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Everything posted by seriph

  1. WOW - I know this is an ancient thread but what a great review. I love these straps. Looking for one for my ROO Montauk Highway now
  2. 300 originals made - most presold at USD$30K. Some floated around in boutiques - believe all sold now. Replica - one lot made of 100 units. Sold out in November 2011 - price around USD$600 - come up from time to time on forums, for between USD$700 and USD$1000 - sell within hours. There are no plans to make any further units AFAIK
  3. Box has been on-hold a little over the past few weeks - designed, made and delivered a couple of bill-payers.
  4. BUDDA - LOVE it! I have decided to NOT make my own strap for the Monty now, simply because there are a number of experts out there who make these things ALL the time and will do a better job than me, for a net outlay of time effort and money that is less! I will stick to my Monty box project - annnnnyway, back to you! -- I know the gen straps are big money (more than a decent rep watch in many cases) but clearly you think it is worth the investment - the supplied rep strap 'looks' OK until you see one of these babies up close! I can see by the pics from you and Zorro that the gen is much more substantial and from what I have heard, very soft and supple. There is a richness that matches the watch itself .... Well done! @ Inertiadrifter - 100 made - all sold - two have been resold since, so keep an eye out on all the rep forums .... but make sure to "never sleep" because someone might get there before you
  5. OH MY GOD
  6. YUMMY - must find a true croc strap for my Montauk Highway ... was gonna make one but I think it may be one skill I don't need to learn
  7. Old thread I know but I thought I'd add my .02c I collect Watches that are a bit odd, like me MB pens - Limited Editions, have around 40 Silk Ties - have around 100 Model Railway items from the UK - Hornby, Triang, Dublo etc. Architectural antiques - interior and exterior elements Books and periodicals on architecture - mainly European and US books to do with the period 1730 - 1930 The one thing you may realise I don't collect after seeing all of the above .... is a large bank account.
  8. the topic is super-reps - I contibruted by showing a range of attitudes and watches that met my requirements and shared an anecdote of what actually happened when I was hunting for my JLC gen reverso. And not that anyone needs my endorsement... but I understand and endorse the idea that the forum is not a place to boast about trying to bluff AD's then laugh about it, which is sad in a whole new way, anyone who thinks the point of my post was to show off that I set out to and fooled an AD is welcome to that opinion. I apologise if that was how my post appeared but it was not my intention.
  9. My favourite rep is still this one - I wore mine at an authorised dealer in Melbourne and he had the brown faced version of this watch ... it was around $15K - he admired mine while I tried on a JLC Reverso and Breitling Super Avenger ... he asked where I bought it and I told him that I got it while travelling in Europe. He said that if I ever needed any repairs done, they have a servicing technician who specialises in all ultra high-end watches blah blah blah. I paid around $400 for it and while I have relatively small wrists, it sits very nicely. The thing just looks like money to me....and old money at that, given its styling. Bought a genuine box for it (OK I bought several) to keep it all snug when not in use, and I wear it to special occasions and to conferences etc. For what it's worth, I like to get extremely accurate replicas and like many other collectors, have spent considerable time researching ... the thing is, on Mondays when I consult down in the city I wear a complete fantasy Patek Phillipe that cost me $20 from a forum member .... I love its quirkiness and get great comments on it - it is a beautifully odd looking thing and people who know me say it "suits me" which might say something not particularly pleasant about me! I love my $120 Porsche Design Divers watch too .... that thing is a lump, but it is as close as you could possibly get to the real deal and looks very 21st century. So .... Super Reps? I doubt it, because people point out faults all the time with rep watches, as often as I point out faults with rep Montblanc pens... but it comes down to your definition - who do you want to fool? If a person needs super-accurate reps to sell to unsuspecting idiots who think they can get a great deal from a sucker through eBay, then think again. There is an army of people who consider it a good time to sit on eBay and report fakes or dodgy looking auctions. If it is for fun or as a hobby and you'd like to get the thrill (as I did) of having an AD think your watch is real, that's another thing altogether. me .. I am a bit schizophrenic I think, because I go from fanatically working to get something exactly the same as the original to simply choosing watches I like and don't care that they're total fantasies.
