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Everything posted by qjbt

  1. Thanks for the reply, I will indeed post some pictures of the Submariner, but I will need to get it back from my horologist friend first. He has not had a chance to get the back off yet, but he did remark that it was very difficult to tell it was a fake looking at the face of the watch. However he predicted he would not need his magnifyer for the movement!! Regards Q Tucker
  2. In fairness I did join RWG, but it can be a bit confusing given the diversity of opinion amongst the brotherhood & probably the sisterhood!! So it can be difficult to work out a good supplier. But I will read more carefully in the future!! Regards Q Tucker
  3. Hi, Just before Christmas 2006 I decided to splash out on a Rolex Submariner from Bestswiss Watches, I did what I thought was some quite careful research through various sources on the internet. In addition Bestswiss were very receptive to any questions that were asked of them about the quality of the watch etc. So I decided to spend around $1000 on the watch, just a replica Submariner, but of the best quality........ So the watch arrived in very good time avoiding any custom charges in the UK which is always good. The watch was indeed a very good replica. To my eyes anyway, I am sure some of you would rip it to pieces! But I have owned Rolex in the past and it was a pretty good replica, it should be for the money. So far so good. The watch worked perfectly well time wise, but the first time I tried to wind it it seemed to click a bit, I assumed this to be the overwind mechanism kicking in, although after only a 10 winds or so. I contacted Bestswiss who assured me the watch was running normally. So off we went on holiday......the watch performed very well, keeping to about a second a day time wise. Two weeks later it stopped. I tried to wind the watch, but there was no resistance to the winder, so something had clearly come adrift inside the watch. I contacted Bestswiss who replied very quickly, giving me a series of 'tests' to perform. It was decided that the watch was indeed in need of repair. However because I live in the UK and Bestswiss are based in the States they were reluctant for me to return it, reasoning that customs would confiscate it. They offered to pay any UK repair bills. Now you must be wondering what I am moaning about!! However I sent the watch to a couple of repair places, both of whom were unable to repair the watch. So I contacted Bestswiss by email, nothing. I have made repeated attempts to contact them, I have offered to have a deal on a new watch, I have asked them to supply the details of a horologist in the UK who would be able to repair it, and finally I have offered to circumnavigate the US customs by getting some friends who are visiting the States in May to send the watch through the US mail system. All to no avail. They will not reply. So from what I can see of Bestswiss is that they do in fact make excellent replicas, but it is simply not worth buying one from them because they do not have the returns policy that they claim, and when you spend that amount of money it essential there is some kind of guarantee. So I have a knackered watch. It has gone to another horologist, but I don't hold out much hope.......... Regards Q Tucker
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