I've pretty much given up on reps but this is the first one to get me excited in quite a while. If they make an affordable silver dial version I might consider getting one from Narikaa. Might.
I hate to say this and I know it's controversial and even though my heart goes out to the hard working people making RWG what it is behind the scenes this place is not the same as it used to be when I originally joined. Part of that has to do with trends in the rep industry and part of it, does not.
How do you bring it back to the way it was before?
I'm not saying I don't like it but the change is just too enormous for my simple mind to comprehend. Everything is not where it used to be and it all seems upside down! I feel like I am trapped in a house of mirrors!!
This is funny because I'm from Canada and that's the exact same watch I wanted when I first started this hobby in '06. If it hadn't broken recently I would still own it...
I have been rolling on a cannondale for the past 5 years or so and the bike is absolutely bulletproof. Made in the US of A and it will take anything you can dish out.
It was thanks to an iranian man - obsessed with power - that I lost my job a few months ago. I would love to give you my opinions on what I would like to see happen to this country but I think it might offend a few sensitive people (liberals) so I won't give in to temptation and give you a generic answer:
"Corgi hopes that the Iranian people can overcome all of their nation's challenges peacefully."