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Posts posted by bell

  1. Bell,

    Sorry your in this situation, But there may still be help for you.

    The first thing to do when you have a problem with a sale is to contact the moderators at the forum you bought the watch. That's number one.

    Before you post about an issue contact the mods.

    They have the ability to pressure the seller and often get good results.

    Never involve Paypal unless the mods tell you to. No one wants undo attention to our hobby. We are dealing in grey area items and in some cases illegal. We are not dealing in common products like a turbo.

    Having said that, your seller is a noob with recent join date and low post count in a foreign country, that in itself is risky. He does have 4 or 5 positive feedbacks, but I would have passed.

    He has been online on the forum yesterday and today..that's a good thing and the mods will be able to find him since he seems to be ignoring you.

    So contact them, present your case and see what they can do. you might get a pleasant surprise.

    Good luck and let us know how it turns out.


    Thank you for actually taking the time to read what I wrote, and respond as an adult.

    This is basically what I needed to know, I thought of using PP as a motivator for action, but I didn't consider getting the mods to help.... Its the first private purchase I made, it's going to be back to the TD's after this.

    I'm going to contact the post office again in a week, and if it's still MIA, I'll ask him what he wants to do.

    Thanks again.

  2. http://www.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/omega-planet-ocean-97428.html?t=97428

    That's the link.

    As everyone pointed out previously, he did indeed state As usual buyer takes custom and shipping risks

    And before you start acting border line "E-thug" on me, reason I didn't post it on that forum is because - as I said in my OP - I just want some feedback.... Same reason I won't discuss a problem employee/client in FRONT of said person - I'll have a discussion with my peers and decide what possible course of actions could be taken.

    As far as I know he isn't a member on this forum, and it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what my name on RWI is.

    Only problem I have is there's a slight lack of common sense here.

    Read the following letter I received after calling the post office 3 times, maybe it'll give you some insight:


    If you need some help, read the second paragraph - Multiple times if needed.

    I contacted the post office again today, with the case number I received from the seller and was told it doesn't work in their system, they have no updates, and that I can't really do anything at this point except wait for the sender to take action.

    I basically have no control over what happens now, just as I had no control over what shipping method was used, or how the package was wrapped - The seller did.

    If he would've offered a better shipping method for $20-$30 more, I would've taken it, just like I do with all my purchases from TD's - But I had no input in it.

    So now if the seller decides not to call his post office, sit on his hands and say "f*ck it, why follow through with an investigation? I got my money!" - It is of course, 100% without a doubt my fault according to everyone here. Makes perfect sense.

    Honestly, if you can't see how ignorant it is to adamantly think that a sellers responsibility ends entirely once it leaves his hands, well I don't know what to say.... I know I've shipped a lot of automotive items in my time, and I followed through 100% if there was any problem with my carrier. I also know the seller had some feedback, but besides that, I don't know him from a hole in the wall, just like none of you know me.

    Anyway, I sent him a PM yesterday, and asked him politely to call his post office because nothing is really getting done and it won't unless he calls them.

    Guess We'll see what happens.

  3. Not a good idea. If you want to stay here for awhile.......that's not how we do things at RWG. I've been here awhile and when I sell anything here, I always state "Shipping problems; i.e. damage, lost or otherwise, are at buyers Risk!" If you don't accept the risk, you tell me and the deal is off! Hope that helps.

    I guess so, well guess it's a $200 lesson for me.

  4. Nope.

    Paypal pretty much doesn't give a crap unless you bought something off the bay. Also if the sender has a receipt they wont help you either. It's not the senders fault that the post office has screwed up.

    Also what is insuring a package good for when it contains a rep, something that you aren't allowed to do business with in the first place? Are you going to show the guys at the post office the invoice from your replica dealers site and claim the money? They will have a good laugh.

    The whole insuring procedure with reps is good for one thing only: getting a tracking number. Doesn't matter if it is insured for 30$ or 300$ unless you can prove what was in it and that it was legit. At least that's how it works in Europe..

    Actually, for insurance the post office in Canada doesn't give a rats ass what the item is because you pay a premium for it.

    If you want to insure a pebble for $1000, you can.... No need to prove any worth once it's lost.

    I've shipped out a t-shirt and had it insured for $100 (The maximum "free" insurable amount).

