The cartel-dealers figured out a way to work together with the factory to fix prices. They buddy up with the factory owner, he only sells to them (other dealers said they cant get the watch, or no large quantities) and they can charge whatever they want. Maybe other dealers have to pay high prices for the watch but the cartel dealers dont? Who knows!
Thats the problem when you let people like Josh grow. They used to sell only a few watches, now they have their own damn webshop with CC processor (like bestswiss and idealwatches). With more sales comes more buying power. Thats when they started to partner up to have even greater buying power. They can probably afford to buy 500 pieces of one single watch at once (what other dealers cannot do, because they dont sell in such high volumes), hence the ability to fix prices.
Now the difference lies in the DEALER. Jay&Angel have buying power too. What they do is pass those low prices onto the customer. Josh and Andrew on the other hand are starting to do the same thing bestswiss does and use their power to cutoff supplie for other dealers or make watches expensive for them. That is why I boycot them. I used to buy a lot of watches from andrew and leather goods from his partner, but ever since he started his webshop thing (and the partnership/cartel with josh) I refuse to buy from him. I never liked Joshua, because he's a crook in my opinion (despite all the asskissing he does).
What I hope is, that some other chinese factory owner thinks "OMFGBBQQUACK I can get soo much for that HBB watch??" and starts to make his own HBB (happened to a few other watches before) and sells it for a bit less... That could start a price war.