  10. I blame Del for my level of obsessiveness about this model! I think it would sell out verrrrrrrrrrrry fast - again! It's just cruel.
  11. ... and just then I hard Amy Weinhouse's Back To Black .... probably the first of her songs I have heard and it was surprisingly good
  12. I am listening to David Bowie's earliest recordings, from the 60's - bloody genius
  13. I bought a fantastic 928 in 1984 - I bought it from a brain surgeon who owned it from new but you knw a guy has serious cash when you hear the story 1. It was the first 928 delivered into the USA and was featured in an issue of Playboy no less! (1977 or 78 from memory - had the edition but it went with the car) 2. He decided to emigrate to Australia so ........ Returned the car to Germany to have it converted from left-to-right hand drive THEN as if that was enough, had the car sent to a firm of insane dudes by the name of Buchmann Brothers and had the car: completely stripped to metal, then repainted white pearl (it was silver) - then added brand new Recaros that were electrically adjusted, heated, vibrated and had the electrically inflating-deflating bladders to adjust seat firmness etc. All this in the early 80's remember and on a car that was already worth a house, standard! Then the suspension was rebuilt by Bilstien .... the engine and gearbox were rebuilt, which of course anyone would do after only three thousand miles of course ... adding a bunch of go-fast(er) bits. ... and just to top things off, he had the roof removed and replaced by a one-off laminated removable glass insert. It clipped in and out beautifully and had its own leather cover that matched the car's interior. Then - as you pointed out, these things were reminiscent of sharks - Buchmann Brothers added a custom from air dam and gold stripes down the side as was their trademark. All up the car cost him $106K in 1981. So, I bought it in 1984 and it had 15,000 on the clock! I guess his stated reason for selling (just never had time to drive it) was accurate. If I can find my few pics of the chariot I will post them .... just for a laugh - I was MUCH younger back then but had owned three Porsches before that and a monster benz .... but i can honestly say that I was slain as soon as they guy started the engine - it sounded like thunder. When he reversed it out of the garage and I saw the front that was the end of me .... I just wanted that car. When we drove it ....(BTW he was an excellent driver and had won numerous Porsche Club events in his dedicated track car) OMG!!!!!! I had to buy a rear muffler (sitting around is very bad for them apparently ... even Stainless ones) ... wilkl never forget that as it was both my first use of my new AMEX card and JUST a muffler cost me $1536 from Porsche! .... I put a new killer stereo system in it and drove it every day.... sold her after a year or so and made fifteen grand on it. Things were different then apologies for the over-long rant
  14. FWIW in 1984 I bought the only RHD AMG 190 hammer. 190e body with a 500 motor in it. It was a missile not that I did not say it was a guided missile Utterly un-driveable in the wet. Went back to 911's after that but my dream car is one almost no one has ever heard of - The Borgward Isabella Coupe has my heart
  15. I know this review was some years ago but thanks AGAIN for your high-calibre reviews mate .... it is why I love the Internet, this hobby and other people who care enough to freely share their great knowledge. An $88 'version' just came up in my inbox, so I thought I would do a little homework/research on these watches, seeing they have a lovely retro look to them. FYI here is a super-quick comparison image between the super-ccheapie and the gen .... granted it is a joke of a rep, but still quite a nice looking thing I think.
