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Everything posted by Adeodatus

  1. Oh man, not that again. Please guys I beg you to stay on topic! We are seconds away form Andy or Stephane shutting down this wonderful thread. Phoband and Wetwork had their differences but I'm 100% sure they will work it out later and I personally value both of them as part of this community. There is no need to add fire to fire. I'm sure Pho and Wet will work it out over PM after both of them calm down. Sure, some unnecessary name-calling and general bashing took place but is it worth shutting this thread down?! This thread is one of the best reads here on RWG and THE best walk through into the rep world for any noob and invaluable source of information on POs, dealers and the purchasing process. Please, guys lets keep it open for everyine to enjoy. Pretty please, with sugar on top!
  2. You're most welcome, and if I haven't said it before: welcome to RWG.I think you'll find your stay here quite enjoyable. I know I do.
  3. Thanks guys, I was actually a bit worried. I really wanted an accurate rep in this watch, and although I know there are issues like the pearl , the crown and others, the are minor compared to a wrong dial color. PS vandal, I can't believe myself saying it, but your DSSD makes me want a Rolex, exactly the watch I swore not to buy. The watch is amazing. Hope you'll post your PO's mouth watering pics soon .
  4. Honest opinion? If you love the strap - buy it. It doesn't really matter if it's gen or not, it's just a strap, not a watch. Personally I have no idea if it's a gen, I'd say not. But if I was looking for a BP strap I'd certainly consider it. Looks great, extremely manly and the wear adds that much character to it. I like it.
  5. This is my favorite for evenings: http://www.gucci.com/us/styles/123606999990099# For work I wear Chanel Aloure Homme or Prada
  6. I actually agree with WetWork here What about it Wet?
  7. I'm trying, man... So basically besides the red numerals this is the same watch as white? Is this colors issue noticeable? maybe I should chage to white numerals, although I must say the red ones add something a bit funky to the watch By the way, I love this thread, I hope the mods won't shut it down. Too much good information here for it to be closed and sent into the abyss, plus I have a secret desire to make it longest thread in the Omega forum
  8. I have an honest question ON TOPIC. I've purchased the black PO 42, but now I see it has red numerals instead of white. Would someone kindly explain me what's the difference between the two? Cosmetics?
  9. A quick pic from my vacation:
  10. BOT: Vandal - we demand a triptych photo of la familia! Show us some sugar.
  11. Oh dear... C'mon guys, it's not focken worth it. Can't say I don not enjoy this 'lil fight of yours(hehe), my dearest Wet and Pho, but seriously, it's toy fake watches we are talking about. Not worth any of you get angry or uncomfortable in any way over them.
  12. Absolutely fantastic. This is a must read for every PO owner.
  13. Black 42 from Josh. Never fancied the orange one and the pearl on 42 one is better.
  14. ...and we are still waiting for vandal's PO to be reviewed... Seriously, though, I love this thread. It has everything I like about RWG, useful info, some laughs, an occasional bashing, and great discussions. Plus it the fist time I see the whole proccess in one place: from decision to purchase to customs to receiving. This thread is what made me buy my PO and meet some pretty cool people along the way.
  15. This topic just made me a bit sad. Look, I don't mean to be judgemental, but cutting a 100 year old genuine artifact to decorate a fake toy watch made in china is too cynical for me
  16. Why do you need to cut it? I'm really asking. What's the purpose if it? For the leather they were made of? look maybe they were made in millions, maybe they are insignificant to you, and maybe I'm too sentimental, but I always imagine that guy, who held them dearly in winters, oiled them repeatedly, not because it was some cr appy fasion accessory, but because a good oiled pouch could save his life. When I look at such items I always wonder what kind of joys and horrors these objects had seen. Was it with some guy who opened the gates of Oswenzim, who stormed the streets of Berlin, a grandfather of someone killed in the middle of nowhere in France or was it stored an waited to be called for action but never was? I don't know... There is something magical about these simple items, something that is just beyond their market price value in dollars, beyond the material they were made of. A strap is just a piece of fasion accessory and you can always buy a new one and make it your own. The pouch, once cut, is lost forever.
  17. Sums us up pretty much. Anal OCD insomniac. Yep, that's me alright.
  18. wrong on so many levels... I don't get it... Aren't there enough good, quality straps out there?
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