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Everything posted by elprimerozen

  1. Be carefull; CORECT size lugholes and no engravings and iwill order 10 of this!!!
  2. I have ey'es and see... this is NOT a MBW. Beautifullllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The sells are fiting perfectly with the case... the best SSD out ther.. BRAVO!
  4. GEN GEN.... ...Bravo....Thanks for the pics..!
  5. EXPLORER, the sub and ssd rep inserts scratch like butter...
  6. Josh old perfect SUB, drilled??
  7. Bravo! Superb watch!! GREAT piece!! wear it well,
  8. Huge upgrade to this superb watch!
  9. 78$ is the answer to the question: Who has the best SUB.
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