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Everything posted by Adeodatus

  1. any input, guys?
  2. I'm looking to buy a PO Chrono but I don't understand the current offering differences Cartel have JH/OM Factory V2 for 430 with what seems is a working chrono, but the bezel looks meh Toro has a SWF for 330 with good bezel but it's a non-functional Chrono, I presume. Am I right in my assumptions? Are there other options? Thanks guys and gals
  3. My wife was looking at some Breguet reps on Trusty's site. She wants to get one of them, and doesn't especially care if it's fantasy or not. That raised a question though, are there any good relatively accurate Breguet reps? Preferably automatic. Thanks for input
  4. Considering the fact that Java and Javascript, which names have been used interchangeably throughout the article, are two completely different languages, it's not even a great post in general.
  5. Deville Ladymatic is still one of the best ever created. 34' though...
  6. Here is the deal : some people get too anal on slightest imperfections, forgetting that the watch in question is a replica. Then the buyer requests to replace the watch , then he posts again and the game continues. Dealers are pretty tired of this so they ask not to post. Personally unless I'm familiar with the model I always post. I just disregard the nitpicking comments and look for more obvious flaws. I never asked for a replacement up until now. Keep it fun, remember its just a replica watch. Your life doesn't dependent on it.
  7. Seiko 5, without a doubt.
  8. Thanks guys. Will try both of them. My beloved 288 has spent to much time off the wrist.
  9. Omega ladymatic. Amazing.
  10. Damn nice setup you got there, Asci! Sorry to hear about your health issues, though. Any way I'm a part time owner and principal of a Web design and development bureau. Most of my days are spent in a similar setup as AcsiWhite I'm also a full time Dad. A job im most proud of and enjoy the most.
  11. Ideas anyone? Pretty please? With sugar on top...
  12. Let me google it for ya https://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.rwgforum.net+bell+ross&btnG=Search&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=#q=site:http://www.rwgforum.net+bell+ross&hl=en&newwindow=1&tbo=d&ei=cPYEUZ6aFsHJtAboioCYBA&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41524429,d.Yms&fp=c0e29cee309964c&biw=1920&bih=995 http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/131038-review-bell-ross-br03-aviation-pvd/ http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/151104-bell-ross-br02-92-swiss-eta-2824/ http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/125013-bell-ross-br03-92/ http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/88257-bell-ross-br02-11/
  13. Yeah, I lost one too. http://www.panatime.com/setof2scforr.html is shipping only CONUS and they seems to be bigger. Where can I get one (or a set) shipped from, internationally?
  14. it's the same watch. It comes from the same factory, Josh just capitalizes his reputation as a trustworthy dealer. One note though: please search the forum for reviews and opinions of the 3714 movement, you may find it not as favorable as you may think.
  15. Killer strap, Bardamu. Looks much better than the black one IMHO. My watch didn't have any issues with the movement, until I dropped it one day. Personally I'm not sure the Asian clone movements are worth repairing. I'm actually thinking of buying a new one instead of sending the watch.
  16. How you've been buddy? Haven't talked in ages...
  17. Yeah it's all over. Laphroaig's all over the place. lol
  18. I'm sooo trying it tomorrow! Thanks man.
  19. FYI the world has ended here. We had a meteor shower , the poles have shifted and all the planets are stuck in a perfect alignment right after 00:00. So all's well. Please report how world has ended in your time zone.
  20. Criminal endangerment. If it was me there, the youtube vid would be called "Prank goes wrong - a crazed dude strangles an 8 y/o girl"
  21. You know what bugs me? Paying a shitload of money for something that is worth 10% of what's asked for it. Let's get real for a sec here. I love watches like the next guy, but aren't we getting carried away with the whole gen issue? I mean, no matter how much money you have, or are able to spend, aren't there better causes to spend your money on? People are dying of hunger all over the world, for god's sake, and we are talking about spending thousands and thousands of dollars on a glorified man jewelry? C'mon! And seriously, what is the difference between a gen and a rep? The design? Nope. The actual movement? Come on, who cares?! You are talking about the lost connection to the watch making? You are absolutely right. But that connection was lost by the Swiss companies as well, mass-producing the same designs with standard off-the-shelf movements and selling guys like us an illusion of craftsmanship and tradition, which in reality are swallowed by a cleaver, but faceless marketing machine. Connection to the watch making you say? Try finding a watch smith in your area. If it's not a 80 year old dude who takes care of watch once a month and switching batteries on DKNY pieces of cr@p, I'll cut my arm off. The modern "watchmakers" are no more than a simple paycheck workers for huge money making machines, who's connection to art or craftsmanship is lost forever. What's the difference between them and some sweetshop chinese guy in Xian? The shiny white costume they wear to work? I love watches. So next time I feel like spending some green on a beautiful man toy worth 10000 I'll email Andrew or Josh and get it for 358 + shipping and spend the rest of my hard earned cash on buying my kids a freaken truck of books and take them to a vacation in the freaken Amazon (not the dot-com), so they could see birds and an occasional jaguar, and not think it was a car. Edit: /rant's over
  22. Oh dear....
  23. If you indeed purchased from Josh on his site, no way were you taken. Verify the url and sit back and relax, he will contact you in a couple of days. Remember you are not buying from Amazon
  24. Gen IWC 501901. Very nice.
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