  16. Hi again and thanks for the reference - that aoobuy thing won't come up at all for me .... it may be blocked by my ISP but it's be the first thing that is....? This is the gen box for the Montauk Highway that I am using as a reference. (old-wooden-speedboat strip decking idea)
  17. Hi folks I am a recently proud owner of the ROO Montauk Highway and it is something really special, so I am working on designing and making a special box for it and a number of other accessories I have gathered together. Anyway, in the box I want to include any booklets etc. that may have accompanied the original. I guess even general warranty booklets might be OK. I just want everything to be a really nice representation of the watch and to be classy. For those who may know me, you may recall I have made boxes for my pens and even made an entire cabinet to house my ties, pens, watches, cuff links, watch boxes etc. so this is a further iteration of my insane quest to have everything I value nicely placed either in a display case or a custom box. I also look for the original boxes, brochures and marketing literature where possible. It's fun to photograph them all together, like the attached ones I did when my B4B arrived. So .... if anyone can assist in helping me find the correct (or acceptable) booklets, I'd appreciate it. Finally, if anyone has the AP logo or knows what the font it called, that would save me having to make a set. Thanks
  18. Ok - loctite for me too ... this is rapidly becoming my daily wearer and I do NOT want to lose a thing from it!
  19. A bloody fortune, especially the ones who actually supply what's ordered and have something approximating service and after sales support ... but honestly, its not remotely possible to estimate dude
  20. Hi again guys .... just a heads-up about straps .... IF I eventually get an AP MH, I will be seriously looking at doing a small number of genuine (real, not AP) hornback straps ... ZORRO already knows about this and has sent me his rep strap for me to measure etc. A BIG THANKS TO YOU AGAIN ZORRO ... anyway I am thinking of doing two style if this all comes through - a single and a double hornback. have been checking out supplies of the skins in Australia and they are available for a price. Haven't bothered looking for deployments yet as it is too early, but if anyone knows where I should look I'd love to hear back. Colours: Leather can be dyed easily and I have a friend from many years back who was production manager for HOWE LEATHER. What he doesn't know about leather ain't worth knowing I imagine. So, it may be possible to do one or two custom coloured hornbacks as well Stitching: I still have to look further into this aspect of the straps but I have located a synthetic thread that seems to be the right colour and weight. I even found a supplier of copper-look thread, which 'may' be a funky idea to suit the detail trims on the hands etc. the thread is metal, just not copper ... more like bronze. of course, actual thread that colour is available too as used in some baseball mittens etc. I'd still love to get a couple more low-end straps to play with so if anyone wants to part with theirs I'd appreciate a PM. .... anyway, as I said - this is all 'early days' and may not happen due to time constraints, but I will be happy to help out if things go the way I hope.
  21. Zorro - hope you're enjoying life and your Monty... actually your montyS. I just got word back from TOROBRAVO they have no more MH's - gutted. I paid a $300 deposit to hold one back in November when we were all talking about the hornback straps etc. but I guess I took too long to pay the balance. An email would've been nice to give me the option to scrape up the balance before selling out. My new suit, 3 ties, 2 shirts and pair of cufflinks are all redundant now
  22. Just received word back from Toro Bravo that although I placed a $300 deposit on an AP Montauk Highway back in November, because I took too long to pay the balance there are none left. so, if anyone out there has one they are OK to part with, I would still love to buy one. ... quick and the dead ... or quick and the "empty-wristed" I guess - hopefully I am not going to get any hassles trying to get my money back. I understand that I missed out except that I paid a large deposit to hold one for me and heard nothing between November and last Friday, when I asked Toro what was happening.
  23. what a sh1tbox http://www.bentleyspotting.com/2011/02/rolls-royce-kingswood.html
  24. dyu remember when some guy was building Rolls replicas on HG-HX Kingswoods? God that was funny
  25. I live in Australia and for twenty years have had a modest income on Australian standards. It may be that the cost of living in different countries varies greatly, but also the taxes on imported goods can impact heavily on what people buy/own/drive.... when I lived in the USA (late 80's) I bought a Porsche 911 Targa - it was a 1973 model "S" (and cost me $3500 to buy and $2700 to insure!!!!!!! Bloody California) In Australia THAT car would have been around $30,000 to buy! It is all relative but at first, it does seem weird. We are told by certain people not to [censored] when a $150 watch breaks down, yet $150 is more than a month's wages to the worker who made that watch. Cost of living and living standards are hard to comprehend, along with tax systems along with of course, continuous corporate growth in a finite world.
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