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Everything posted by RollyPolly

  1. A good friend way up here in Canada. He sleeps with that strat. VERY scarey guitarist!! Doesn't gig very much, but fills the place when he does.
  2. 893825 Asian black face Siilx special. Not even a week old. Lovin it!!!
  3. If Jay wants to have the watch back, that may cost almost as much as getting a new Japanese movement installed. If you were near Toronto Canada, my watchsmith installes them for $50.00 all in. I have had him install 4 in various watches. All rolexes, 3 were for friends. If you want a movement, he may send one to you with paypal. You can find someone to install it locally. PM me and I'll find out the fine details. Cheers, RP
  4. Does the emblem look crooked? That was on ver 2. Reported.
  5. Try silex. Nice and inexpensive. In some respects his are as nice if not nicer then the Noob. IMHO as I have seen and read. I own a Noob that has an ETA movement in it, and it rocks. Great starting point for gettin' into the rep game. Good luck with your decision. Ya, paypal sux. My payment for member renewl never went thru. Gotta try again. SOON! RP
  6. Thanks for the info and all the hard work and research that went into your post. Very informative!! R.P.
  7. Ya, I got mine in the mail today. 150 shipped for 2! A ROL223 & a ROL225. Looks to be fine to me. I'll post pics l8tr. Great value. Need some tweaks, but good bones to start with. R.P.
  8. I have 2 on the way. I'll post next week after I rip into one and start the mods. I have some relicing planned with a 2892 swap. I can't wait!!58 bucks a pop, add some $ for shipping and your in. Anyone else getting some. Keep the post alive!
  9. bump-ity bump bump. Keepin it alive
  10. bumpin' on
  11. A show of interest seems to have tapered off. Do we still have a go? What is happening? I don't dare ask silex, as they are working with some one else.
  12. Just to get one, then mod it to the presonal or correct specs. I hope the bones of the watch are good so it can be improved over time. If this watch stays as popular as this thread implies, we will have a winner. R.P.
  13. I'm not sure you would get a watchsmith to work by the hour, unless he were building a movement from scratch. My watchsmith did a 2892 franken AirKing install for me which included the hands, the ring and a full service for $95.00 That was flat rate. All in Canadian funds. R.P.
  14. Punt
  15. Lookin for who Farted!!!
  16. When was the last no survivor plane crash in Brazil? That may be a clue as to when it was last serviced. What a mess! Good advice from the old wise ones to stay away. Lots of luck in your continuing search.
  17. FINALLY!!! Watches that describe certain functions, and DON'T have them! No day, NO date. N I C E With a matched his and hers set. That will get you somthin-somethin! Ya!!
  18. Keeping the thread alive. Was ha-nin wif da Bond Rep, dude. Any news...........yet?
  19. Don't post here? OR Here? Who Farted?!
  20. I have a 16030 with a mother of pearl dial. It is one of 2 goto watches for daily wear at work. Yours is a beauty, the vintage vibe from these watches is cool. Your local AR probebly couldn't tell it's a frankengen. N-i-c-e.
  21. Love ya, Flip!

    You are the man!

    Keep up the good work, you are keeping us on our toes!


  22. Welcome, The only time you will feel scammed is when you come across postings from Fliplockbuckle . Our so-called expert-court jester-mascot-idea guy. You will learn, you will participate and most importantly, you will partake in the procurement of the goods that our fine established rep deasler have to offer. You will enjoy!!
  23. Cool storey, I just love happy endings.sniff, sniff. My guy near me, built me a 2892 ETA shitenrand gelina Sub, serviced and w/proofed for 200 cdn bucks. No band. Now that I have discoverd RWG, and all that it offers, he don't build nothin' for me any more. He does still work on my stuff real cheap, but I buy most of my rep stuff on line. He isn't too cumfy dealing with reps, but he opens up after some prodding. BTW, he is prolly one of the biggest watch part distributors in Canada. Has EVERYTHING! But he doesn't work with the public, only watch smiths. I guess I'm lucky. I bought a 2832 ETA from him on the bay for 80 us. I picked it up locally and the rest is history. (As well as HUNDREDS of dollars since!). That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Almost a post hijack, so sorry SteveG R.P.
  24. Ready to pull on 4. The longer we wait, the more projects come up.
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