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Everything posted by jmv831

  1. I'm on the same boat. I was thinking of puretimes 1680 and sending it out to get modded. Anyone can chime in on the puretimes 1680 quality? Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
  2. i just had it sized and to be honest this watch is growing on me. got some compliments while i was drinking coffee at starbucks. im in love with the Rolex Sub but this watch will be a competitor for me. The size doesn't bother me at all specially now its been sized. it feels really solid and on the heavy side a tad heavier than my Tag Aquaracer 500m. The lume on this is amazing it stands out and shows right away on low shaded areas. I will be keeping this for a long time. Here's a comparison with my Tag Heuer Aquaracer 500m
  3. I just back from Hasselbeins Jewelry in Carmel CA an AD of Rolex and Omega. I alway bring stuff there for authenticity check just to make sure. The pawnshop owner guarantees that this is a gen watch and I trust him. Bought a lot of stuff from him. Yeah we have a good relationship. I'm just stoked with this purchase and I decided I'm keeping it. This will be my Christmas gift to myself! She's a keeper! Here she is. Took pics with my iPhone 5 the best I could. Enjoy! Payment made earlier. My small wrist shot
  4. Just got it right now I'm sooo Stoked! 1500 bucks I will post pics ASAP
  5. you should try a rounded file that will fit the hole. slowly filing till you get the perfect snug size to fil the pearl. i did the same with my ultimate sea dweller and used a jewelers glue called G-S hypo cement
  6. i will thanks..been saving fo a 16800 Sub theres one here at my local AD that i put on lay away.its in mint condition all original with a matte dial. one owner complete with papers
  7. Ok I was gonna pay for it yesterday but the owner won't budge in 1500 out the door. he saw that I was so eager to buy the watch. So I left. Imma come back tomorrow (Monday) and see if he will consider my offer again if not ill still get it for 1500 since I can easily make a grand off it. If ever this will be my third gen watch bought that i made good profits and will be able to flip it easy for my ultimate target watch.
  8. So this is a winner for 1200 USD?
  9. Huy guys. My friend works for a local pawnshop here near where I live and he's been giving me insides when he has nice watches coming up for sale. He's offering me this Omega Seamaster Planet ocean. Now I've just seen this few minutes ago and took a quick picture while his boss wasn't around. This watch is the real deal but its huge. Too big for my tiny wrist. Now I was thinking of flipping it. Only thin is it has no papers. My question is what model is this and what's the selling price on this if I was to sell it on eBay? Thanks
  10. K guys as promised after cleaning the watch and a lil polish here she is. What a beauty! Wrist shots
  11. Nice watch. I read the BK WM9 are hard to find nowadays. Prices for it has gone up. Saw one on repgeek go as high as 1K.
  12. I spent the whole afternoon reading about the watch yesterday and goin to different forums specially at Rolex Forums. They do hold a good value and with the right collector and condition of the watch they go as high as 3K. I called my local Rolex AD here in Carmel CA and they will still service the watch. They told me they are only one of the few who services vintage Rolex because that's their stores main expertise and that's what they sell. Some Rolex AD will not service vintage rolex. The full service will cost 390 USD on this. So I went to check out the watch lastnight and talk to my friend about it...bla bla bla my typical strategy..about servicing the watch and told him that its hard to find a AD who would service it. That's since it's been sitting for years gotta have to service it. To cut the story short he asked me how much id paid for the watch. And I'm like...ummm half? How bout 700 bucks. Then he answer "deal.. it yours!" I'm like no freakin way... So I checked it out gave it a shake winded it and adjusted the time. The sweep is smooth. Just like I read on rolex forums the date change is slow not instant like new calibers. The bracelet is tight a lil scratchy but can be polished. I took off the bracelets to check the ref # and Sn it's there. It's a 5700 and serial of mid 6million makin it 1980 so it's not 40 yrs old. That's fine. 32 yrs is stil vintage. So that's my story my first Genuine Rolex for 700 bucks. I will take pictures of this beautiful vintage and post it later today. Thanks
  13. I have a old friend really old who's selling his vintage rolex watch. It's an Air King Date. Just wanted to see you guys expertise as far as getting it restored to the fullest. He says its about 40 yrs old. He bought it used 15 yrs ago for 1500 and he just wants his investment back. and says that it just sat in the safe most if the time. I did some research online and the date version is the one that's rare and hard to find. Any one can shed some light as to how much the watch is worth how much should i offer him. cost in restore the case and bracelets. I plan to buy for myself since its a 40yr old watch and I'm turning 40yrs old soon. Pics attached. Thanks
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROLEX-SEADWELLER-DIVERS-EXTENSION-Leather-Tool-Kit-Case-100-25-34-/221165648676?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337e7ffb24 compared to all ive searched online. like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROLEX-DIVER-LINK-EXTENSION-PER-SEA-DWELLER-NEW-WITH-BOX-/230868977782?pt=Orologi_da_Polso&hash=item35c0dd0876 and this http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROLEX-DIVER-LINK-EXTENSION-PER-SEA-DWELLER-NEW-WITH-BOX-/230868977782?pt=Orologi_da_Polso&hash=item35c0dd0876 was just browsing fleabay and saw the divers extension. i was planning to put it on my TC Seadweller Bracelet since the one i bought was a lil tight giving me a hard time to release. i think its another lucky buy for me. just wanted you guys opinion on it.
