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Lando Griffin

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Posts posted by Lando Griffin

  1. @MM..MM

    no its pretty easy to get them the same, you just need to keep checking as you go, the rubber is pretty soft and forgiving too.

    just make sure you use a nice fine smooth nail file and not one of those orange sand paper sh*t ones!!

    ill put some pics of mine showing both pushers later.

    i think the biggest tip i could give you is the same as what sander said.... dont over do it! do a little bit and check it, do a little bit and check etc etc

    it has totally transformed my watch. very pleased with the results. and as i have never taken a watch apart i am glad it is possible to do with them still safe and sound in the watch!!

    oh also, dont forget to mask off the rest of the watch with masking tape as no matter how careful you are you will scratch your watch!!!


  2. Hi Sander

    Just did mine with them still in the watch, masked off the watch leaving just the pusher exposed and used a very fine nail file emory board thingy to gradually re-shape the pusher. took about 5 mins and looks awesome!

    ill put some more pics up later but for now here is one off my Blackberry:

    oh and its my girlfriends nail file before anyone asks!!

    also in the photos only the reset pusher is done so you can see the differance.


  3. @watchmeister

    I think he took the whole pusher and stem out and put the metal stem in the Dremel and then sanded the rubber down.

    I was also wondering if you could prize the rubber bit off the metal peg. I have seen a picture where the rubber bit has fell off (see pic below)

    So if it can come off then be glued back on I think that would be easier then taking the movement out etc to get to the pushers.

    You can sand rubber without it melting but you need to keep it cool, low speed and keep using fresh “sand paper” as the paper will clog quickly and then you will have rubber on rubber!


  4. Awesome!! they look great! this is exactly what i was trying to propose. i am defiantly going to give it a go no. did you have to take the watch apart to get the pushers out or did you just prize the rubber bit off?

    the shape looks perfect, i actually think you would be able to polish the rubber with some t-cut on a cloth too to make it look a bit shinnier?! using the same technique with the Dremel


    everyone seemed to think i was mad when i made a topic about this but i think its really easy to spot.

    the ones you have modded look awesome Gen.


  5. @ PPN

    It dries virtually instantly, once its dry it is totally permanent too, you can get it wet and wash it etc.

    As for the quality of the watch, it is totally stunning. I can’t stop looking at mine. feels very gen.

    The weight look and feel are all amazing.

    Even down to things like the way the stopwatch resets and the feel of the buttons are all very good.

    With an OEM or real hornback strap it would easily pass as a gen to 99.9999999% of people. Basically I think unless the person that is looking at it is a member of RWG (AND an AP fan) they wont be able to tell. The chance of meeting someone like that is 1 in a billion.

    Even if you met someone with a gen AP they wouldn’t necessarily know about the date wheel or offset crown. Think about it, why the hell would someone that could afford a 20 grand watch care about how to spot a fake?!! An AP isn’t the sort of thing you buy down the market!!

    Just my two pounds

    Don’t do toad


  6. As I am waiting for a hktan strap I have made my strap look a lot better by making it slightly darker and by making it all one colour. I used some permanent pens that are for getting rid of scratches in wood.

    Sounds very sh*t but trust me it looks better!! The rep strap is too many different shades of brown. It looks ten times better all one colour.

    Oh also, it has lost that shinny plastic look and is a lot duller now. This is because when the pen is still wet you can dull it by dabbing a cloth on it.

    See pic below.

    Obviusly I am changing the strap so this will only be on for a few weeks. But I think it looks a lot better.

    I would defiantly recommend the Safari, it’s a beautiful watch.


  7. I don’t understand!!! Some of the effort you guys go to with your Franken AP's, machining the hell out of them to make them a couple of mm thinner. And no one seems to care about this???

    It’s not about how good they are, or how good they used to be.... it’s about attention to detail.

    Making a Franken is out of my skill, league and budget. I just thought this may be something relatively easy to accomplish.

