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Posts posted by crezo

  1. Just a heads up, finally received QCs from Angus today so looks like the wait is over. On the same day I also finally received word that my 212 that I sent back to mirrorbrands@gmail.com for repair is on way back... After a 2 month wait thinking it had disappeared in the Chinese post for ever! Best Friday ever ;)

    I've learnt my lesson that sometimes you REALLY have to learn to be patient in when it comes to reps, which is really not my strong point. It seems that sending ridiculous amounts of emails might work to get answers quickly, at least if you keep them friendly they will give you your answers just to get shot of you. Definitely a better route to go down rather than starting disputes and getting people's businesses shut down. Everyone's gotta eat ;)

  2. I was thinking of going Swiss too, but everywhere seems to be out if stock. A lot of people recomend sticking with the Asian, as they seem to be very reliable compared to most other one movement, then if they die do a swap then.

    You can pick up a good ETA from a reputable dealer that hasn't been played with (ie straight from eta) for around £100 so would be better to wait till if you need it and swap it over then, at least from what I've learnt ;) that's my plan anyway!!

    Got a response back from Anguses people today saying delay will be just over a week due to the recent crackdown for QC picks.

  3. Nice one, good luck and hope you enjoy It!!

    I just ordered a 111n my self from a TD I learnt about on here after getting a beautiful 1950 fly back from a non recommended dealer and it Having screws fall out in the movement and die after 2 days... A month later and apparently he still hasn't recieved it back for repair, so I guess that's $300 gone!

    Good to hear all the great feedback and contact from TDs so hopefully we. An all get some decent watches ;)

  4. It's a real shame they are moving the entire operation out of Italy and its heritage. I read an interview with the CEO from just a few years ago and he stated how important it was to keep some of te design and manufacture in Italy as the heritage and roots of the brand are one of the key aspects that appeal to their customers.

    I guess saving money and making more profit is more important now, shame really! I guess well all jut have to stick to the rich Chinese heritage of our pamies ;)

  5. Hi, I'm about to order a pam111 noob from pure time, but have a question about the movement that I'm hoping someone can shed some light on for me.

    For an extra £90 there is a version with an ETA 4697-1 which at first seems like a good option to get a watch that will be more reliable and last more than a few years.

    However doing some research I've read a couple of notes that the etas have been mixed up with some Chinese parts to give the panerai look, and so may not be reliable as first thought. Also I've read that the Asian unitas versions have actually been simplified somewhat to make them MORE sturdy and reliable than the older ETAs... So in short I'm a little confused as to what the best option would be.

    Can anyone shed some light on the best choice here who knows a little more than me;) swiss over Chinese seemed a pretty obvious choice, but I'm not so sure now.

  6. Superbly done review!! Thanks for thehardwork and time.

    The noob case and dial looks so much better, but the h factory movement looks way better with larger front jewels etc. Tricky decision!

    I still find it really odd that with that much attention to detail they still cantmake the damn things waterproof, especially when you can pick up some cheap peice of crap for $20 that you can wear swimming.

    That's the only issue I have holding me off getting one, is it possible to take it somewhere to get them properly waterproofed, so at least if you forget to take it off when doing the washing upyou haven't just ruined $300!?

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