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Everything posted by fidhle007

  1. TC's watches are from the WM9 factory (or what used to be the WM9 factory) based on all reports I've heard. You may be able to ask him for an M-Serial 16610 which I think was a V2 or TWB, The LV is a V3 and the TC 16610 is what is now being referred to as the V4. I'd go with the latter, personally, it's definitely the best out of the box...
  2. http://contest.ableton.com/tracks/927 Vote for me please!
  3. Thanks guys! The vocals, some of the opening synths and some of the bridge synths were provided but I used my own drums and anything all the electro/dubby stuff was me too. And obviously the fiddle... :-)
  4. On a whim I decided to enter the Ableton Live/SoundCloud "Beat the Clock" remix contest. They give you a package of sounds to work from and you have 24 hours to submit your track once you've downloaded them. I opted to use some of my fiddle music as well as I figure it's something I can do that sets me apart from the crowd. Give it a listen and let me know what you think and please vote for me! http://contest.ableton.com/tracks/927 You have to log in to SoundCloud to vote but if you have a Facebook account you can log in using that so it's super easy! Thanks! Brendan
  5. It's big enough for a rep dial so at least that big... Lol...
  6. Oops! Good catch! The watch is gen, I just doubted the ad. Oh well, might be legit but it's still overpriced...
  7. Well, I have no doubts that the watch in the photos is gen, there are no reps with lugholes that are that good but I highly doubt he actually has the watch. The gen guys seem to like their purple dials though so someone might go for it...
  8. There's only two pictures and one is just a cropped version of the other... How do they think they can pull this sh*t off?
  9. I replied: "No, the 16610T designation is for all cases WITHOUT lugholes INCLUDING the green-bezel LV model. Which, by the way, was a 50th Anniversary model, not 40... This case is fake, I don't know if you're selling it knowingly so but that's just how it is. Sorry." And I got this back: "yes 50 th anniversary is the only 16610 that has a letter on the reference if its as you say most owners would put a green insert and upgrade their submariners and worth some 500 more and how do you think i will make so extra large pics of the numbers if theres something wrong i had a collection of 5 pateks 8 audemars piguet 25 tudors and 80 rolex and now i am selling my junk allso have a collection of 52 sports cars I am jose f canaan check my videos on youtube or my collection of cars on facebook now i am selling all my junk and if theres a problem with any of my junk i will stand after it so dont worry - josecanaan" This guy is a real winner...
  10. Just got this from the seller: "16610T is a 40th anniversari submariner with green vezel the insert i had recheck and is ok the best test on an inset is the material that is made no insert replasement has an strong aluminum they bent easiky this one is hard and the font is ok too and dont worry any body that buy it has its time to check it and if something its wrong they can send it back i say no return but garanteed autentic - josecanaan"
  11. Any of you who think that insert looks gen must be freaking blind... I messaged the seller and got a short, snide remark back so I'm reporting it. Go ahead and do the same if you want, I'd hate to see someone lose there ass buying a fake case...
  12. The crown tube is only a problem on TW and Noob cases, the ETASwiss case is correct. The ETA Swiss case also has the incorrect 16610 engraving so I'm guessing that is what this is, with an older gen caseback. ETASwiss casebacks are notorious for incorrect engraving too though so perhaps the Z-serial had "16610" inside. That LEC looks just like my ETASwiss crystal too. As does the insert...
  13. Hmm, I think it's definitely a gen caseback but that crystal is not at all genuine. There's some ETASwiss stuff going on here I think...
  14. Only the blue and green ones are supposed to have polished centerlinks, not the black ones.
  15. One of you lucky ducks could buy my franken... ;-)
  16. As of right now this watch is no longer. It went from not winding to not setting anymore either and lo and behold, I discovered a broken stem! The keyless works in these movements was dry as a bone so I cleaned and lubricated them which seems to help. The StarTime case should have had proper crown height though which derails my theory about stressing the stem being the cause of breakage... I still have everything for this watch save the gen insert which went on my TC sub to sell it. I'm undecided if I want to part it out, reassemble and sell or just hang on to it. I need to clear out some of this stuff but it's hard to let go of a gen dial...
  17. I find this REALLY hard to believe... Can you get some pictures or something? I built one of these with a 2824 and there was even the slightest bit of tension on the stem in that, leading me to believe a 2892 would be a better choice...
  18. There's a new one up there for you, crank it up! http://soundcloud.com/brendan-carey-block/fashion-sense-192k
  19. Great post, thanks Stilty! Here's my StarTime build. I was rather underwhelmed with the case overall but man, those lugholes are freakin sweet!
  20. I love it. It's finicky, I've had to service the keyless works in my ETASwiss Überfranken and need to do the same on this lughole watch but it keeps time well enough and more importantly, fits these gen-style case with a gen dial without any modifications. It's one thing to have a franken with a gen dial that's been glued to a movement ring but on both of these, if times got tough I could tear them down, pop the dials and toss them on ebay for every sent I paid when I bought them. It will be once I get the keyless works in tip top shape! I think I'm about $2k into my superfranken and a little over $1300 into this lughole watch. I can only wear one at a time so I think it's time to spread this one around a little...
  21. You don't have to worry about a gen crown right away, the TC crown is a REALLY good 703. If you were building a newer sub a 704 might serve you be honestly I cannot tell the difference between the two unless they are side by side.
  22. Funny, I thought the crown was a little high (I'm talking fractions of a millimeter) on the TC sub I built. Still perfectly operational but I thought it might leave some room for a 2892 as well... I have a good source for gen crystals but this one with the AR is awesome, care to share your source via PM or can I buy one through you? Thanks! Brendan
  23. That's what I thought. Is yours original or is it a service crystal with the "S" in the crown?
  24. Beautiful work, man! If you get a chance, PM about that crystal! I'd be interested in sourcing one at some point... Does it have the LEC as well as the AR?
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