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Everything posted by fraggle42

  1. There's no way would I put them in checked hold baggage, a very good chance they'll vanish. Ask customs or another option is to post them to one of us here in the UK and have them marked as "repair returns" with a fake invoice from a watch repair place where you currently live. (Printed with a decent looking letterhead!)
  2. All credit card transactions that are done in person they ask for the card to check the signature against the signature on the CC receipt that they send to the clearing house. So if the transaction has been done online or by chip and pin there is no need (and no point) in seeing the signature. If its an online CC transaction I wouldn't send them a picture of the signature, but a picture proving that the card is a genuine one (front of card with part of the number obscured) sounds like just a validity check by the seller.
  3. I've only got one expensive gen which is a watch I've loved ever since I saw it over 10 years ago, and my feelings towards the watch hadn't changed when I had the opportunity to buy one a few months back, so i did. Breitling Aerospace. No reps exist (well, only very, very crap ones exist) so the choice was easy for me. But I wouldn't just buy a watch because you want something expensive and an investment, otherwise it'll just sit in the drawer. Might as well buy a lump of gold or a rough cut diamond or similar. Get something you love and will wear regularly. The big problem I would have had at your age is my tastes were aligned with my age and have changed a lot over the years. What you think is great now may seem brash and naff in 10 years time. But once you have the gen, you can px it for another one in 10 years time, if you don't buy one and save the money it will find ways of spending itself!
  4. Very nice. Like others I keep on pondering the "best sub" question
  5. Most adults would recognise they were being needled and the mature thing to do is not rise to the bait, or respond to it in an adult manner. I don't consider swearing to be the usual response of an intelligent adult, do you? I know we all do it from time to time, but from your first response the only impression I can take from it is that its your usual mode of reply if you disagree with what someone has said to you (or maybe how it's been said) I hope that's the wrong impression though? What was wrong with saying something like "Thanks, but I have done a bit of searching and this is what I've found (list X, Y and Z), but I can't find any info on A, B and C?" Proves you can rise above the jibe, saves your blood pressure getting annoyed at anyone and will make the original responder look a little bit of a lemon for jumping the gun. Life's too short to get annoyed and have arguments left, right and centre. Anyway, my Breitling rep I got from Joshua and its good apart from the crown / tube threads being dodgy, it only screws in about half a turn from when I got it.
  6. As far as I'm concerned if someone can't keep a civil tongue in their head, especially when asking for help, they don't deserve help. I bet that in your job in law enforcement if someone tells you to STFU you don't like it and would consider it an unreasonable response.
  7. Toro is fine. It might take quite.a few weeks to get the watch if its not in stock (so paying for a quick fed ex service was a waste of time unfortunately - should always ask first), but you'll be ok and will have learned the patience of a Jedi knight
  8. China airmail tracking is pretty hopeless. I've had things stay in the transit stage for ages and they've still said that when I received the watch.
  9. iPhone 4S, and the current iOS available from apples site is 6.1.4 (6.1.3 for pre iPhone 5 devices) I suppose if I could find iOS 6.1.2 I may be able to let evasi0n to hack and install that but haven't looked into it? I'm not sure though as I haven't installed it so don't have any blobs saved.
  10. Fine grit sandpaper removes smudges and any AR. It does add huge scratches and a lovely frosted effect to the crystal, but you can't have everything! (This Is a JOKE by the way! )
  11. Ok, I'll take one. Size 135/85 with buckle and the RWG logo and serial no punched into the outside of the strap please. If we can have a choice can you make my serial number 13 please? Nothing to do with luck, just a personal significance. I'm on holiday at the mo with limited Internet access, but please do PM me payment details and I'll sort it out somehow.
  12. After saying its brilliant, it still is great on the iPad but I can't even compose a message on the iPhone without it crashing Aww crap. Just realised that I had to install TT 1 as TT 2 needs IOs 6, and I'm not upgrading until I know it can be jailbroken properly.