  15. i think is 18K plated. im watching one right now and its already up 160 bucks 9hrs to go. OBTW i sold the tudor watch here on my local Craigslist for 1500 bucks and kept the anchor. Im raising funds to get a Gen full size Tudor Sub or Rollie Sub
  16. yeah...i was looking online on the anchor prices. they go pretty crazy on ebay. do they really go as high as a 1000 bucks? thats pretty insane.
  17. ok guys so i bought it for 600 bucks came with a vintage red rolex box and a genuine vintage rolex gold anchor marked 300/1000. im sure this was a good buy. im giving it to wife as a christmas present.
  18. yes pretty much he told me he was basing his pricing from ebay. but like you guys have said i told him the full size sub has more value than the smaller ones. i offered him 600 for it. looks like hes goin for it. it comes with a red vintage rolex box . i figured the box set is already worth atleast 150 bucks and i can keep and use the watch as a daily beater.
  19. thanks for all the suggestions guys. with your help i decided to pass on it. ill save my money for something else. does any body know if tudor came out with 3035 or 3135 movement?
  20. 36mm is kinda small, however if I can get it for a very low price it would be a good investment. Maybe resell it make a couple hundred bux? Just wanted to see what it's worth. I've also read that they are becoming rare and collectible.
  21. Just found out its a 75090 model. What would be the current value of the watch? If I offered 1500 is it a fair offer?
  22. Hi guys! I wanted to ask the experts I'm doin a research on a Tudor prince sub like the pics attached. Do you guys know the exact model and yr this came out? A friend is selling this to me and wanted to ask you guys opinion if I'm getting a good deal for it. He's asking 2100USD for it. Is that a good price or how much is a fair offer?
  23. ill bring it to my local Rolex Dealer and ask the watchsmith to authenticate. but IMHO its a gen. ive looked around online for pics and even on fleabay where they have a few used ones for sale the close up pics looks the same as gen. ive also compared it to my clarks insert. do they really go upto 200 bucks used? all i need now is a TC Type II Sub to complete it.
  24. so i was just browsing fleabay for a submariner while at work I stumbled upon a submariner insert. been watching it for 3days and no bids. lookin at the pics it was a lil blurry but oh well i decided on the last 30 seconds to place a bid and i won ( for a very cheap price ) im like ok for this price i have few bucks to loose but its ok. upon check out i sent a message to the seller asking "oh by the way is this insert genuine rolex?" when he sent me the tracking number he replies "yes its a genuine Rolex insert from my submariner". Im like no eFFen way! so the package comes in today. on my mind i think the seller was just pulling my leg. it was well packed and came in a case and a Rolex envelope. so i started to get a lil excited and im like F this! if this is a Gen Insert for the amount i paid i Scored. the insert was a lil dusty front and back. i cleaned it and Look and behold! Before Cleaning and actual auction pics After Cleaning the Insert Im no expert and Im just a newbie but looking at this pictures and actual comparison to the Clark insert that i have. i think this is a Genuine Sub Insert. The pearl is in great condition. What do you guys think?
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