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Everything posted by fraggle42

  1. Bwaaahahahahahaaa! Classic internet argument! "I've got a degree that tells me what I'm doing it not helping the situation at all." (apologies for sidetracking this thread)
  2. Living in the UK I say the NHS is one of the best things we have going here. Yes, it's getting worse, but the new regulations behind it getting worse are trying to improve it, just the people who draft them up don't think things through properly. As to nurses and doctors being paid a low wage? Doctors / consultants are paid a damn good wage, and they put in a damn hard weeks work to earn it. Nurses get paid a reasonable wage, not good, not terrible. The problem we have is a while back they thought that adding beaurocricy would ensure the smooth running of everything, but all it did was add stumbling blocks to just about everything the staff tried to do. And in subsequent cycles they've done the same things. I think nowadays there's a reversal of this, certainly in private industry, where they've realised that doing that produces negative results, and usually when private industry realises something and does a U turn, the government and nationalised services (or government body regulated companies) follow suit a few years afterwards. Personally when I nearly died following a motorbike accident I had 4 years of inpatient and outpatient hospital care, 12 major operations, countless xrays, dozens of ambulance and patient transport rides, enough drugs to fill up a bathtub, and it didn't cost me one penny. And no one asked me to fill in any forms (apart from consent forms before the major ops, apart from the first one right after the accident when I wasn't in any state to say hello) before anything could happen. I know the UK is almost unique having the NHS completely free, but I hope to god it never, ever changes.
  3. I know these forums are not the best places to sell gens, but what about homages? For instance, Alpha watches, homage to Subs, and Getag watches, homages to Pams. Do they sell well, or just bang them on EBay and see what happens?
  4. I'm loving this 399, gorgeous.
  5. I'm not really into vintagising watches but I can certainly appreciate the work that goes into them. Seeing the gen vintage watches on here and WUS and comparing them to the artificially aged watches I haven't seen any that look 100% (which will be because I haven't been taking much notice, not that they don't exist ) I can see that it's something that could take you a lifetime to perfect, I bet you could order 500 identical dials and come up with 500 different ways of ageing them, and most of them would look horrible and a few look great. As has been mentioned, it's not something you can undo so I'd practise on an old dead watch first. And second, and third Good luck with it.
  6. Ah, I take it you think it's gone between floorboards? I've used a big magnet from the back of a loudspeaker to "sweep" an area of floor quickly, it picks up everything ferrous including screws.
  7. Blow torch and a long piece of string. The strings to tie the watch to so you can drag it behind your car for 50 miles
  8. Those are very small clips, I've not seen any hardware store sell them that small. Try eBay or google. A good idea would be to remove the one you do have and use a micrometer to measure the internal and external sizes.
  9. If I add a Ferrarri 458 to the list Mikes working on do you think he'll twig on?
  10. Infrared pickup. Three connectors, two for the power, the third for the received signal. It's so you can hide the kit out of sight in a cabinet and still be able to control it using the remote control.
  11. Thanks Pete. I use a few UK based suppliers and haven't tried this lot yet, I won't bother now.
  12. Finn, you're a moron. The OP is a scammer as can be seen by the results of his sale threads. Of course you couldn't be bothed reading the whole of this thread or the one Sgt linked too about a sale gone bad, as all you want to do is stir up sh@t. And now you're having a go at RolexMan and others. Way to go and guarantee you don't have a single friend on this forum.
  13. I was there last week and the car wash guy was wearing a sub and tried to sell it to me for $50. Looked crap!
  14. I can change a bezel easy, changing a second hand to match!! Maybe a bit much LOL I know the red second hand might not be the best match for a green bezel, I'll see what it looks like when I get the watch and find an insert
  15. This is the one I've chosen. Without the cyclops the date looks silly small, and AR can always be applied later if I feel it needs it. (the TC YM I have is great, not sure if that does not have AR but I certainly don't feel any need to get it AR coated) I've also ordered a spare bezel which I'll fit a gen LV insert too and then I'll be able to swap bezels as I fancy. Changing straps for one you fancy that day is sooooo last year
  16. If you cant wait you've got a big problem then, build time is 25 to 30 days!
  17. The red seconds hand and the inverted date wheel make it great. Tiny things that improve it vastly, got to wonder who at Rolex didn't like them? Someone must have thought of it and proposed it?
  18. I thought PP refunded you and then claimed the money back. You got the money back either way? Not much point in paying via normal PP if their protection promises mean nothing.
  19. Well you can't have mine! Bwaahahahaha!
  20. Concepta, if he doesn't reply to the PP dispute then you automatically win and they refund you. At least that's what PP UK do, happened to me a couple of times. Is this a member here called "member100"?
  21. Email sent for a Rouge with cyclops, lovely! Bravo!
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