ever bring the joy that my bairns bring. Merry christmas, Joyeux Noel, happy hanukkah, and whatever else serves as greetings to all of my fellow men and women at this time of year.
  23. Thank you ken and Pho, i'll take it to a local watchmaker, it'll save me from ruining such a nice watch.
  24. I'll definitely be buying a 22mm strap if one becomes available.
  25. hi all, i've just purchased an ultimate Po from Andrew, it's flawless to be honest! can anyone advise how to remove one link from the bracelet? it's pins not screws. Also, my next buys will be a s/s bracelet for my Panerai ( no probs there ) then an Ingenieur, and after that hopefully an Omega speedmaster moonwatch, is there a speedmaster which is close to the gen? And finally, does anyone know if or when the new ingenieurs will be released and will they have the dial chip and bracelet weakness sorted? Sorry for so many questions, and thanks for taking the time to read and answer.
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