    And Paypal refunded that customer with the turbo I sent out - I sold it over a car forum not ebay, and I had tracking number showing no delivery or signature. They side with the buyer because, as previously stated, they assumed I got some sort of coverage in case of loss (which I did), so I'll get my refund.

    The fact that the watch was indeed insured for $30 means he could purchase more if he wanted to... It's insurance for an item, they don't usually care what it is and you don't have to prove it since usually if you need to use the insurance it means the item is lost or destroyed.

    Anyway, I'm going to wait a bit and send the seller a message, $200 isn't going to break me - But you can be damn sure I'll be honest in my review of the seller and say I never received the watch nor any compromise if I'm going to eat the entire amount....

    And honestly, if the rule is that all a seller has to do is write "buyer responsible once it leaves my hands" and be scott free of any responsibilty, trust me - This is a nice wide open door to start scamming people.... All one would need to do is send out a pre-ripped envelope with the correct address, and when the post office holds it thinking the package got damaged under their care, "well too bad buddy! Money is mine!"


    EDIT - Also forgot to mention, I called and emailed the post office, and they were very insistent that I can't do a damn thing since I'm the receiver.... The sender would need to open a case, which he did.

    I tried calling the post office again with the case number, I was told the same thing - I have no control over this only the sender does....

  5. Okay, so I'll try and keep this short.

    I purchased a watch from a member of another forum, payment via paypal.

    The seller sent the watch over using a postal method, the watch passed customs no problem, but is now apparently lost.

    Now normally, I know that when the post office loses an item they will reimburse the sender for the insured value.

    I know because last year I shipped a turbocharger over to a guy in Nevada, and they lost it.... But since I like being on the safe side, I paid the extra 15 bucks and had it insured for $750 (which is what I sold it for).

    I got a check about 90 days later, a long time, but I did get my money back.

    In this case, the sender decided to put the value at $30 - I paid $200 for the watch.

    Not sure if he did that to avoid suspicion, but I can't imagine anyone at the post office giving a sh*t over a $30 loss.

    So usually, this is pretty cut and dry, Paypal will get my money back since the item never arrived.

    He did send the watch out but he originally agreed to cover the shipping, so I had no control over the method or any insurance.

    He made the choice to insure it for $30.

    The dilemma is that I didn't really want it to go this way, I know the rep community is fairly small and I don't like seeing someone get screwed - whether it's me or someone else.

    I would really appreciate some feedback on the matter, I don't want to have to resort to a PP dispute or anything like that.

  6. I'm obviously no where near as knowledgeable as many of the members here so I can't give a very accurate comparison to a gen since I don't have one.

    My observations:

    The polish on the stainless is mirror-finish.

    The AR coating is almost colorless but in certain angles it gives off a slight drab green hue.

    The leather strap was really stiff and probably the worst feature of this watch - But I was planning on getting a snake or reptile skin strap anyway.

    The watch definitely exceeded my expectations in terms of feel, and apparent quality of build - It doesn't feel or look like a cheap watch at all.

    Anyways, this was my first rep and will not be my last.

    Thanks for all the information you guys have provided!

  7. Hey,

    I know there is a lot of information on the Noob 111, and even an amazing write-up/pictorial comparing it to H-Maker and Gen, but I figured I throw up a few photos of mine for sh*ts and giggles.

    I ordered it through Ms.King.

    QC pic before it shipped:


    Exactly 10 business days later I got this:


    Which had this:


    Nicely packaged.

    After more bubble wrap, foam paper, and a ziplock bag I ventually I got to the watch:





    My camera isn't the greatest, the flash made it very difficult to take a good pic and it seemed to capture a lot of little dust particles and finger prints that weren't really that visible... The watch really does look a LOT better in person.

    More pics:







  8. Hey,

    I've been lurking these forums for a few weeks, and after trying to absorb as much information as I can (You guys are awesome btw) - I've made a decision on my first rep purchase - Noob's PAM 111:


    I prefer the sandwich dial as opposed to the sausage, and I like the simplicity of this model.

    It occurred to me after falling in love with this watch that it seems kind of hefty, I have a 6.5" wrist - Admittedly girly - Will this look okay?

    I know big watches seem to be more in style, but I don't want to look like a 9 year old kid who borrowed his daddy's watch.

    Sooo... Any skinny wristed brothers out there rockin' a Panerai?

    What's it look like?

    Thanks again for all your help.

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