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Everything posted by 2005SUBMARINER

  1. this sucks big time ! . boy im glad i saved the links of my favorite rep dealers incase i need a quick rep fix ..
  2. yes i was actualy looking at a condo in that area cross the street from clove lake , its a small building off forest ave .. theres not a lot of condos in this area ..
  3. hey cool i live in grymes hills about 5 mins from clove lake ! i love this area nice n quiet
  4. man you shed great light into this subject ! your better than my broker !!! im not going to co-oop ! man im glad you guys could help me out with this stuff!! im gonna look for condo's in my area ..& im not in manhattan im live in staten island ny .. condos of the same dimention in my area go for about $300 thanx again for your help !!
  5. NO no no lol not manhattan nyc staten island NYC thanx for your help man !
  6. hellow RWG members , what type of property co-oop vs condo is a better choice ? i live in NYC & the realestate is ridiculus priced !! houses in my nieghborhood range from $600k to the millions wayyyyyyyyyy out of my budjet . but there is very nice 2bd 960sq ft co-oop list for $179k with 600monthly maintenance , that i can do but ! what is the difference between condo & co-op or are they both bad investments ? thanx ed .
  7. apply heat to the insert via a hair dryer & pry it off with a thin needle then go ahead & install the new one with glue . on some after market models you have to shave a bit on the bottom side in oder for it to fit .. good luck .
  8. man cant wait to see that beauti !! enjoy ..
  9. maybe he new the LV was a gen & didnt dare to say anything to you ? thou most of my friends who have gen rolex do not even know that there watch has a power reserve .. once i mentioned it to a NYC POLICE that his gen sub had a power reserve supply & he looked at me like this > whats a power reserve ? ..
  10. man whats up with josh ... it seems that there just rushing out reps without attempting to get it close to the real thing ..
  11. ETA is the only way to go man ! good luck ..
  12. i think its the same watches we have over here ...
  13. better stay away from NYC canal st reps like i said b4 , i live here in NYC & visit canal st at least once per week & belive me the quality of the reps have gone down!! you better of getting the wife an eta rollie from one of our guys .. i would stick with the SS models good luck .
  14. thanx man ! have a good holidays to all my RWG fellow members ..
  15. cool ! looks like the AD dealers down there are much friendly then the ones here in NYC ! man i dont think youll get the same treatment in tournue corner or wimp here in NYC .. man how heavy would you say the TT sub was ? heavier the our SS eta subs ?
  16. man i have Time Warner ima gonna see if i have that chanel
  17. i got the other type but now i see im gonna need the more sturdy encloser type , ima gonna order it right now from the bay ! thanx again !!could not do it without the help from you guys !! virtual beers for all of ya guys !!
  18. hey guys thanx for all your help !! i just received the gizmo to retrive my data from my dead dell & BAMMMMMMMMM!!! the dam thing worked man !!! was able to retrive my data & now a have a spare 40GB store thanx again !!!!
  19. i like the white face ! good luck .. its an excellent rep to own ..
  20. that would makr 1 kell of a rep man ! hey guys are the MOP on our reps real ?
  21. 1st words outta my mouth was holly SH#@T !!!!!!!!! good one !!!
  22. hey flavorflav! your the man ! thats not an easy mod ! .. the movement looks very expensive .. excellent job my man !
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