  13. On hols in France, could only bring 4 watches with me, and wore the Aerospace on the way over.
  14. You think he's the only one? You've got many gens, have been another forum member for years and still don't know how to search for answers to the most common questions? Get off your lazy backside and do some searching, no one hear will give you everything on a silver platter.
  15. You have to remember that trusted dealer really only refers to one person, the main dealer. They employ helpers who just want to get paid, aren't paid much, and i get the distinct impression they don't really care. There are exceptions of course, but not many. My simple rule is to trust the QC pictures and the proof of after sales service. Everything else, take with a pinch of salt.
  16. Just got version 2 as well. It rocks! Nice interface, its even quicker to switch between groups, hasn't crashed at all so far (which was my major gripe with TapaTalk HD). Well worth it. It still. Has the annoying problem in that when people post links to other threads, sometimes (although not often) it detects its a link to the forum you're reading and it works properly, but most of the time it opens a web browser which complains you're not logged in and refuses to show the thread.
  17. If you're in the UK check out eBay seller nickb321, that's where I got mine from and delivery took 1 day. Looking at his other stuff he does boxes, winders, travel boxes, straps, pen boxes, humidors, all sorts of stuff.
  18. Ah, my reply here was one of the ones lost. Love the straps but can you do one with RWG on the outside? I can't see the point of hiding it on the inside where no one can see it (or is everyone ashamed of being an RWG member?) And would it be possible to also get RWG etched onto a chrome buckle? (Pwetty please!)
  19. Big thanks for your efforts in getting the site back up and running, a dead RAID array is really no fun at all. Been there, done that. (Of course, at the blasted weekend) I thought RWG had been DDOSed off the face of the web, thought I'd never talk to any of you again!
  20. It's fine. Black dial in a black window in a picture taken with a ring flash sent in a compressed jpg format picture. It's not crooked and you can see the whole of both digits. Get it and enjoy it!
  21. I'm keeping an eye out for your EBay sales mister!!!
  22. That sucks I didn't notice him being banned, stupid as he's been a member for 5 years. I'd tell PayPal that the problem has been resolved with a mutually acceptable solution by both parties and take a screen shot of him saying he's accepted the 50% refund (blanking out the forum name obviously) and email that to PayPal. Also unlink your PP from your bank account and whip any funds out of it (or spend em!!) Good luck.
  23. Thinking about the upgrades, what exactly are the problems or shortcomings with the current forum software? And the same question but regarding the layout and operation? I haven't noticed any bugs / problems with the forum software per-se. Using it via TapaTalk works most of the time, and any problems come from TapaTalk, not the forum software. If an upgrade of the forum software will add new features whilst not breaking or changing it as it is now that might be a good idea, depending on what those features are and if they're desirable. I can't see any point in changing the layout, it seems nearly all users prefer it to the other, more cluttered, places. Maybe adding new features? Off the top of my head what about adding a wiki section where we can add content such as movement details (name, models, known problems, known tips and workarounds, service guides, photo library, photo service guides), watch manufacturer history and details, watch ranges, gen ranges with details and images, reps of gens, inc reviews and photos and teardowns if available, etc, etc. There's so much information in here and out there that if it can be gathered together, properly organised and put into a wiki it would be a fabulous resource for everyone. Of course if it was me organising the back end I'd make damned sure external links were only able to link to the front landing page, and web spiders were disabled from crawling the wiki to stop any other forums from nicking it. Also what about going through the posts that already exist in the forums and re-arranging them? I think if we concentrated on gathering reviews together and also on gathering service / repair hints, tips and guides together that would also be useful. I know there are some existing areas that overlap with these one's I've suggested, but as with everything things get posted to the wrong forum (general, or newcomers or reviews in TDs feedback rather than manufacturer forums, etc, etc) and it could be "tidied up" as it were to make it more useful.
  24. Thank you and Mike, another school day for me I was wondering what wood work would need that many chisels - or perhaps he really, REALLY hates sharpening them
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