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Everything posted by relaxman

  1. Receive my Kain Heritage strap today and have to say this is one of my favorite straps to date. The quality and presentation is outstanding.. Strap comes with watch caring case and strap holder as well as the buckle. Paneristi members or just tell him you are one receive a 17% discount all for under $100.00 Shipping is rather slow coming from HK but well worth the wait. Mine is the Veteran Sub..
  2. Was going through some old pics in my Image Shack that I have not looked at for years and found this pic.. Its from when everyone was contributing to the project and this was the prototype pic that I copied and cut out of paper and propped it in my Panerai box.. Too funny.. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. Grifter, Im with you.. I actually owned one a long time ago when I was @ 21 and sold it cause I needed some money. Still kicking myself!! I hope this little project all comes together.
  4. @ Andy looks awesome mate!! @ Praetor I believe you are correct in finding a 16610 case prolly the best route. Hopefully I can find one reasonable to house the 3035.
  5. Wow Tee-Jay thats some dial project. My shaky hands could never accomplish such a feat..
  6. I have not asked for too much help over the years but I could sure use it now.. Planing to build a 16800 and currently only have the gen. 3035 movement from a 1984 Datejust that I have had for many many years. It does have the gold date wheel so I will need a new white date wheel as well. Im "assuming" the hardest part to this project is sourcing a good rep case with the appropriate lug holes to accommodate the 3035. I have seen several nice dials on e-bay from NDtrading and one other seller ranging in price from 220-400 I think I like this one My link If any memebers could chime in it would be greatly appreciated. Does the project seem doable?? Oh yea and some one in Atlanta to put it together for me
  7. Been along time time since I got to play this game
  8. Have no feedback but just wanted to say hi to a old friend...
  9. Sold mine along time ago. Nice to see some of them still hanging around..
  10. Holy [censored]! That is awsome.... That probably is the coolest thing Ive seen here in a long time and Ive been around these parts a long time. pat yourself on the back. G
  11. I LOVE it how does someone go about get something like that?
  12. I have my V2 on a genuine rubber as I type. Sooooooooooooo comfortable. There is one on TZ for $100.00. I bought mine there a couple of weeks ago for 90 brand new. G
  13. I notice on the inside of the lugs on my V2 its a little unfinished. Is everones the same and if so do you plan on fixing it?
  14. Where the heck do people find all these gen. Dials? Ive seen some on ebay but mostly old dials. Why would someone have say a SA dial and what happen to the rest of the watch? Lets say I want a skyland dial, what are the odds of finding one of those and where would someone start. Probably a silly topic but I always wondered. G
  15. Received my from Angus today as well. This sucker is nice. The lume dots really are not that bad unless you look real real close. I am very pleased. I also bought a gen. rebbur strap this week for it.
  16. Truly sorry for your loss. My kittty "Phyllis" is now 14 and I dread the day she passes. G
  17. I was wondering the same thing. Mine is on the way and I know the lume will drive me crazy, well not crazy but you know what i mean.
  18. "How are do you think it would be to remove the lume and do it correct?" Its suppose to read "How hard do you think......."
  19. I dont think this one will grow on me
  20. I ordered mine yesterday. I have not bought a rep in awhile but this one sucked me back in. I hope the lume dots are ok, as they look kinda layed on thick where as the genuine are more flat. How are do you think it would be to remove the lume and do it correct?
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