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Everything posted by fraggle42

  1. Great news! Is the framework and front end finished?
  2. I think it's 42mm, it certainly doesn't wear as small as a 40mm watch. Not from a TD, it's from TC (Thomas), he's a member here. http://blog.tc-sub.com/2012/06/tc-factory-direct-yacht-master.html Current price is $485 IIRC with a TC 2824.
  3. Enjoy the Moto GP. I was going to be going but too busy sorting out extra security and lights now.
  4. It looks like email notification is not working properly, anyone busy will rely on this to keep them up to date with any threads, especially sales threads. It'd be helpful if we can get the problems with that system ironed out? (After sorting out forum payments of course)
  5. Do it Ben! I was worried it might wear a bit small but on the wrist it's lovely. And it's so damn thin! I have absolutely NO idea how they've managed to cram a 2824 movement into there, when other watches are half as thick again to accomplish the same thing. My only concern now is that since I know I'll be wearing it non stop for ages, I'm going to have to be extra careful and not mark it or knock it at all! Thank you Thomas, it's excellent!
  6. As I understand it the oil (which as Ben says is incredibly thin but more importantly stays exactly where you put it, and there are 3 different types of oil used in different places) is put between the jewels. What you might think is one jewel is actually two, one concave and one convex shape. The two flat sides face each other and a drop of oil is put between them. Ditto at the top and bottom of every jewelled wheel. (I think that's right, also something is telling me that the only thing that has jewels like this is the balance wheel) But simply put, no, you can't get access to where the oil needs to be without pulling the movement out and dismantling it, at least partially.
  7. Went to pick up the post from work today and one little package made me very happy:- Couldn't wait to get home and see what was inside - Christmas time! Opening the outer plastic postal envelope revealed two TC 2824 movements:- And a cardboard box:- A very clever little box, specially made to hold a watch shaped object with reinforcing cardboard square in the middle:- The box contained an airtight, sealed, foil pack:- Opening that revealed a bubble wrapped (again, heat seam sealed) foam package:- Opening that allowed me to get my first glance of the YM! Everything plastic coated, the watch mounted onto both halves of the bracelet with the clasp in a separate envelope (of course, in its own foam sandwich) Lastly a quick wristie (apologies for the poor photo quality) Love it, crown and tube thread is lovely, winding is lovely, date change is instant, bracelet and clasp are lovely. The hinge in the middle of the two parts of the clasp is a bit stiff but isn't any bother at all. Putting the clasp on is just a matter of one link screw and one pin. Something tells me this'll be a wearer for quite a while to come!
  8. Not good. I said the other day here about someone selling a watch on Craigslist that the buyer could be "relieved" of their money and watch.
  9. Seriously? Say you'll pay him $5 if he electrifies himself and lets the hamster go.
  10. Just arrived all the way from Australia! Ok, so not a watch, but they're absolutely beautiful Made by Graman (Sawdust & Ink) over at the other RWG.
  11. Thanks all. I've got a double garage and a bike garage on the side (between mine and the neightbours garage so brick on two sides, wooden doors to the front and open at the back). Thing is garage locks are the most pathetic security device known to man, bar a chocolate padlock in hell. Just fitting extra bolts to both halves of the bike garage door top and bottom and a plate over the latch. All with obvious huge security bolts going through the door to let the scrotes know it's bolted and locked all round. I'll put a back door on the bike garage too, so for the meantime the other bikes are going in the garage with car touching the front of garage door so it cannot be opened. Also got locks for bottom of the garage door both sides of both doors. And 4 security lights all round. (got three at the moment but decided to replace them with LED ones that use far less power) What makes me angry is why the hell should we have to even have a lock at all? Screw forgiveness, let me bash their brains out with one of the padlocks I've just bought and get rid of a little part of the problem. Anyway, a delivery from Australia has just brightened my day up no end! Just about to post pics of the new aquisition in the Daily thread
  12. Be VERY wary when just googling a trusted dealers website if the old one doesn't work anymore. There are a LOT of scam sites set up with names that *almost* look like the real thing and where the content of the site is a direct rip off in the hope of stealing your money. If a dealer site goes down I simply wait a week or so and either let others find the new site and verify it and post it on here, or the dealers themselves will post the link to their new site. I'd never, ever just google trying to find the new site and use whatever I thought was the right one.
