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About ajminla

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    Los Angeles

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  1. I just received the new AP 15400 from Joshua. The QC pictures showed a good watch and the bracelet was properly separated at a lug (unscrewed pin). When I opened the box my excitement quickly turned into despair as I noticed that whoever shipped the watch removed a compression pin on the clasp rather than a lug. Who knows if the fix is just a pin and how long it will take Joshua to source one and then mail it to me in the USA. Looks like I will be waiting several weeks. A real bummer. This really adds a new dimension to what can go wrong with a purchase. Buyers beware! Make sure the shipper removes the right pin!!
  2. Unfortunately my watch's bracelet had a problem and broke in a half day. I would be very careful when opening the clasp. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  3. What do you guys think ? Looks good to me.
  4. Just ordered one with the Asian movement. I hope I won't regret passing on the ETA movement. But $150 was a big cost differential. Andrew in LA
  5. Any new developments on this model? Andrew
  6. Portifino is a nice replica.
  7. I have an AP ROO. Great watch. Also wear the AP Diver which is routinely commented on because of the APBand horn back croc band on it. I have closely examined the gen and the replica is remarkably accurate but for the blue tint over the cyclops but that's only under certain lighting conditions.
  8. Strange, I bought one a while ago from Puretime and my bezel has a luminous insert at the noon position. Otherwise, it looks identical. Andrew
  9. I need to re-paint the triangle as I got a little messy with the glue and when I tried to clean it up I took off some of the paint. Does anyone have any thoughts here? Wish I had steadier hands!
  10. UPDATE: Another night of sanding (I have to pace myself because of the finger abrasions) and I'm almost there. I'll try to do some more tonight. I'm now using 100 grade wet or dry (black) sand paper. It's doing a nice job of taking the skin off the tip of my fingers! Here's my question - is the pearl on the original bezel to the Ultimate V5 DSSD spot on? I "personally" like it better than what came with the replacement bezel - which is more white and less translucent than the other pearl. Any thoughts?
  11. Quick update on my efforts to swap out the Ultimate insert with the new Joshua corrected insert. I first removed the pearl on the Ultimate insert by heating it up which loosened it to where I could use my finger nail to pull it off. I then used the pointed end of a watch band tool inserted in the pearl hole to lift up the insert. I also heated up the insert with a hair dryer. (It is held in place quite well with 2 sided tape along the outer most bottom edge of insert. I then used a razor blade around the inner edge (near crystal) to pry up the insert. It took a lot of effort. Unfortunately the insert cracked at the spot for the pearl but that didn't bother me as I'm replacing it. I then removed the pearl on the replacement insert as I liked the one on the original Ultimate one better - it appears more authentic while the one on the Josh insert seems too white and looks fake to me. I popped it out from the back. You just stick a toothpick or pointy end of watch band tool into the hole underneath the pearl and push. It takes effort - it was definitely well glued in. I recommend applying a little acetone by the hole to dissolve the glue. But be careful and use it sparingly to avoid it seeping through to the other side and damaging the paint. I used a Q-tip and just swiped the back with acetone (also used it to clean the bezel before gluing in the new insert.) FYI - the paint underneath the pearl may also come up but it doesn't matter as you can't see it when you place back the pearl. I tried to avoid this but it still happened. Now the tedious part - sanding down the insert. I started with the black wet/dry sandpaper I had at the house. Started with 400 but that did not seem to do much so I switched to 320 and finally to 220. After around a half hour of working on the insert I got it to fit flush with the bezel edge (it is initially higher). I started to get impatient so I decided to put the insert aside and look for a better type of sand paper tomorrow to speed up the process. I also noticed a little rocking in the bezel even before I started. There is a little difference between the replacement insert and the Ultimate insert. The Ultimate insert is thin and has no outer ridge on the underside. The replacement insert has an outer ridge and that's what needs to be sanded down for the right fit. I plan to use crazy glue for the pearl and Wurth (Germany) rubber cement to secure the insert to the bezel. I figure if its good enough for my Porsche it should work fine on the insert. I'll post an update once I get the insert to fit right.
  12. I just got the ceramic insert. It needs a slight polish as the finish is a little dull right out of the bag. I will try to mod it later this week. I assume you don't have to remove the bezel to do any of this - just extract the insert? I'm going to use blow dryer to heat up the ceramic insert / glue and hopefully that will work with minimal prying. I'm worried about bending the edge of the bezel as I try to remove the insert. Any suggestions before I start this project?
  13. Thanks for the follow-up. Quick Newbie tech question - can you give some guidance on how to remove the insert and re-install it. Lastly, what type grit of sand paper do you recommend using. Thanks, Andrew
  14. Can't believe how fast the watch came - especially with New Years Day in the way. Anyway, I got the Ultimate V5 and all is very very good. Its been a while since I got such a trouble free no issues watch. QC, build and lum is excellent. Running very accurately with ETA movement. Andrew
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