  8. i bought an AP safari from china from yourtrustytime and it was in my hands in 5 days!! customs had it for a day and released it. no probs. no tax or fines.

    usually comes into coventry, stays there for a few days and then Parcelforce send it out in 24hrs.

    What watch are you getting?


  9. Some more examples, again not sure if you can just 'borrow' other posts pictures. If not, apologies. :whistling:

    I personally think this is the biggest give away that it’s a Rep. so easy to spot from a distance.

    The gen is like a soft ergonomic pillow of rubber, inviting and enticing you into feeling its tactile surface. 8)

    The rep is like a harsh off-cut of hard plastic waiting to shank anyone who try’s to start the stopwatch! :angry:


  10. One thing that I think really gives away AP ROOs is the rubber pushers are way too square at the end. I've searched and found a few people briefly mention it but no one has really grabbed hold of it and nailed it so I thought I would start a topic to try and brain storm ideas.

    I was thinking about maybe putting them in a lathe or drill press and gently sanding a bigger radius on them with a fine (600 ish) wet and dry??

    Anyone tried that? Or maybe just changing them for real ones? As I think they are just rubber covers that stick on the actual metal pusher underneath.

    I have attached someone else’s picture in this topic, hope that’s ok to do! Its just to show how the pushers seem to attach.

    Cheers chaps.

    ps ignore the red arrow, just look at the blue circle.


  11. Hi Guys,

    Thanks for all your comments and tips.


    Thanks for the tip on the strap size, I will try and get a smaller one :good: The strap lengths are: Long = 105mm Short = 70mm


    you don’t have to worry about re-lume as the safari model has no lume on the numbers or hands!


    Thanks, I really wanted to talk to someone that had a real croc strap to check it was worth the money in their opinion :good: cheers


    The date wheel thing is basically the gap between the side of the watch face and the edge of the date wheel. On the rep the date wheel is virtually touching the side of the watch and on the real one there is about a 1.5mm offset. See pic below: The red arrow shows the area that is smaller on the rep.

    Has anyone managed to mod the pushers yet? Maybe swapped them to gen? The pushers on Rep ROO’s always seem to have the wrong radius on the round. ?? See Blue circles on pic below:

    Thanks again for all the tips chaps :drinks:


  12. Hi, thanks for your questions and comments

    Im not sure about the DW, it does look slightly more to the left but I don’t think there is much in it. It may just the photo.

    The overall quality and feel of the watch is stunning, I have had a few replicas over the years (hublot F1, Rolex Sub, Rolex Daytona,) and this is in a different league!! VERY classy. B)

    If I wasn’t aware of the specific things that give AP reps away (DW, offset crown, and thickness) I wouldn’t be able to tell.

    The off white dial is spot on too, I agree on trusty's website the pictures look very 'yellow' but in person and in my pictures it looks like the gen. ie Cream off white

    As for comfort…. It’s Not the comfiest watch I have ever worn by a long shot. I like to have my watches firmly planted on my wrist and don’t like them slopping all over the shop.

    To accomplish this, the deployment really digs in to your wrist and after an hour is un-comfy. Obviously this isn’t the rep, it’s just the design of the deployment. See the picture below, this was 30 mins after taking the watch off!

    It is no where near as comfy as a Daytona, but then you wouldn’t expect such a big thick watch to be.

    Don’t get me wrong im not winging about it! Rather just trying to give you an idea of what it’s like to wear.

    I have also attached a picture of the watch next to a Hublot F1 and a U-boat ‘Style’ watch to give an Idea of size.

    Any more questions, fire away.



  13. Hi Guys.

    First time post so if ive done anything wrong sorry!

    Just thought I would show you guys my first rep, its a AP Safari from Andrew at trusty time. Excellent service and only 5 days postage from china to UK!!

    Awesome watch.

    The quality is amazing and im really pleased. The strap is a little bit plasticy but I will get a proper HKtan one as soon as I can afford it!

    This website is awesome, so friendly and so much information on here.

    Anyway here are the pics. done on my BB so they arnt very good quality.


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