  13. No idea who nicked it. Which is lucky for them as I'd happily pay friends I know to break multiple limbs. The door they broke in through has given me problems, the wood expands in winter and shrinks in summer, even though it was supposed to be kiln dried, so the gap between them gets bigger in summer and its not brilliantly secure. I think I'll get a load of angle iron, weld it into two squares and put the slightly cut down doors in them so they've got a solid frame that won't change size, can then install the new lock properly, plus bolts top and bottom.
  14. Had just sat down to dinner when there was a quite young, nice police woman ringing the doorbell. Answered it wondering "I didn't go that much over the speed limit yesterday did I?" To be told "We've found your bike, it's been dumped and burned out.". Queue me going "Uh? WTF? My bikes are here?" Followed by a check, new bike - in garage, KTM trail bike - in garage, Yamaha Tenere, missing. Balls. It's not that great a hit, it's insured, I was selling it as I've just got the new bike, and I'd removed all extras from it the previous weekend. Means I'll have to refund the chap who has bought it and argue with the insurance assessor about the bikes value, and I'll lose the excess (£550). And the insurance premium will go up for the next 5 years. Not what I need in the middle of a holiday (well, spend a week bumming around the house and friends type of holiday) Extra locks and other measures will be installed. Google "poachers alarm"...
  15. When Archi says "You'll never get your money back on these mate!" I wonder if he thinks the OP bought them for full price and Archi knows they are reps? He really, REALLY isn't going to get his money back then! LOL
  16. I was just going to say maybe a simple list that Mikes customers can add themselves to, and indicate if they've had communication or not, and if so, has everything been sorted or not. Something like this:- USER CONTACT METHOD RESPONSE RESOLVED? NAME PM / EMAIL RECEIVED Y / N A.N.Other PM Y Y - Watches posted back to me Panerai EMail N N - Email sent xx/xx/2013, awaiting answer. (sadly this forums BBCode doesn't support tables which'd make it nice and neat - ho hum)
  17. Has anyone looked at his EBay history? I don't know if that Omega PO bracelet is gen but the clasp has no details bar "Omega" on it, looks fake to me and it was sold as gen.
  18. Still in bed so haven't decided yet But it's got to be nice and slim as I'm off out on a nice bike ride down to Brighton, Portsmouth and onto Lands End.
  19. Saturdays "banging round the house, tidying everything up" watch
  20. I see that a few of the other forums have a "shop" area selling a limited selection of tools and quartz movements, etc. Having that the site would be a valid business concern, and so a company could be created for it, and as a company it would have its own bank account, etc, and be able to apply for a PP account (and obviously other transaction services) and maybe even be able to process credit card payments directly. In the UK handheld chip and pin payment machines can be hired, looking round I spotted one at £12.50 a month. And that's a physical machine, I've no doubt that an online card processing system would cost even less per month. That way the middle man is removed and we can tell PayPal and the rest to go take a hike. In the UK there are setup costs to create a limited company, and ongoing costs associated with accounting and tax returns, but so long as the business earns less than a defined amount, the tax returns don't actually need to be done (fully). You can do it yourself quite easily.
  21. One would assume that many of the other payment methods will have similar rules to the main reason PP gave for closing the accounts, the nudity. So shouldn't we be deleting all such threads? I realise its a kick in the teeth and we shouldn't have to change anything, but if the choice is no nude pics anywhere or no RWG, the choice becomes obvious.
  22. I never realised you are a spokesperson for the whole of RWG. When was the election held? I must have missed it.
  23. Did the person who mentioned "2 - 3 times a day" give all the other details you mentioned? No. I commented on what was said, which is all anyone can do. Present your facts like an adult, grow a skin, and don't go bitching at the wrong person.
  24. *boggle* A customer who is in touch 2 or 3 times a week is a customer to avoid like the plague, 2 or 3 times a DAY?!?! Get them banned from the forum!!
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