I like that guys pictures, I have no knowledge about photography or whatsoever, they just appeal to me, unlike most other pictures which look (in some way) too artificial to me.
And yes Neil, your pictures do look like the ones shot for watch magazines and stuff. Impressive, but not my taste, I dont like most the pics in watch magazines either. They look like they have no "life", dont know ifyou know what I mean, but when I look at watches in magazines, I just feel that there's no soul in the watch, unlike when I see them in reality.
There's no point of arguing about art, because each has his own opinion, which is a good thing. I just thought that those 187 pics looked very very well made to me, to my eyes better than most of the stuff shown here.
But maybe it's just the watch, because as far as I remember, noone here has a gen 187