Ive got a SOH v1.5 with 2836-2 movement gen dial and gen dw.
After the the installation of the gen dw, it isnt dead center and it anoys me.
The guys that helped me install the dw does not know how to adjust it.
So my question is, are there any "how to" we can use or does anyone here know how to do it ?
Would apriciate any input.
Ive been looking for a nice kevlar strap for my 3717, but i havent found it. So i now im asking here, can anyone tell me where to find a good rep of a kevlar strap for 3717.
I bought a 3717 from Hont, and now im thinking about buying a gen dial. My question is, will the gen dial fit the rep one without problems ?
I love IWC 3717 and im looking for someone to contact for a project/start a project. I dont want to buy a 3717 from a TD if it isnt needed.
Who is the "go to guy" for IWC 3717 ?